Kissing Pancakes & Flipping Babies

Pancake breakfasts are:

  • A valid way to select a presidential candidate.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Valid if he's running for president of the PTA, but maybe not for an entire country.

    Votes: 6 37.5%
  • primitive, unhealthy, and irrelevant. Consider an engine-tuning contest, or distance spitting.

    Votes: 6 37.5%
  • indicative of a candidate's experience with cooking the books.

    Votes: 4 25.0%

  • Total voters
OldnotDead said:
You come up with the best ideas for threads. Allow me to submit my credentials to post on Pancakes (US Style) .

Gephart - would have done better. Of course he would have to be handicapped for bringing in all the union help since he would not have violated their rules that there be at least two herders for every sheep.
Dean - would have been the clear loser, even worse than yesterday. Barks too much. Sheep do not respond well to anger. Certainly would have made any other 'assistant' dogs more likely to bite him than the sheep.
Edwards - Probably would have done remarkably better. Soft spoken, thoughtful, careful to watch the group and rounding up any strays that might have joined another herd. His welcoming in of other frightened strays from Dean's herd would have also earned him some extra points.
Kerry - Probably would have blown away the competition. Flown in on the Heinz jet the best Border Collies or Shelties available and no one would notice the low lying dogs while they all watched his hair bounce seven feet off the road surface.

Your credentials made me hungry, but otherwise a thought-provoking post, OldNot. "Babe" is one of my favorite movies (not the sequel, but the original) and your description of Edwards' herding style reminded me of the pig's calm, persuasive approach. I'd be curious to see if General Clark's military experience would make him a more or less effective sheep-herder. If they don't repond well to barks, barked commands might just scatter them.

You've made me wonder if there might be a need for a team herding event to determine President/Vice President ticket combinations. The commands - generally a series of whistles, aren't they? - would be given by the presidential contender, and the collie would be played by the VP.

That'll do, pig. That'll do.

1- Burnt to a crisp, dropped on the floor, sneezed on, or not cooked through.

Lucky, are you describing the pancake or the candidate in your scale?
shereads said:
Lucky, are you describing the pancake or the candidate in your scale?

originally the pancake (prepared by the candidate), but see now #1 could also apply to candidates themselves.

revised to read:

1- Burnt to a crisp, dropped on the floor, sneezed on, or not cooked through with a rather tall and stiff hairdo.

Boxlicker101 said:
:) I'v never eaten peanut butter on a warm tortilla, but it sounds good. I do like peanut butter on toast, though.:) :kiss: I'v never tried peanut butter and syrup, though, and I am sure I won't.:(

I've had peanut butter and syrup sandwiches before. Not too bad but not my favourite.
Did radical move cost Edwards the nomination?

By now everyone who cares knows that Kerry's hair reached optimum electability in the New Hampshire primary, but only Miami Herald columnist Dave Barry has provided in-depth coverage of the pancake breakfast factor.

More significantly, Barry's article in Sunday's Herald makes one wonder if an attempt to break away from pancake-themed events may have cost John Edwards the nomination and changed the course of history.

The Edwards campaign's failed attempt at a bowling event leads me to believe that an anti-pancake candidate will not achieve the White House in my lifetime.

An excerpt:

Having candidates do demeaning things that have nothing to do with their qualifications for being president is a key part of our election process. Another example is the pancake breakfast, where candidates must flip pancakes while being closely scrutinized.

FACT: A veteran journalist told me that, of the Democratic candidates, Howard Dean is by far the best pancake flipper. The worst is Gen. Wesley Clark. "He doesn't flip at all!" the journalist told me, genuinely outraged. "He just slides the pancakes around."

...When I arrived at the bowling alley, about 15 minutes before North Carolina's Sen. Edwards, trouble was brewing. It was like The Perfect Storm, with two powerful opposing forces on a deadly collision course.

• On the one hand, you had hundreds of people there to see the candidate, including a large, aggressive press corps that was not wearing appropriate bowling footwear.

• On the other hand, you had league bowlers, who were there to bowl, dammit.

Every second, more people were cramming themselves into the already-jammed bowling alley, and the hostility between the bowlers and nonbowlers, especially the media, was getting intense. Bowlers and photographers were elbowing each other. A woman was shouting, "WE'RE TRYING TO BOWL HERE!!" A man brandishing a bowling ball was yelling at a TV cameraman" "GET YOUR (very bad word) DIRTY SHOES OFF THE (even worse word) LANE!!" A management person on the public address system was announcing that the police and fire marshall had been called, and that the building had to be evacuated.

Into this festive scene surged Sen. Edwards, whose campaign theme is that he is going to bring America together. He stood on a platform and gave a speech, surrounded by a dense crowd of media and applauding supporters. About 25 feet away, outside the crowd, the bowlers offered their rebuttal. It was a wierd kind of stereo: In one ear, I'd hear Sen. Edwards explaining how he would provide economic opportunity to all Americans; in the other ear, I'd hear: "OUR WHOLE NIGHT IS RUINED! YOU DON'T GIVE A (bad word) ABOUT US!"

Senator Edwards soldiered on, finishing his speech on a high note, with the crowd chanting, "Edwards! Edwards!" while the public-address-system-person, caught up in the candidate's vision for America, announced that the police had arrived and nonbowlers had to leave the building NOW. So Sen. Edwards did not attempt to bowl, which was fortunate, as he does not yet have Secret Service protection.

As the crowd dispersed, I heard this exchange between an Edwards volunteer and a bowler:

Bowler: Go Bush. You guys suck.

Vounteer: You shouldn't generalize. We don't ALL suck.

Bowler: Yeah, you do.

That's what's so great about the primaries. People talking about issues.
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Shereads said, among other things:

The Edwards campaign's failed attempt at a bowling event leads me to believe that an anti-pancake candidate will not achieve the White House in my lifetime.

;) I don't think anybody will ever achieve the White House while appearing to be anti-pancakes. When I say pancakes, I mean the American version, not the crepes that some people are trying to pass off. A successful candidate should also come out in favor of tortillas, but crepes are considered to be effete and sissified, and no candidate dare speak in favor of them. This is especially so now, with their French origin or perceived French origin.

:cool: I don't think hair is as important as some people say it is. I belleve most Americans can see past that and concentrate on the issues, like bowling and pancakes.