just for you, eilan...

OK, let's try this:

We can do this the nice way (note the smile on her face)



We can do it the hard way (note photo is of a male)


So what'll it be boys? :catroar:
It's called The Humbler:


And that's just for openers! Just let me know when you're ready to cry, scream uncle.
ah cate...but how do you know that isn't what we're after here... :>

:nana: :nana: :nana:
:nana: :nana: :nana:
:nana: :nana: :nana:

is it just rudeness or very clever topping from the bottom? :D

Cathleen said:
It's called The Humbler:


And that's just for openers! Just let me know when you're ready to cry, scream uncle.

My dear Mistress Cate,

My bits don't dangle. :p

:nana: :nana: :nana:
emptynester said:


Just when I think I am beginning to understand....????

Sorry, EN, you're now being sucked into the Lit Twilight Zone. Resistance is futile... :D

bobsgirl said:
Sorry, EN, you're now being sucked into the Lit Twilight Zone. Resistance is futile... :D


I think I get it now!

You all are "The LIT Collective"; the superior beings moving without conscious to assimilate the LIT crew and implant us with biometric devices designed to facilitate the needs of "The LIT Collective".

I am "prepared to be assimilated". All you had to do was ask! :D

Oh wait, my mistake! That is Star Trek not Twilight Zone.

Back to the dictionary.
silverwhisper said:
ah cate...but how do you know that isn't what we're after here... :>

:nana: :nana: :nana:
:nana: :nana: :nana:

is it just rudeness or very clever topping from the bottom? :D

Hmmm, does this speak to you in any fashion? Any at all? :catroar:

Quoll said:
Misstress Cate you're a hard women.

OMG Q, here I was saying oh those red X weren't anything to fight about but this... THIS oh Qman, that alteration is the line in the sand my friend! Fair warning and the rest of you only have that stupid nana to work with -- boohoo.
Cathleen, it appears you have been visiting the kinkier side of the virtual street. How come you didn't invite me? :p
I'm not so fond of the dancing nana myself, but I do enjoy the occasional bit of smiley fun.

And so...


OMFG I can't stop laughing..

The one behind her with the sign.... OMFG thats the funniest thing I've ever seen

:nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: