Just One of Those Days...

Since I moved into my apartment on Sunday, each day has sucked a little bit more. My car has been lost in the mail (not really, but it's going to be about 8 more days before it will be here... it hasn't left yet). My household items will not be arriving for about another week as well. I have no phone yet, or the cable hookup. I called to order them and am still waiting patiently. At least the cable will be hooked up this Saturday. What's sad, is that I'm looking forward to waiting for the cable guy to show up somewhere in the four hour range that I've got for when they'll be out for that. I have pretty much nothing to do except escape to the library every so often and get on the internet. I started working, but that only takes up about 9 hours of my day, including travel time. I'm just ready to hurt the next person that calls me about my things moving to tell me it will be delayed even longer. I've been waiting two weeks now, and it will probably be at least one more before I get anything. This is absolutely ridiculous, let me tell you.
Willing and Unsure said:
I have pretty much nothing to do except escape to the library every so often and get on the internet.

sounds like you have more than your fair share of hardship there, W&U. sorry to hear about all the drama. the cable'll be a great relief, i know. just don't even CONSIDER running into the bathroom or anything during that window of time. he'll knock lightly and run away with speed unknown.

are you able to get to lit from your library? just wondering 'cause ours would have patrons shot for even THINKING about porn... lol... but we're so puritanical out here with the rednecks.
EJFan said:
are you able to get to lit from your library? just wondering 'cause ours would have patrons shot for even THINKING about porn... lol... but we're so puritanical out here with the rednecks.
We're just a little more civilized here, EJ. Here's the "Intellectual Freedom Policy" of the largest system in the state. Basically, they feel it's a parent's right and duty to censor, which is the way it should be, IMO.

Sorry to hear about the mishaps, W&U! :rose:
SweetErika said:
We're just a little more civilized here, EJ. Here's the "Intellectual Freedom Policy" of the largest system in the state. Basically, they feel it's a parent's right and duty to censor, which is the way it should be, IMO.

i agree with you, SE... it's an interesting dynamic here. the parents are inept, but want total control... until control is required and then they want someone else to do it... until they do it and then they want control out of other people's hands.

it's kinda like forcefeeding someone until they starve to death. :confused:
EJFan said:
i agree with you, SE... it's an interesting dynamic here. the parents are inept, but want total control... until control is required and then they want someone else to do it... until they do it and then they want control out of other people's hands.
And to continue with the slight hijack. . .

One of the libraries in my area keeps the Harry Potter books behind the desk, and kids can't check them out unless they're with an adult.

Because Harry and his friends and evil and all that.
*hugs* to everyone on their difficult days.

Yesterday one of my coworkers quit. She had a baby about 5 weeks ago and while I'm happy that she can quit and stay home to raise her daughter and while I was expecting it, I was profoundly sad. She's been my "right hand man" for nearly 3 1/2 years and really has been integral in the success of our projects together. It's been a stressful week looking for her replacement while I'm still trying to do my own job and still training a newly promoted team member. I know it will get better, but it's still been tough.
EJFan said:
sounds like you have more than your fair share of hardship there, W&U. sorry to hear about all the drama. the cable'll be a great relief, i know. just don't even CONSIDER running into the bathroom or anything during that window of time. he'll knock lightly and run away with speed unknown.

are you able to get to lit from your library? just wondering 'cause ours would have patrons shot for even THINKING about porn... lol... but we're so puritanical out here with the rednecks.

continuing the hijack...

I've definitely had my headaches, but from talking to the rental car place and the truck driver that brought me my things, I was really lucky in getting everything so quickly (my car got here this past Thursday and my things were delivered on Saturday). There have been some people stuck for several weeks without anything except a rental car, an air mattress, and no idea of when their things would be delivered. I'm just glad I wasn't one of those people.

As for the library, yes, this is where I access lit from. I refuse to stop in here at work. I kind of feel like I've got 'big brother' watching over me in some sense when I stop to read my email over my lunch, although I doubt that's really the case. I'd rather not send up any red flags there though. And it's not just that, but I am sort of sharing a computer there with the person that's training me, so I'd rather just save face and stop by the library once in awhile until I get my phone line activated and then get internet setup (should be within the next 2 weeks).

and *big hugs* for jacuzzigal. I know what it's like for a friend to kind of leave like that when you work together. It's never easy, even when you expect it.
gained a "the one that got away" story
had a repressed memory come back....during exams
graduated from one of the best universities in Canada in the spring
the house I moved into that seemed great is now the house I cant wait to leave
have now spent two and a half months looking for a job and getting nowhere

frusteration now growing on a daily basis aggravated by the fact I can now barely sleep at night and cannot sleep during the day for more than twenty minutes before housemates or the dog or the world wakes me up

1. My birthdays seem to be cursed - two years ago my dog died just before my birthday and last year my cousin died of cancer at like 35.

2. Student teaching in an inner-city is 8 weeks of pure hell in which I felt like a complete failure and was about ready to kill myself.

3. I have to stand for a wedding that my ex will be at AND her fiance...it should be interesting to see if I can withhold beating the hell out of that me-clone for the length of the ceremony... the worst part is that in a small way I still love the girl dearly (kind of a Chasing Amy thing)...

4. After passing student teaching, the state of MI is going slower than ass on getting me my paperwork so that I can apply for a job...I probably won't be able to get one before the school year starts...so I will be stuck with part-time until later in the year.

5. Being on part-time...I'm living at home with the parents... :(

6. Said parents smoke...which when I moved to college I moved away from...now I have to live with it again...

7. My entire apartment of stuff is shoved in my small bedroom at home, can't get to most of my stuff as boxes are piled on each other...

8. My summer allergies have come back in force...a plague I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemies...wellllll, maybe the me-clone...but that would be terrible nonetheless.

9. My car has like 200,000 miles on it and is starting to die, but I can't possibly afford another car for a least 6-12 months...

Well.. the list goes on...but just some of the highlights...
oxphocker said:
My birthdays seem to be cursed - two years ago my dog died just before my birthday and last year my cousin died of cancer at like 35.
Why does it seem like bad stuff happens around birthdays? My grandmother has been particularly cursed in this regard. Lots of family member/friends have died around her birthday.

And it's happened to me as well. Two family member have died within a week of my birthday. My father left my mother four days before my birthday (and oddly, my ex left me on that same day--10 years later).

It sometimes makes me really dread my birthday for reasons other than getting older.