Lands Challenge Thread

Ref. Acrostic poem.

Not meant to be a part of the challenge at all, but it came to me as I read the thread a few minutes ago. It's just in simple admiration with some whimsy in it, and a liking for your "Birthing Art" poem. That and the thread gave birth to the following. If it's not the best, my apologies. Maybe if I spent more time with it, it would be much better, but I am often very impulsive. Here goes:

Art that's in the soul seldom
Needs to meet the paper, but a
Girl with too much soul
Ever breeds art in profusion
Like Angeline's pen
In a spate of confusion,
Nodding endlessly to
Every soulful infusion.

I hope you enjoy. If not, I'll go out back and dig for worms.

Lauren.Hynde said:

A hypersonnet, or more exactly a Hynde Hypersonnet, is the more exquisite of classic forms, and was originated in the far past of July 19th, 2002, circa 2AM. I invented it, prompt by Judo, Redwave and the Wicked. There are, to the best of my knowledge, two Hynde Hypersonnets in existence, at this point, but it's a booming form and I know its number is about to increase by 50% very soon. They are, for reference purposes: Romeo Is Bleeding: a hypersonnet by The Poets, and Naked In Bed, aka Raw and Primitive, by WickedEve.

The hypersonnet definition, as it was first established:
It is a freakish mutant fusion of the classic and english sonnets, and this 20 iambic pentameters estravaganza, respects a very tight rhyming scheme: ABBA CDDC CDE CDE ABBA EE. As you can see, each of the five rhyming sounds appears four and only four times.

I say...ouch. And I thought sonnets in meter were hard enough. but, then, I suck at meter writing

OT challenged

OT, I challenge you to write a very unpoliticaly correct poem about Hillary Clinton :p In the form of light verse. please use a minimum of 4 quatrains
OT for pres?

_Land said:
OT, I challenge you to write a very unpoliticaly correct poem about Hillary Clinton :p In the form of light verse. please use a minimum of 4 quatrains

it's not my intent to weasel and whine
but with regards to your challenge, I must decline

to poke fun at someone who's not even here
feels unfair to my right minded ear

if I don't get a pass, at least let me wait
until I'm sure I'm not running in 2008

so throw me another, I'll try to comply
or rhyme you a reason why I won't even try
Very well, i hope you run in 2008, ;) its good for your health

I will wait and see if any other poet has a challenge for you, if not i will come up with something sufficiently evil


Cloudburst's Acrostic

Art that's in the soul seldom
Needs to meet the paper, but a
Girl with too much soul
Ever breeds art in profusion
Like Angeline's pen
In a spate of confusion,
Nodding endlessly to
Every soulful infusion.

I am very flattered that you think this. Sometimes I think my "soulfulness" shifts into bathos and runs away with my poems--some days it's effortless, others impossible to strike the balance. It's a daily word wrestle that I both love and need, even when it doesn't work out as I'd expected. :) Thank you for reading my poems and for the kind words.
If by "bothos" you mean

If by "bathos" you mean that you've too often come down from a high before you could get it all written down, and flub a bit, then that's happened to every poet (at least it has with me over 99% of the time). My best has been so often irretievably lost in that manner.

However, your profusion may just be one of the primers of inspiration that is so necessary for great poetry.

I read that regarding that Anthropic Principle that states we were meant to be, that it doesn't necessarily mean that we were meant to be happy, that the opposite too often far exceeds the happy parts. In poetry, it's worth it to get the few terrific poems we often see on this board. When we get the "effortless" ones, they're a blessing from the gods. The gods can be very stingy.

ANgeline answered

Beginnings are but humble pie
Everyone tastes them once
Truth is in the beholder’s hands
How do you handle "US"?
Startling how fast we grew

Vast acres of common ground
Intricately wove, like our bedroom quilt
Resonating, drawing us tighter
Tying cords of growth surround
Unseen we steadily become
Entwined in each other
Double Acrostic

Angeline said:
Art that's in the soul seldom
Needs to meet the paper, but a
Girl with too much soul
Ever breeds art in profusion
Like Angeline's pen
In a spate of confusion,
Nodding endlessly to
Every soulful infusion.

Singin' The Praises
--a double acrostic for Angeline--

Art was appreciated, but not by all.
Neither angels' nor devils' impromptu
Gaff, fired with a Russian molotov
Eased the pain inflicted by musical prejudices.
Listen my children to Bird, Quincy, and Roland J.
In praise of the masters, all who play to the coda.
Never giving in to quota, but quantified pizzazz
Every on-going builds this monument called jazz.

A little bit of the feeling you have for the medium respected in all places, but the very halls from whence it grows -- schools of music.

Keep on rockin' baby, rockin' my jazz.

- Judo
Who Rocks?

Singin' The Praises
--a double acrostic for Angeline--

Art was appreciated, but not by all.
Neither angels' nor devils' impromptu
Gaff, fired with a Russian molotov
Eased the pain inflicted by musical prejudices.
Listen my children to Bird, Quincy, and Roland J.
In praise of the masters, all who play to the coda.
Never giving in to quota, but quantified pizzazz
Every on-going builds this monument called jazz.

A little bit of the feeling you have for the medium respected in all places, but the very halls from whence it grows -- schools of music.

Keep on rockin' baby, rockin' my jazz.

- Judo

JUDO, you rock! This poem not only honors me and the music we (you and I) both adore in the most eloquently copacetic way, but good lord woman, this is a double acrostic that rhymes! You are Queen JUDO of the poetic form!!! (Not that it took this poem to convince me: I knew it before now, but you are).

You gave me the first good review I received after I started posting here, when I wrote Lester Leaps In. It was so supportive that it made me want to post more. You sent me an email saying that you knew Prez's story and loved jazz. Remember? I still have it. I think if you really love poetry, you need to listen to some jazz because the spirit of improvisational creativity is the same in poetry. Thanks for understanding all that and more. :kiss:
Thank you, Angie. You know, finding the words that end with the correct letter was difficult! Makes me wonder if there's a dictionary out there somewhere organized alphabetically by the last letters of the words. Man, would that be an assist.

And Angie, it's all you girl.

- Judo
JUDO said:
Thank you, Angie. You know, finding the words that end with the correct letter was difficult! Makes me wonder if there's a dictionary out there somewhere organized alphabetically by the last letters of the words. Man, would that be an assist.

And Angie, it's all you girl.

- Judo

I've mentioned in chat (when ang pointed out this poem) how amazing a rhyming double-acrostic is. Having written a fair number, let me add my "Judow ROCKS" I'm impressed...

Oh Angeline Dear

Angeline dear since I answered your challenge and I see that you are having so much fun with asian poetry, I challenge you to write a Sijo Line one about Judo's AV, the second line about Eves AV, and the third about what Homers Av is thinking about them :)

A sijo is Three lines of verse with 14-16 syllables each with a distinct pause in each line.

Re: Oh Angeline Dear

_Land said:
Angeline dear since I answered your challenge and I see that you are having so much fun with asian poetry, I challenge you to write a Sijo Line one about Judo's AV, the second line about Eves AV, and the third about what Homers Av is thinking about them :)

A sijo is Three lines of verse with 14-16 syllables each with a distinct pause in each line.


Stealing it: sounds like fun!

Avs As One At Once, And A-one...
--- a musical rhyming sijo ---

As I ponder high notes and low, I wonder where the next will go.
As fingers trill and mouths blow still, does music have the same flow?
In darknest night where my mind finds light, I tell you, I still don't know.

- Judo

I shall reurn with said Sijo later. Busy snarfing leftover Chinese food hidden from son, who otherwise would suck it up like a vacumn cleaner. Gotta eat fast around here before teenaged Appetitzilla smells food.
Double acrostic


My hat ( if I had one) is off to you. You had to work at it a mite to come up with it. I knew you were good, but that's really nice work.

Re: Re: Oh Angeline Dear

JUDO said:
Stealing it: sounds like fun!

Avs As One At Once, And A-one...
--- a musical rhyming sijo ---

As I ponder high notes and low, I wonder where the next will go.
As fingers trill and mouths blow still, does music have the same flow?
In darknest night where my mind finds light, I tell you, I still don't know.

- Judo

Gee, sorry I took off my dunce cap...

well, ok, Angeline stole the dunce cap, but still.

An AV Rhyming Sijo

Angeline dear since I answered your challenge and I see that you are having so much fun with asian poetry, I challenge you to write a Sijo Line one about Judo's AV, the second line about Eves AV, and the third about what Homers Av is thinking about them

A sijo is Three lines of verse with 14-16 syllables each with a distinct pause in each line.

"Thank you very much and I hope we passed the audition."
~John Lennon

JUDO wears sexy underpants: they leave most viewers in a trance
And Eve's Sexlacious little miss, though toon, fingers nylon bliss
Whilst Pindar ponders sights so rare, they've rearranged his hair!
Since I Met My Challenge

I want someone--anyone or everyone--to write an acrostic for:



which has amazed me not only because--hey--it's a great boob or that it actually appears to have the ability to change clothes, but--more astonishing--I think it's Santa Claus! (and if that last point is true, Lauren would you please inform your boob that my daughter has been a good girl and would like RollerCoaster Tycoon for PC).
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Re: Since I Met My Challenge

Angeline said:
I want someone--anyone or everyone--to write an acrostic for:



which has amazed me not only because--hey--it's a great boob or that it actually appears to have the ability to change clothes, but--more astonishing--I think it's Santa Claus! (and if that last point is true, Lauren would you please inform your boob that my daughter has been a good girl and would like RollerCoaster Tycoon for PC).

Lauren's Boob

Lovely luscious
And always adored
Unassuming, yet unashamed
Robed in red
Santa's sexual satiation

Ornately original

This can't begin to do Lauren's boob justice. But it is my only attempt at this form of poetry.

Here is my challenge (please don't kill me, Lauren). In light of my current craze with lava lamps, I would like someone to write a poem comparing Lauren's boob... or any boob for that matter, with a lava lamp (and be sure to post a copy of it in the lavalamp thread)

Look, I was just headin home with some take out
and I certainly didn't mean to cause an accident.
Unbeleivable, isn't it? I mean, who would expect such a
reaction, right? It's the season, there are Santa's
everywhere, so why should the sight of another one
now cause me any sort of problem? Well, you got
'ta understand, it wasn't the outfit. Honest! I mean, yeah
she wore it well and all, but get real. A suit

by itself is never enough to cause three cars, an
orange crate, and fourteen pedestrians to fall all
over each other. No, it certainly wasn't the suit,
but you're just gonna have to see it for yourself.

I like acrostics myself...thanks Angeline.


*edit for a missing "n"
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Re: An AV Rhyming Sijo

Fantastic A :)

Angeline said:
Angeline dear since I answered your challenge and I see that you are having so much fun with asian poetry, I challenge you to write a Sijo Line one about Judo's AV, the second line about Eves AV, and the third about what Homers Av is thinking about them

A sijo is Three lines of verse with 14-16 syllables each with a distinct pause in each line.

"Thank you very much and I hope we passed the audition."
~John Lennon

JUDO wears sexy underpants: they leave most viewers in a trance
And Eve's Sexlacious little miss, though toon, fingers nylon bliss
Whilst Pindar ponders sights so rare, they've rearranged his hair!

Lauren.Hynde said:
Oh my God! Xtaabay, Homer, those are fantastic! I'm blushing!

I like Homer P's. I never thought of doing an acrostic in that way before.
So... who wants to take up my challenge? :D
I notice there are no takers (so far).
