Kate Middleton

Normally I don't pay attention to the British royal family, but the Princess of Wales has been missing since a few days after Christmas.

At first there were various changing stories about a serious medical crisis, but her parents haven't visited her in the hospital, and her husband has been acting weird.

Personally, I think she's dead, and the palace can't figure out how to spin it.
I figure she has had a tah/bso open abdominal with some complications.
It can take up to 6-9 months to recover from that enough to do the kind of work she does.
Also your hormones tank which can be very hard to deal with until they get stabilized if they did.
It can be like the world going from color to black and white. No one wants to deal with that in public, and there is also swelly belly afterwards and none of your clothes fit until it goes bmack down.
Parents could be watching the kids.
Besides with they can video call.
I don't think she's dead. Its possible that she had a surgery which the media would associate with certain negative behaviors like drug use. Remember that the 'Friends' actor Matthew Perry once had to have extensive bowel surgery because of his massive opioid addiction.
I've been listening to the People's Profiles series on YouTube about the medieval English kings and queens. Such incredibly interesting stories of political intrigue, warfare, sibling backstabbing, progress, regression, and, well, did I mention sex? Ever since the British monarchy got constitutionally neutered it's been the palest shadow imaginable of what it once was, not really much more than a tourist trap. Of course, that has value, too.
I've always been fond of the White Ship disaster -- a 12th-century party boat sets sail from France with a crowd of drunk nobles. It promptly strikes a rock in the channel and sinks, killing a big chunk of the French and English nobility, including the heir to the throne of England.
Thank you for the discussion. It is weird I did not find this thread before I posted mine of the same subject. But great minds think alike, I agree with you, @BrightShinyGirl
Next we need a Poirot to get to the bottom of this royal scandal. Previously Prince Harry wrote the biography "Spare", and very soon Prince William will write his own biography, which could be entitled "Spare me, please!"
I don't think she's dead. Its possible that she had a surgery which the media would associate with certain negative behaviors like drug use. Remember that the 'Friends' actor Matthew Perry once had to have extensive bowel surgery because of his massive opioid addiction.

That’s a very plausible theory.

I thought Kate’s eyes looked a bit "glazed" on a few occasions when I saw her appearances in public.

We know their marriage is on the rocks and William has anger issues. Maybe he shoved her, she fell down, and hit her head. It doesn't have to be as lurid as you describe to be a scandal worth covering up for two months.
How do we know their marriage is on the rocks?
William has anger issues?

Lol. This is ludicrous. She's had a hysterectomy.
How do we know their marriage is on the rocks?
William has anger issues?

Lol. This is ludicrous. She's had a hysterectomy.
Can't have the future king firing blanks may need more offspring.
Thank you for the discussion. It is weird I did not find this thread before I posted mine of the same subject. But great minds think alike, I agree with you, @BrightShinyGirl
Next we need a Poirot to get to the bottom of this royal scandal. Previously Prince Harry wrote the biography "Spare", and very soon Prince William will write his own biography, which could be entitled "Spare me, please!"
Lol fyi there IS a book called Spare Us! A parody of Spare and IMHO a much better read..
This is hilarious.

First of all, how does someone know that their marriage is on the rocks and William has anger issues? You read about it in a magazine, I'm betting... 🙄

Also. We don't know what medical procedure Katherine has had. With a long recovery time, it's obviously something major but no-one has a clue. She's not dead because she was spotted the other day in the back of a car.

At the end of the day, what is the fascination? Yes. They're our Royal Family. However they've got arseholes just like the rest of us.
This is hilarious.

First of all, how does someone know that their marriage is on the rocks and William has anger issues? You read about it in a magazine, I'm betting... 🙄

Also. We don't know what medical procedure Katherine has had. With a long recovery time, it's obviously something major but no-one has a clue. She's not dead because she was spotted the other day in the back of a car.

At the end of the day, what is the fascination? Yes. They're our Royal Family. However they've got arseholes just like the rest of us.
Could have been a body double
Nah shes fine surgery went so well she is super horny and been spending her nights shagging William silly and her days making out with the maids in waiting.
The Church of Scientology won’t let anyone else be Tom Cruise for the next billion years.
Remember Pippa Middleton's ass? Another fake... her ass was played by a Scots Guardsman called Gerald, part of the Royal Family's close protection unit. He volunteered for the role, accepting he would be murdered to ensure the secret could never be revealed.

Another little known fact is that after an English monarch dies, their entire household staff is rounded up and culled. This took place at Kensington Palace a few days after the funeral. 134 staff butchered and hushed up. 6 Corgis also put to sleep.
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