Kindred Strangers

She pushes him down to the marbled floor,
Mounts his face and begs for more.
He laughs with joy at her wild abandon.
She smiles, delirious, wholly wanton,
As he tongues her well and fans the blaze
In her belly, soul and across her skin,
Watching her face, as his fingers slip in.
Precariously perched on this carnival ride
She reaches the edge and starts to slide


His fingers curled stroke up inside her,
A soft caress down a delicate wall,
Cool tile, hot view, she rides astride him,
Till his suck precipitates her fall.
As lightning surges her synapses,
He holds tight, sucks her clit in deep,
A scream, a shake and she collapses
Crumbling forward in a heap.
Trembling as he licks her clean.


Her body curled tight, as in womb, satisfied
Deep throb throughout, an all over quaking
Cool tile, numb mind, she rides inside
Shockwaves pulsing, radiating
From between her shaking thighs
She pants and sighs, feels him near
He gathers her close to kiss a tear
From the flushed cheek of his new-found love
As she rides the currents, emotional flood.


With a need fueled by passion, an ease that surprises,
He sweeps her up into his arms from the floor,
Hand cupping warm breast, she opens her eyes as
He carries her, still throbbing, out through the door.
Up a few steps, past a Klee, a Chagall and
A doorway, a bright room, somewhere a bird trills,
A sun-sparkled bed, the breeze off the veranda
carries the fragrance of flower-splashed hills.
He lays her down, fingers trail, giving her chills.


She reaches for him, pulls him into embrace
For the first time, truly studies his face
Hazel eyes, graying hair, knowing smile, intent gaze
She strokes his beard, nuzzles cheek, nibbles lobe
Crushes him to her, seeking his kiss
Tongues dance together, world no longer exists
Two bodies meld in protracted bliss
They make out like teens, groping and petting
Exploring each other till they’re tangled in bedding


In the midst of the thrashing, the chills and the thrills,
He's exploring her landscape, her valleys and hills;
Discovering his favorites and hers when she moans,
Learning to play her erogenous zones.
It's the thrill of Magellan with delicious unknowns.
Their intensities rise till they just can't resist
And she spreads her legs open, invites, no, insists;
He lifts her hips, enters slow, then disappears,
Drawing her up, an adroit puppeteer.


She thrusts to meet entry, he fills her complete.
She squeezes, he smiles, then slowly retreats.
Such a slow, slow slither inside,
Holding her breath, eyes wide, tantalized,
Slick sensitive walls grasp for the prize.
Glacier slow he pulls back, making her groan.
She begs-Fuck me hard. He slams himself home.
Pulls back slow and easy, Fuck me, Luc, please.
He drives into her center, his withdrawal a slow tease.


With her pleas in his ears, he drives in again,
Her pulse all around him, a subtle caress,
Lifts her knees, tilts his hips to slide deeper in,
Holds her close, souls united, desire in the flesh,
And to think there are those who would call this a sin.
With the smallest of movements, he's in tighter still,
A shivering adjustment and she gives a bit more,
Till with no room between them, no space left to fill,
For an eternal instant they're at each other's door.


Slow prolonged ecstasy, this joy beyond measure,
With a leg locked 'round his and a twist of her hips,
Never losing her mount she rolls and he flips,
The look on his face is worth infinite treasure.
Now riding him fast with a sly little grin,
She bucks and she grinds, deeply driving him in.
Fucking him hard and taking her pleasure,
Filling her cunt and slaking their lust,
She watches his eyes roll back as she thrusts.


With a gleam in her eye she keeps urging him on,
Her cunt gripping tighter but soft as chiffon.
She's driving him hard, coming closer to cumming,
Blood surging his veins, his heartbeat is drumming.
He'd love to just coast but she's too hot for that.
She knows he's so close, she's just being a brat.
He straightens her up, to thrust deeper inside,
His hands tweaking both nipples hard while she rides,
Sees she's joined him, her orgasm close in her eyes.


The nipple tweak does it, she’s over the edge.
Just one final thrust and she throws back her head.
He bucks and he’s with her and both ride the throes,
Orgasmic delight beyond all she has known.
He throbs deep inside, she continues to rock,
Now gently and slowly to milk at his cock.
A shudder, a gasp, no sound but hard breathing.
He smiles and he sighs, she can see his heart beating.
Overhead, pins his wrists as their tongues dance the twist.


When she thrust back, she screamed, and it coursed through his blood,
Like a dam break that washed him away in the flood.
Now he holds her and slides with a tilt of the hips,
Moving ever so slowly to feel how she slips
So wetly around him, and feeling her pulse,
As her pussy sucks at him, a gentle convulse
That matches her heartbeat, and surprisingly his.
On the instroke he gathers her close for a kiss,
Soft, long and loving, as deep as their bliss.


Frantic-tongued kissing turns languid and loving;
Long sighs, soft touches, caressing and cuddling.
Afternoon sunshine is fading to twilight,
A fat, gibbous moon drifts over the skylight.
He brings fruit and champagne, they eat in the nude,
Nibbling each other as much as the food.
She feeds him plump raspberries, then a plump breast,
Curls up beside him, lays her head on his chest.
How to say it? Luc, I’ve got a plane to catch.


But that's not now, is it? He smoothes down her hair.
Don't worry about it now. I'll get you there.
We still have the whole night, the whole morning too,
So let's go have dinner. I'll show you the view
From my favorite place, I'll bet more so with you.
Then rolling her over, he kisses her lips
And nibbling a trail down her body he slips
His tongue once just inside her, then taking her hands
He pulls her up, holding her tight as she stands.


She takes his face in her hands, looks in his eyes,
Kisses him deeply, hugs his neck as she sighs.
He kneels and slides panties up over bare thighs,
Nibbles pert nipples then hooks her brassiere,
Slides dress over shoulders and squeezes her rear.
She swallows his cock one more time, just a tease,
Then helps him dress, too, as they fondle and squeeze.
They step into star-filled night air holding hands,
Hearts full of thanks for their bold, new romance.

Re: Oooh!

Syndra Lynn said:
Kunda, look! Tath's watching! Let's do it again and maybe more voyeurs will stop by.

do that thing with your hips again Syn
god Dam
you must have an extra back bone
; )
Thanks for directing me to this Syn, but give a guy some warning!
I settled down to eat my lunch as I read this. Now normally I enjoy a smoke after eating and sex, but this called for A WHOLE PACK! So many favorite lines but this one really struck me:

With a gleam in her eye she keeps urging him on,
Her cunt gripping tighter but soft as chiffon.

You guys really writhe , I mean write, well together. I'll come again later.
Stopped in for some fond memories on Kunda's birthday.

I get wet every time I read this.

Is it just me?

Syndra Lynn said:
Stopped in for some fond memories on Kunda's birthday.

I get wet every time I read this.

Is it just me?


It's pretty damn hot, I agree.....

Nice to see you Syn.....:)

Not only would it be good....

as an audio poem, but how about 2 people reading it live?......if you catch my drift.....perhaps some Thursday....hmmmm?

Missing kunda very much. This was a nice trip back to his presence, thanks Syndra.
