Kinky pool party mixed tape - add your jam

I've never made my own gumbo, but I've tried etouffe and failed hard. I'd be glad to try it. My roux always either comes out chunky or runny, then it burns :mad:

They're making em smaller now??? What the fuck! Last I was down, they brought you a huge plate you couldn't finish with four.

I know. Seems they give you a lot so they justify the price. It aint cheap to eat in the city.

roux, ya gotta stir pretty constant. not to hot, but hot. I don't use non stick, cause the you cant use metal. I tried it before, but the heat melted my spatula.

you want it a dark brown. so stirring keeps it from burning. . It takes practice.
But oil and flour is cheap, so it keep trying.
ah, Nugent
Saw him a very small club in New Iberia. Amps went to the celing.

Lots o hair.