Lack of Votes for Poetry

LadynStFreknBed said:
I assume it would still be eligible for Survivor contest points, since the rating of the poem is inconsequential.

Probably. I just meant the monthly contests and such.
drksideofthemoon said:
I think the bottom line on this is, most people don't come to Lit to read poetry.

I do have to commend LeBroz for the work he puts into the Poetry section at Lit. He's like a one man reviewing and archiving crew.

Thanks for the kind words, though I have been slacking off the past couple months; real life has a way of intruding.

I do agree with Tzara:

For a guy repeating anything often enough is arousing. Miller beer commercials, ordering chicken wings, talking about baseball scores....

Hell, if we just sit still for long enough, we get aroused.

This sometimes leads to misunderstandings with our other sex.

Well, that too.

I mean about the voting. It's an interesting phenom but doesn't really say anything about the poem. Comments are more germane, especially those that address the poem's construction. Most especially if they contain suggestions for improvement.

I find the voting kind of entertaining, but I don't pay much attention to it. Really the only useful response you get are comments (when and if you get them). The voting is pointless.

The first poem I submitted I felt very unsure, so to alleviate some stress, I left the voting off. It felt right and it still feels right. The last one, I did turn the voting on, but I just got this terrible sick feeling inside, so I turned it off (either before or just after it appeared). This is not a knock on those who like voting for poems, it just doesn't sit right with me.
WickedEve said:
You can be a votemonger.

Or you can be a poet.

" She was a vote monger
and sure it's no wonder
for so were the parents
Of Molly Malone..."
I think I'll sing it like that from now on.

Votes accomplish very few things
None of them have anything to do with how well written your poem is.
Find people in here who will be honest with you and ask them what they think,
listen to what they say,do what feels right, and don't be afraid not to take all their suggestions.
Most people who want to help will make suggestions and won't be upset if you don't take them.
It takes time to find your own way of saying things, your own rhythm.
Read and remember and experiment, it's not a race, take your time.
Ahhh, Lauren Hynde convinced me. I was liberated the moment I turned the voting off of my poems. It freed me to actually leave an intelligent score on poetry I commented on. I don't vote without comment (either public or emailed feedback) so it doesn't matter if voting is on or off to me. What matters is if the comments are on. I won't bother if they're not.

eta: In order to win the monthly contests and to be eligible for the other Lit prizes an entry needs to gather a requisite number of votes to win. I don't know how they're chosen apart from a vote count. I don't even know if there's a minimum score requirement. My point being, if you're not a really popular author in Lit, the odds of you winning a monthly prize and a year end nomination, for poetry, are pretty slim. The top prize is 150 bucks. I'd rather be removed from the vote anxiety silliness than worry about winning a (relatively) small prize.
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neonurotic said:
This 2006 People's Choice's (relatively) small prize was actually a very nice surprise. I hadn't expected more than a little blue W, but I got more. I spent mine on a PS2 game and a (cheat) guide that I wanted, but never had the play-money for and all I did for it was write an erotic poem that some Literotican's liked. Pretty nifty, I think.

As for leaving voting on, I do it because it's a one-click opinion and it's still feedback. Although that said, I don't hold near as much merit for voting as I do for comments made on my writing.

I do the same. I leave it on on the off chance that I might win a contest here again. But I don't worry about votes. The comments are what really tell me what people think.
No post, no vote.... :D

I am not convinced I will ever post my blurts. I may just leave them in thread format. Been pondering that lately. Trying to come up with a good reason to post and it is escaping me.
Tathagata said:
" She was a vote monger
and sure it's no wonder
for so were the parents
Of Molly Malone..."
I think I'll sing it like that from now on.

Votes accomplish very few things
None of them have anything to do with how well written your poem is.
Find people in here who will be honest with you and ask them what they think,
listen to what they say,do what feels right, and don't be afraid not to take all their suggestions.
Most people who want to help will make suggestions and won't be upset if you don't take them.
It takes time to find your own way of saying things, your own rhythm.
Read and remember and experiment, it's not a race, take your time.

If you see me vote and comment it tells you I have something coming up to post and I'm fishing. It ain't good but it's true. Read the above, it's true. The next to the last sentence is everything.