Lame girls of lit

You’re not ghosting as far as I know. You’re further enforcing boundaries that aren’t being respected. When I first joined I’d respond to every single message and compliment and it became exhausting so I learned to respond only to names I knew and already interacted with (if I wanted to). I also looked at follows and followers if they had them and their profile.
You don’t owe anyone a response 😘
tbh, it is a only a very small percentage that are persistent, and no one has been rude. 95% are nice about it when I say I am not interested.

I never mind receiving messages, and I respond to every one, with the exception of those discussed. Sometimes I miss responding to messages, bc they come in big flurries and I lose track of them. (I lose track of which threads I have commented in, too!) I have ongoing chats on here, but none of them are "sex chats." They are discussions about sex, but they are not online sex. I have never done online sex before, but when guys try to go there, it feels really weird.

The issue does not lie with the women on lit. The issue lies with you. Women don’t reply to you because you’re a jerk. Hope this helps!
95% because I don't know your conversation starters, so I can't blame you directly.
As someone whose avatar is in women's/sissy lingerie, I put myself into this situation, but several conversations I've received from men went so quickly to 'send me pics' or sending their own dick pics, that I'm pretty offended and not willing to share more.
Is this a site for sexuality? Yes. But-
I would guess most women are hesitant because they've received so many messages like that, responding to new conversations sounds like an invitation for harassment.
So even if you aren't like that, the possibility that you might be is too high to risk.

I know I've pushed too hard in my own past, so I suggest you reflect on your own history, be honest, and think about others' experience before you start blaming the women on Lit.

Dang, that turned into a longer post than anticipated. Something that's been on my mind each time I get messages...
Why girls on lit are very less responding?
Maybe it is your approach?

How are you reaching out to them? Coming on too strong? Start your DM with a dick pic?

Maybe you ain't got no game?

I know I don't, which is why I don't reach out to any of them.

But if you are coming on too strong, your pick up line is blah, or you lead with your cock, that might be the problem
1. The ratio of women to men on this site is massively disproportionate.
2. Many women who I interact with prefer making friends on the threads first (how people respond to banter and pictures can be very telling)
3. Most of us who are mums (I’m making an assumption and if I’m wrong ladies please correct me) really would prefer not to be in mum mode on here.
4. I smash that iggy button so fast when I see profiles like yours.
☺️ hope that helps 🤙🏼
Hi Lindi. Just ran across this looking for something else. Absolutely agreed on everything above. And I hope your new thread is going great. Seems like you're getting a fun new following over there.

Take care, and have a horny day!
