Kindred Strangers

tungtied2u said:
as an audio poem, but how about 2 people reading it live?......if you catch my drift.....perhaps some Thursday....hmmmm?


Maybe Kunda will come visit me. I hear he has relatives in the area. ;)

Syn :devil:
Tristesse said:
Missing kunda very much. This was a nice trip back to his presence, thanks Syndra.


Just trying to bump up some quality poetry threads! :D

I miss him too. :(

Where are you Kundalinguini? :heart: :rose:

Syn :kiss:
Happy Anniversary!

NINE years ago today, Baby! I didn't even know you yet and you sent me this poem stanza that started the BEST relationship of my life.

I adore you!

He sees her across the piazza,
Two thousand years at her feet
Along with a flock of pigeons.
Her spring dress a sunsplashed sparkle,
Renewal defined by grey stones,
She tosses bread to the pigeons.
Her legs crossed so demurely
Part on the steps as she throws.
Beyond the pigeons she sees him.

— 03-21-2004

~your Syn :kiss:
Congrats Syndra and Kunda. There must have been magic in the air here in 2003/2004. That's when EE and I met, and we hit ten years in October.

Many happy returns. :rose:x12
NINE years ago today, Baby! I didn't even know you yet and you sent me this poem stanza that started the BEST relationship of my life.

I adore you!

~your Syn :kiss:
There's sheer poetry in love and being in love as I'm sure you both know (along with Ange and ee).

Congrats Syn and Kunda!