
*trying to figure out if I have said something inappropriate*

I have a thing for big cocks. I've even turned down BS for being too small.

If I said something dirty, please tell me what it was. It's 1.10am, and I'm not keeping up with the Dirt Talk right now...:confused:
Svenskaflicka said:
*trying to figure out if I have said something inappropriate*

I have a thing for big cocks. I've even turned down BS for being too small.

If I said something dirty, please tell me what it was. It's 1.10am, and I'm not keeping up with the Dirt Talk right now...:confused:

you really are a novice aren't you.:)
Oh isn't that cute;)

I can get them as big wide and long as I want them.
I wasn't born with a cock but god bless Visa and mail order toys:D
destinie21 said:

I can get them as big wide and long as I want them.
I wasn't born with a cock but god bless Visa and mail order toys:D
Ya know, Svenskaflicka - D21 has a point. (Well, it's probably more of a kinda rounded tip, but you get my meaning)
des, quit trying to get inside my jeans, you're married, for eff's sake

She got married just for me?

I feel so honored.


(hey, how come I didn't get to kiss the brides?)
Dest, I know what of what you speak; I have a small stable of batteried buckos but as a het gal, and I know Flicka is there too, there's nothing like a live hot pulsating cock. I love penetration(s), and a vibrating dildo is a good sub at times, but I never lick, kiss or suck it, and its owner doesn't talk to me, let alone spurt and sputter and drag its head across my lips.

Perdita :kiss:
You know, they keep advertising mechanical substituion devices for men too.

But they can't produce the vivid images that Perdita evokes.

-FF (pant)
The thing I love about the start of this thread is that the kid who said it probably placed no more meaning on it then if a niece walked up to me and asked if I was still a banker. No preconceived notions. Utopian dreaming and all that jazz.

Toys are fun and all when shared but I never was even curious about the "substitute" vaginas(or should I say virginians?) The sexiest thing about any sex organ is the person to whom it belongs.
The sexiest thing about any sex organ is the person to whom it belongs.

Well said, Belegon, and welcome to the Hangout.

The sexiest thing about any sex organ is the person to whom it belongs.

Ffreak said it, and I'll join in. Friggin A.

And call me a conservative bore (huh, me?), but the whole world of toys, traps, plugs, vibrating stuff, fake poles and fake holes, and whatnots is quite alien to me. I mean, whatever rocks anyone's socks, I guess. But personally, I'd have to be pretty damn jaded about the toys that god gave us before looking for alternatives. And the risk of that happening seems quite minimal.
My opinion on this subject:

I believe the term is "ROFL"...


That was wonderful! Thank you for the big smile at the end of a rough day.
Glad you like her. That's Wicked Winnie, my own creation. I was inspired by the cartoon of "Wicked Willie".

Winnie has a lot of sharp comments, and will most likely return to this forum again.:D
Svenskaflicka said:
Glad you like her. That's Wicked Winnie, my own creation.
I had no idea, I love her too, wish I had a poster of her. (Sheesh, and you can't find a good job?)

bessos, Perd :kiss: