Kinky pool party mixed tape - add your jam

Pay that man behind the beer bottles no attention...

Breathing gasoline... great lyric.

You want a bowl of chili?
You can make a gumbo pretty easy
I'll send ya my approach. But you can get a goo recipe off the internet.

That fucking café du monde are making much smaller beignets.
Like all the other marketing ploys.

Buy a candy bar lately? fuck em.

the roux is the hardest part.
You can make a gumbo pretty easy
I'll send ya my approach. But you can get a goo recipe off the internet.

That fucking café du monde are making much smaller beignets.
Like all the other marketing ploys.

Buy a candy bar lately? fuck em.

the roux is the hardest part.

I've never made my own gumbo, but I've tried etouffe and failed hard. I'd be glad to try it. My roux always either comes out chunky or runny, then it burns :mad:

They're making em smaller now??? What the fuck! Last I was down, they brought you a huge plate you couldn't finish with four.