Just wondering

Well now I feel guilty. I participated in one of the silly marathons for the first time last night. Even though I had loads of fun and would love to jump in again sometime, I realize that not everyone cares to see a bunch of people posting back and forth with a bunch of nonsense. However, I would much rather see people flirting back and forth with each other, than slamming each other with derrogatory remarks. I know that hasnt really been going on with this thread, but if you look around you will see alot of mud-slinging going on, and that errks me more than the flirting does. Only one more thing I can think to say, "opinions are like assholes, everyone has one", and that is one of the reasons I enjoy this site so much is listening to everyones opinion. Damn!! I never knew I was so long winded. haha
Gator, you were extremely funny in that thread the other night. I LMAO.

As I've spent more time on the board, I've learned not to post every silly thought I have on every thread I see. Its something I've learned as I've spent more time here. I have been very guilty at times of posting silly (useless) comments to a lot of threads, but as time has passed, and a lot of ignored comments, I try not to post inapropriate comments on more serious threads. There are times however, that the mood I'm in is very silly and that is where I'm at at the moment.

That being said and done, though, I agree that when you go from thread to thread and see the same silliness, from the same people on every thread, it becomes annoying. There have been times I have wanted to scream on my way out of the board. But that is what I do. I leave. The board seems to go in cycles. Sometimes very serious. Other times more silly with a lot of flirting.

Personally, I rarely come to the board to be extremely serious. Mostly its to be lighter and enjoy the people here. Perhaps it is just a courteousy that people need to learn. Don't post to every topic they see with the first comment that comes to their head. Some of the more serious threads deserve to stay on topic and not be riddled with every silly thought that comes to mind.

Lasher I have to say that I agree with you. I to find it amazingly annoying when you go to a thread expecting a serious topic and you find it to be free for all party. I'm not going to point fingers but there are certain people that I find instigate this problem. Don't eet me wrong though, I have nothing against flriting, I think it's great and I luv to do it. I thing what's happeningon this boarfd is that some people are sick of what is going on and all the senseless posts and e might suffer a bit of a backlash. Please don't beat me, these are just my thoughts and if you don't agree with them then I would like to see what you think.
Problem is MM, I just have to jump in with you... I go everywhere to be silly instead of whinging and bitching

da Chef
What the hell is 'Whinging', Chef?

I know, I'm being a smart ass here:D:D

But you get the drift. I"m not here to bitch and whine about everything either. I am just trying to limit my posts more to the topic, especially where the thread is something people want to discuss....But of course if its a silly thread, then.......??
I've been wondering what that is, too. Is whinging the same as whining? Or is it different? Maybe a higher or lesser degree of whining. Does anybody know?
Mea Culpa..


I don't know if I ever participated in a flirt-athon-- but I don't remember specifically doing so, because I am probably the most AWFUL person at flirting that ever lived, on or offline. (seriously. I was on break eating my lunch yesterday and a gorgeous guy asked if he could join me at my table. I stared at him blankly for almost a full minute before stuttering a response. Even if I'm the only one around it takes me ages to realize the flirtation is directed at me.)

Do you see how I started to go off-topic there with something irrelevant? I do that a HELL of a lot; something in one post will trigger a response from me that has nothing to do with anything. I just want to take this moment to apologize for that.. And to tell everyone that they have FULL rights to tell me to shut the hell up. :)
Re: Here ya go.... Lasher, Whisper

Hullo_nurse said:

Change of subject for a sec...where do you get all the cool pics? okay, back to the debate.
Don't ever change.

Dear Siren,

I for one like the things you say, so don't you dare change. Your wit is very entertaining, and I love the way you mix with all us guys. This is not a response for your last post, although I must say you have had it rough. It's just a post that's trying to tell you, you are liked by quite a few people.

Keep your chin up Gorgeous, I have enjoyed our little chats, and hope that they will flourish into a very happy friendship.

I have been smitten!

This is an interesting thread. On one hand, I can see Lasher's point about things getting silly and flirty, but on the other hand, a lot of what's good or bad about the board is simply a matter of perspective. Lasher's a friend of mine, and I thoroughly enjoy his posts, but I certainly wouldn't want everyone on the board to be as "in your face" as Lasher. By the same token, Siren can be silly, which I think is funny, but if everyone was that silly it probably wouldn't be funny anymore.

As new members come to the board, sometimes they cover ground which has already been covered. If you're here long enough, you'll see some of the same topics touched on repeatedly but by different people. I personally find it interesting to read these similar threads, as the patterns that appear give me some insight (and sometimes some laughs) about human nature. For any of us old-timers to stand back and say "What's wrong with kids these days?" about the new BB posters, without taking the time to realize that we were once "kids", seems somewhat unfair.

As any of you who've dealt with real kids know, you can tell them something over and over again, but real life experience is the best teacher. So, as these new classes of users move up through the grades from posting just about sex to being silly to serious topics and finally graduating to a thread like this, I think we should all show a little patience and understanding just like my grandpa did for me. Let us not forget that the summer is here, school is out, and a lot of people are just looking to have a little fun right now. As Lasher said, the board - like life itself (and Mormon missionaries) - tends to go in cycles. Now, I'm gonna end this graduation speech before I start singing "We Are the World".

In the words of the great philosopher Dr. Laura, "Go out and take on the board!"
"...It's true we make a better day...Just you and meeee...."

Just a quick (hopefully)note to further define my earlier posts.

I wasn't trying to condemn all silliness. That sort of thing IS fun, and I've been known to do a wee bit of flirting myself. All I was really trying to do earlier was answer April's question and point out that the amount of silliness on the board was way out of whack and that was what was more than likely keeping some people from posting. That was it....

Now it did escalate into something a little more - but I think for one of the first times in recent memory a situation like this was handled in an adult manner here. No one went apeshit, we didn't have to suffer thru any crying fits, or any of the "Wah, wah, Lasher's so mean..." bullshit that I've grown to enjoy some much. So overall I think this thread has really been a good thing.

It is the diversity of this BB that makes this BB such a wonderful place. And I for one certainly wouldn't be here if everyone was like me. We've all got our places and the important thing is to be yourself. One of the great things about being Lasher is that I get to say what everyone else is thinking and get away with it most of the time. And that's all I was doing on this thread.
I am also glad to have participated in the mature discussion we had here. As Lasher mentioned, no one went "apeshit" which was wonderful! Recently there was another such calm debate about non-consent. I truly look forward to more such threads.

Being the analyzer that I am, I wonder what made the mood of this thread so sane, logical, intelligent, non-combative, and non-accusatory? Was it the topic itself? The fact that people took the time to really read the posts before replying? Careful thought and wording behind the posts? The posters themselves? The natural swing of the bulletin board trends?
"And Reeaaalliize That Chaange Can Only Come..."

( grabs Lasher's and Whispersecret's hands and starts swinging her head around Stevie Wonder-style )
Was it the topic itself? The fact that people took
the time to really read the posts before replying? Careful thought and wording behind the posts?

I dunno, I think it's this great new body spray I'm wearing. A peachy-citrusy sort of thing - sure puts me in a better mood! :)

That was Bob Dylan's line from "We Are the World" I quoted in the headline in my last post. You should've been able to tell from the way I said "meeeeee.....".
I did, and that was actually Cyndi Lauper's line that I quoted, though I chose to do the Stevie Wonder head maneuver instead for comic effect (ah, that's it Laurel - make fun of the blind!).

What the hell happened to Cyndi Lauper? I heard her on Howard Stern a while back - is she a lesbian? Not that I have a problem with that - I'm just wondering. While we're at is, what the hell happened to Bob Dylan? He just got weirder and weirder, didn't he? And not in the "fun weird" way, either.
I'll say a word...you say the first thing that pops into your head...

Speaking of Cyndi Lauper... My wife took me to see Matchbox Twenty, ummmm...., musta been like a year and a half ago (it was at Metropol, so that was before anyone knew who the hell they were), and they did an interesting little cover of "Time After Time".

Not exactly what I was expecting from them, ya know?