Kate Middleton

Remember Pippa Middleton's ass? Another fake... her ass was played by a Scots Guardsman called Gerald, part of the Royal Family's close protection unit.
Please don’t ruin the most amazing thing to ever come from centuries of royal inbreeding.
She and Kate are commoners. After the disaster that was Charles's and Diana's marriage, they changed the rules.
I don’t perceive that anyone being “common” was a reason for that disaster. But what do I know… I’m just a dumb yank.
I don’t perceive that anyone being “common” was a reason for that disaster. But what do I know… I’m just a dumb yank.
I forgot to mention that the rule they changed after the divorce was one that made it impossible for royals to marry commoners like Kate Middleton. I just brought it up because the previous poster seemed to be assuming that Kate and Pippa also came from royalty. I was thinking they might not have known there was a change in the rules.

My point was just that Kate and her sister Pippa didn't come from a family of royalty at all, so there was no royal inbreeding involved with how Pippa's bottom looked.
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Monarchs have been marrying commoners for ever - Diana was officially a commoner and so was the Duchess of Cambridge before being elevated on William's knob. Marrying divorcees used to be frowned upon, with good reason - think the abdicated King Edward chummying up to Hitler proving what a twat he was.
The only hard rule ( Parliamentary law - 1689 ) is no catholics on the throne.

Remember Pippa Middleton's ass? Another fake... her ass was played by a Scots Guardsman called Gerald, part of the Royal Family's close protection unit. He volunteered for the role, accepting he would be murdered to ensure the secret could never be revealed.

Another little known fact is that after an English monarch dies, their entire household staff is rounded up and culled. This took place at Kensington Palace a few days after the funeral. 134 staff butchered and hushed up. 6 Corgis also put to sleep.
Noooooooo…not the Corgis!

The staff? Feed em to Mr Whu’s pigs…
Normally I don't pay attention to the British royal family, but the Princess of Wales has been missing since a few days after Christmas.

At first there were various changing stories about a serious medical crisis, but her parents haven't visited her in the hospital, and her husband has been acting weird.

Personally, I think she's dead, and the palace can't figure out how to spin it.
It's about time that the Brits got rid of the monarchy. It must be really demeaning to have an unelected and unaccountable monarch as head of state.

Monarchs have been marrying commoners for ever - Diana was officially a commoner and so was the Duchess of Cambridge before being elevated on William's knob. Marrying divorcees used to be frowned upon, with good reason - think the abdicated King Edward chummying up to Hitler proving what a twat he was.
The only hard rule ( Parliamentary law - 1689 ) is no catholics on the throne.
Like the photo of a young Princess Elizabeth and her mother doing a Nazi salute while Edward watched?

The fact of the matter is that most of the British establishment, up to August 1939, were appeasers of the Nazis. The section of the ruling class that Winston Churchill belonged to, in seeing the Nazis as the biggest threat to the interests of the British Empire, was a clear minority until the Nazis entered Poland, and it wasn't until the Nazis entered France that Churchill's wing of the ruling class became a clear majority in the British establishment. For example, in September 1938, then British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, decided to reject Joseph Stalin's offer of an anti-fascist alliance between the Soviet Union, Britain and France, and instead decided to offer the Sudetenland (an area of Czechoslovakia that was then populated by a lot of German speakers) to Hitler on a plate. Chamberlain put naked big business capitalist interest ahead of everything else, urging the Nazis to look eastwards, closer to the Soviet Union's borders. Millions and millions of people died because of what Chamberlain and Daladier did at Munich.
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It's about time that the Brits got rid of the monarchy. It must be really demeaning to have an unelected and unaccountable monarch as head of state.

Like the photo of a young Princess Elizabeth and her mother doing a Nazi salute while Edward watched?

The fact of the matter is that most of the British establishment, up to August 1939, were appeasers of the Nazis. The section of the ruling class that Winston Churchill belonged to, in seeing the Nazis as the biggest threat to the interests of the British Empire, was a clear minority until the Nazis entered Poland, and it wasn't until the Nazis entered France that Churchill's wing of the ruling class became a clear majority in the British establishment. For example, in September 1938, then British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, decided to reject Joseph Stalin's offer of an anti-fascist alliance between the Soviet Union, Britain and France, and instead decided to offer the Sudetenland (an area of Czechoslovakia that was then populated by a lot of German speakers) to Hitler on a plate. Chamberlain put naked big business capitalist interest ahead of everything else, urging the Nazis to look eastwards, closer to the Soviet Union's borders. Millions and millions of people died because of what Chamberlain and Daladier did at Munich.
I'm sure there were many that thought the Nazi's, their salutes and boy-scout uniforms were comical to begin with. In more recent times we'd been trying for years to make Putin's Russia see sense and be reasonable and look where that's ended up. Plus ca change... Rich, powerful men have been throwing little people under the bus for ever - and still do.
It's not the monarchy that's the problem in the UK - they have no power or influence beyond the few charities they head up. It's the fucking Eton/Harrow privately schooled twats that fast-track in the City and Parliament - that's where the rot is.
I have no idea what happened to Kate, obviously. I had a dream a few nights ago that William pushed her down the stairs in a rage. It wouldn't surprise me if that happened at some point in real life.
I have no idea what happened to Kate, obviously. I had a dream a few nights ago that William pushed her down the stairs in a rage. It wouldn't surprise me if that happened at some point in real life.
They don't have stairs. Royalty have people to carry them
We know their marriage is on the rocks and William has anger issues. Maybe he shoved her, she fell down, and hit her head. It doesn't have to be as lurid as you describe to be a scandal worth covering up for two months.
I love how you seem to know everything to do with the private lives of the Royal Family.