Lands Challenge Thread

New Yorker?

Just what it needed some real New York appeal, Thanks A......I think now i can send it to the New Yorker


If you get that poem into New Yorker (and I believe their plan is to begin publishing foot fetish poetry the same day that pigs start flying), I want some credit!


WE, I challenge you to write a poem about why rowdy ted is better then men, and why Angeline can never have him!

Rowdy Ted is far from dead
he has even struck my thread
much to angelines dismall dread


Dont forget to post another challenge if you have recently answered one, X, angeline, etc... etc.......
_Land I was

stunned into silence by your Rowdy Ted comment!:p

I will have a special holiday challenge soon, hehe. You'll see.
Speaking of challenges...

_Land, did you ever actually finish your sonnet?

:tapping my foot:
- Judo
I need to fix one line, LOL thanks for the slap on the Ass ;)

JUDO said:
Speaking of challenges...

_Land, did you ever actually finish your sonnet?

:tapping my foot:
- Judo

Oops! I forgot to post a challenge! Silly me! In light of our current winter season (especially for those of us in the northern regions), I have a challenge that I believe will make you think twice before attempting it:

Write a poem about the sound of snow :D
I don't think I need to specify this, but try to be as creative as possible :)

Extra points for those who use the word 'lugubrious' :p (just kidding!)

has always been one of my favorite words. Even though I rarely feel lugubrious, I just love saying it!

P.S. And JUDO would you mind slapping _Land's ass again? That was kinda interesting....
Re: Lugubrious

Angeline said:

P.S. And JUDO would you mind slapping _Land's ass again? That was kinda interesting....

Well...only if he promises to slap mine back. _Land?

- Judo
Re: Lugubrious

Angeline said:
has always been one of my favorite words. Even though I rarely feel lugubrious, I just love saying it!

P.S. And JUDO would you mind slapping _Land's ass again? That was kinda interesting....

I think that might be LL Bean's new marketing slogan: "Spanking Land's End"
Spanking Land's End

is very very good, Cecil though I think by the time Christmas is over it will be more like Land's End has been spanking me! :p
Re: challenge

Xtaabay said:
Oops! I forgot to post a challenge! Silly me! In light of our current winter season (especially for those of us in the northern regions), I have a challenge that I believe will make you think twice before attempting it:

Write a poem about the sound of snow :D
I don't think I need to specify this, but try to be as creative as possible :)
Sleet I hear
snow I do not
snow is tissue
sleet is snot

:heart: :rose: :p :rose: :heart:

Regards,                       Rybka
The Sound Of Snow

flakes fall without sound
land on the ground
one on another
stacked silent
they wait for the wind
to be drifted
then ...
suddenly, THUD
struck smack in the back
snowballed by my brother
Last edited:
Re: Re: challenge

Rybka said:
Sleet I hear
snow I do not
snow is tissue
sleet is snot

:heart: :rose: :p :rose: :heart:

Regards,                       Rybka

Nice try, fishy friend. But you notice that I said the SOUND of snow... so if you don't hear snow then that would be the absence of sound. That, plus I don't see my favorite word in there anywhere :p
Re: challenge

Xtaabay said:
Oops! I forgot to post a challenge! Silly me! In light of our current winter season (especially for those of us in the northern regions), I have a challenge that I believe will make you think twice before attempting it:

Write a poem about the sound of snow :D
I don't think I need to specify this, but try to be as creative as possible :)

Extra points for those who use the word 'lugubrious' :p (just kidding!)
Oh, there's a wonderful poem about the sound of snow by a Portuguese poet. I'm gonna try to find it and translate it. I'll post it here tomorrow. :D
Re: Spanking Land's End

Naughty Angeline, see what you started :p Im now an
LL bean slogan

Yes Judo kindly returned :)

Angeline said:
is very very good, Cecil though I think by the time Christmas is over it will be more like Land's End has been spanking me! :p
Re: Re: challenge

Lauren.Hynde said:
Oh, there's a wonderful poem about the sound of snow by a Portuguese poet. I'm gonna try to find it and translate it. I'll post it here tomorrow. :D

When you post it, could you include the original (in Portuguese)? I am eagerly awaiting the poem! :)


_Land said:
WE, I challenge you to write a poem about why rowdy ted is better then men, and why Angeline can never have him!

Rowdy Ted is far from dead
he has even struck my thread
much to angelines dismall dread

Hey, you need to tell me that I've been challenged. I didn't know this was here and I don't want to miss an opportunity to write about a dildo. :D (I will be back with a poem in approximately 10 minutes to 10 days.)
Re: Re: Spanking Land's End

_Land said:
Naughty Angeline, see what you started :p Im now an
LL bean slogan

Yes Judo kindly returned :)

Two Winter Poets Beating
-------- de Sade be not proud --------

If two poets spanked the other's bare butt
In the deep snowy white forest's of Winter,
Would the yelling heard in town
Be from a hand or be from a splinter?

Did the one on the left start
Or did the counterpart beat first?
Rightly so, for she had the first offense,
But will he ostensibly first burst?

Facing away from the other, their butts flush with blows
Not kindly gests, just little pink glows.
Just like the end of the face in such weather,
Pink and flushed from the abuse of glove leather.

But Nature's a clever dom when the tortuerer can attract --
The penis will grow and the vagina glisten wet.
A different tale these two might yet contract,
If Dylan Thomas had been reason for their bet.
Re: Re: Re: challenge

Xtaabay said:
Nice try, fishy friend. But you notice that I said the SOUND of snow... so if you don't hear snow then that would be the absence of sound. That, plus I don't see my favorite word in there anywhere :p

If a husband argues a point and his wife is not around, is he still wrong? If a tree falls in the woods. . . If snow falls onto a frozen lake. . . When all is quiet is that not the "absence of sound? What about the deaf? why do you discriminate against others not like you. I thought better of you. :) :heart: :p :heart: ;) :rose: :rose:

Regards,                       Rybka
Re: Re: Re: Re: challenge

Rybka said:
If a husband argues a point and his wife is not around, is he still wrong? If a tree falls in the woods. . . If snow falls onto a frozen lake. . . When all is quiet is that not the "absence of sound? What about the deaf? why do you discriminate against others not like you. I thought better of you. :) :heart: :p :heart: ;) :rose: :rose:

Regards,                       Rybka

Hey, I never said that I think snow doesn't make a sound. You said it... it was in your poem about snot and tissues. Go take a second look at what you wrote. I'm still waiting for you to write about the SOUND (i.e. not SILENCE) of the snow :p
Define sound

Xtaabay said:
Hey, I never said that I think snow doesn't make a sound. You said it... it was in your poem about snot and tissues. Go take a second look at what you wrote. I'm still waiting for you to write about the SOUND (i.e. not SILENCE) of the snow :p

Does "sound" require something to hear it? Or is it simply vibrations in the air? I do not "hear" vibrations in the air, but I do sense vibrations under water.

Regards,                       Rybka
An old debate

Does "sound" require something to hear it? Or is it simply vibrations in the air? I do not "hear" vibrations in the air, but I do sense vibrations under water.

Regards, Rybka

Lets Clear The Air
The scientists say,
In their own special way,
That sound is a wave of air
Which hits a membrane, moves a bone
Then moves a cell’s fine hair.

The poet, dear, finds this queer
And poses a question you should hear-
does a sound need an ear?
Or does it find its own elation
In the moment of vibration?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: challenge

Xtaabay said:
Hey, I never said that I think snow doesn't make a sound. You said it... it was in your poem about snot and tissues. Go take a second look at what you wrote. I'm still waiting for you to write about the SOUND (i.e. not SILENCE) of the snow :p

I cannot write what I cannot hear, but here is a poem far better than I can write:


Quietness clings to the air.
Quietness gathers the bell
To a great distance.
This is the snow.
This is the slow
The snow
It encloses us.
Time in the snow is alone:
Time in the snow is at last,
Is past.

A. MacLeish - 1948

Regards,                       Rybka
Rybka Challenged

Rybka, I challenge you to write poem following the riddle of the Sphinx! The poem shoul be Six stanzas, two for each age representation in the riddle

the riddle for those who have never heard it is this.

What walks on all fours in the beginning
walks on two in the middle
and on three in the end?

Have fun Rybka, i am looking forward to your answer ;)
