Just for you, MG...

Now you've gone and done it, Rumple. Time to get out the Scottish Sheepherder's Album.

Ewie Wi' The Crookit Horn

Oh, the yowie wi' the crookit horn
A' that kenned her could hae sworn
That sic a yowie ne'er was born
Here aboot or far awa'

But wad ye think for a' my keepin'
There came a nicken fen I was sleepin'
There came a nicken when I was sleepin'
And stole my yowie, horn an' a'

Oh, gin I had the lad that did it
I haw sworn as weel as said it
Though the de'il himsel' they should forbid it
I would gie his neck a thraw

She'd neither not carf nor keel
To mark upon her hip or heel
Her crookit horn it did as weel
To ken her o'er amang them a'

The yowie wi' the crookit horn
The yowie wi' the crookit horn
My ewie wi' the crookit horn
Is ta'en frae me and sto'n awa'

Cauld nor hunger never dang her,
Wind nor weet could never wrang her;
Ance she lay a week and langer
Out aneath a wreath o' snaw

I looked aye at even for her,
Lest mishanter should come o'er her.
Or the foumart might devour her,
Gin the beastie bade awa.

Yet, Monday last, for a' my keeping,
I canna speak o't without greeting,
A villain came when I was sleeping,
And staw my ewie, horn and a'.

I sought her sair upon the morn,
And down 'aneath a buss o' thorn
I got my ewie's crooked horn,
But ah! my ewie was awa'.

But gin I had the loon that did it,
I hae sworn as well as said it,
Though the Laird himsel' forbid it,
I wad gie his neck a thraw.

O! had she dee'd o' crook or cauld,
As ewies do when they are auld,
It wadna been by mony fauld
Sae sair a heart to nane o's a'.

For a' the claith that we hae worn,
Frae her and her's sae aften shorn,
The loss o' her we could hae borne,
Had fair strae death ta'en her awa'.
I was about to post something witty about how this thread had gone down the drain. But then I remembered how it started.

So please, go on. :)

/Ice - cute as a mutton

MathGirl said:
Dear Z,
That's horrible! I can't tell what it's about, but I know horrible when I see it.

Dear MG sounds pretty gross to me too, Ughh!!

Mary had a little Lamb, it was full of fun and Frolic's, it tried to jump a 5 bar gate and severly scraped it's B.......sorry, front feet.
MathGirl said:
Dear Svenska,
Good grief! Have you no shame?
Ps. Please disregard the above. That was a stupid question.

No, I am NOT ashamed of my big-dick-fetish. *sticks nose in air*
I Give Up, Zack!

To what setting do I adjust Babelfish,
to get that poem translated into English? :confused:
Seems clear as a bell to me .....

A tragic tale of a man mourning the loss of his beloved sheep.

(It helps if you have a drunken Scotsman read it aloud.)

Svenskaflicka said:
No, I am NOT ashamed of my big-dick-fetish. *sticks nose in air*

I know a guy called Richard who's quite tall love:D

Seattle Zack said:
Seems clear as a bell to me .....

A tragic tale of a man mourning the loss of his beloved sheep.

(It helps if you have a drunken Scotsman read it aloud.)

A bent female sheep at that:D Now where's McTavish got to.
Re: Hmmmmmm

pop_54 said:
I know a guy called Richard who's quite tall love:D

You're not talking about old Biggus Dickus, are you? Coz I know for a fact that he's married to Incontinentia...:D