Lands Mind

Well maybee a lurker

beths-virtue said:
ild love to suggest something, but i have no idea what....

ya know one of them people that come in to read, but never post in here might have an idea......... ya never know, but het no one has had a whole lot to say but you in this thread anyway
Re: Well maybee a lurker

_Land said:

ya know one of them people that come in to read, but never post in here might have an idea......... ya never know, but hey no one has had a whole lot to say but you in this thread anyway

perhaps, but i come to the thread , cause now i have a strongly vested interest in its contents.. and others.. perhaps more as a voyeur... watching what two overemotional poets write....
Re: Re: Well maybee a lurker

beths-virtue said:

perhaps, but i come to the thread , cause now i have a strongly vested interest in its contents.. and others.. perhaps more as a voyeur... watching what two overemotional poets write....

Over-emotional hmmmmmm Im going to have to think about that,
Perhaps I should give no expresion..... leave my words flat :p

Nahhhhhhhhh i cant do it.... I have to much at stake in here.
I want

What i want is you
On your back
Feet up high
feel my heat
against your thigh
Plowing your
fertile field
giving you
my yield

Hmmmmmm that gives me an idea

My hands grip tightly
Fingers digging in thighs

Sqeezing as I Pound
Letting my Cock burry
Deep in your heaving mound

Passing passion deep in lust
Driving harder, slapping balls
Moans escape with every thrust

Feeling the tension build
Fucking you for all Im worth
Your hot slick pussy fully filled

Your inner walls ready to implode
Colapsing on my Ramming Shaft
as I burst loose my load
Last edited:
Accepting Failure, what about me?

Learning, accepting that I'm human
Yes I make mistakes
I hurt others

My imperfections obvious
Yes I am blemished
I have scars

I am responsible for failure
Yes I am guilty
I have big shoulders

If it's to be it's up to me
If it's not
It's because of me

Who's shoulders do I cry on
When all is said and done
Who will understand?

Remember? I fell from your pedestal
I didn’t ask to be placed so high

I have fallen,
Your hurt?
What about me

I shattered, scattered
When you didn’t catch me
Yes it is my fault

I accept my failure
What about me?

DAMN YOU, what about me?
a very painfull pain filled poem , disillusionment , on more than one count..
must have been , cathartic to write, and difficult to decide wether or not to share, on a site admittedly geared toward erotic poetry
Twilight of waiting
in the twilight of waiting
days seem longer as does night
Each beat of my heart, eternity
stage fright

We are at a place,
where commitment comes to mind
can you understand the fear
is it comprehensible?
one who has been hurt,
has insecurities
falling through fear
taking a dive
doesnt matter
if i survive
or splatter
its how i got here
Time wasted

Tearing the page from the calendar
Another cycle, repeated
Wasted days of the past
Counted one by one
As they fall in the trash

I spend time, morning
Regretting time of loss
Tasks, chores unfinished
Desire’s, dreams unfulfilled

The day goes on mundane
Like thousands before
Living a menial life
Doing remedial things

The night brings no relief
Counting the same sheep
Dreaming the same dream

Waiting to wake up
In a new reality
To a happy new year
Overbearing Hatred

In front of the lil ones,
You screamed, "I wish You Had Died"

Forgive? How could I do that?
Forget? I wish I knew they would

They are my children, ours
Yet you pull them away

I will always love my baby's
I just can’t give you the same

Why did I find love in another?
How could I find love at home?

You say I turned away from you
What else could you expect?

You blame me for leaving
For that, you are right

What was left for me to want?
Your overbearing hatred
All I saw left
Re: stage fright

beths-virtue said:
We are at a place,
where commitment comes to mind
can you understand the fear
is it comprehensible?
one who has been hurt,
has insecurities

A place is a destination
have we then arrived?
Tidal waves of emotion
Sweep me from my board
thrashing me against the coral
mixtures of Yellow and Red
floating in the wetness
overcome I drown
I breathe it in
I breathe it out
comprehending fear
committing my mind
riding out my hurts
breaktides of insecurity
Meeeeeeeee Yow!

beths-virtue said:
heres a poem , a bit pithy in retrospect , but still , wanted to post it...

Abode of the Fantasy

Where do my fantasies lie?
I dream of crushed velvet, satin smooth and liquid,
Corsets tightly laced.
Handsome daredevil men, with a gleam in their eye
Wearing tartans and furs.
Rough men, with rough hands, caressing the silken flesh between my thighs
Men who know who, and what they are
And are willing to follow their lusts.
I dream of thrilling crescendos, hot breath in my ear.
A man kneeling behind me, kissing my lower back,
My insides turning liquid with desire
Longing fulfilled
Whiskers tickling the flesh around my nipples
Soft bites and nibbles on the delicate skin between my neck and shoulder.
My dreams are scenes from bodice ripper novels
Come to life between my legs.

Dayum girl! that is making ME all hot and bothered just readin it!
oooooooooooohhhhhhhhh boy

_Land said:

My Response

I lay awake at night thinking of you
a woman who's desires burn my senses
Her searing heat, igniting my wood
spontanius combustion

The fires of hell seem cold
compared to the passion
eminating from your eyes
Your flames ensnares me

I ache to be touched
to feel the energy flow
from your lips to mine
exchanging liquid flames

I long to feel you,
your fingers sqeezing
my engourged cock
making me moan

I need your wants
mount me, Ride me
Fuck me till we cum
listen to my beating heart

*gets naked now*.....:D
Jack and Jill went up the hill
But jill forgot to take the pill
and jack paid child support
unhappily ever after
Swept Away

Moon Goddess smiles
shifting tides.
Cerridwen, her hands at work
molds our shores.

Waves of pleasure
wash over us
like the first yellows
of autumn leaves.

Beauty, strength,
power, compassion,
honor, humility,
mirth, and reverence
rise within!

Sweeping away our
ugly weakness,
powerless pity,
shameful pride,
and miserable scorn

Seasons of
torment, enmity
replaced with
pleasure, and passion
an interesting occurance today
i slept while the afternoons rays
played out on my skin,
leaning against the bark of tree,
it grounded me
awaking i found tendrils
vines twined around me in fertile desire,
flesh becoming verdant green ,
covered in leaves lust ,
earthen goddess,
lush golden greens i have become
many splendored Idun,
keeper of immortality,blessed apples
the seeds within my fertile fruit
and you my Braggi,
telling tales upon all and sundry comers,
the stories pouring from your mouth ,
like honey mead from Mimirs well

_Land said:
I want

What i want is you
On your back
Feet up high
feel my heat
against your thigh
Plowing your
fertile field
giving you
my yield

Hmmmmmm that gives me an idea

My hands grip tightly
Fingers digging in thighs

Sqeezing as I Pound
Letting my Cock burry
Deep in your heaving mound

Passing passion deep in lust
Driving harder, slapping balls
Moans escape with every thrust

Feeling the tension build
Fucking you for all Im worth
Your hot slick pussy fully filled

Your inner walls ready to implode
Colapsing on my Ramming Shaft
as I burst loose my load

.....That's it...I'll be right over....keep it warm for me! :p
Re: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....

Well, my wife to be and I will put an extra plate on the table!

dragonhearted said:

.....That's it...I'll be right over....keep it warm for me! :p
Re: Re: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....

_Land said:
Well, my wife to be and I will put an extra plate on the table!

*rubs her hands in glee*

Oh goody! A threesome! :D
an extra plate on the table ?, you mean i have to Cook????
um.... not sure if i should.....
make sure you pick up new batteries for the smoke detector ;) on the way home
well, if its threesome dragon wants, i spose i should advice inviting two others, LOL since I dont share very well. Come to think of it neither do you...... but yes dear I will bring the batteries Home for the Smoke detector:p

beths-virtue said:
an extra plate on the table ?, you mean i have to Cook????
um.... not sure if i should.....
make sure you pick up new batteries for the smoke detector ;) on the way home

Emotional Abuse

twisitng imagery to make it fit your needs
cause and effect, being that they dont see me,
the way they used to, a good daddy, loving

fun, funny laughter rising from tickle fingers
applied to bellys and pits, no bigger smiles
no smiles at all now, they cant even see

how will they view me the next time we meet?
will they still run in to my arms? with unrestrained joy?
will my relationship be strained by lies whispered

whispered to make you look better in their eyes
tormenting them, playing this make believe
Mommys always been a story teller, a fairy tale queen
poetry, not today....

i was hoping to come online , and get some steam blown off , by writing/reading, but, i cant concentrate, im so nervous about this audition, im terrified ill blow it, although im trying , in vain , it seems to look at this reasonably......

i get these terrified thoughts of walking onstage, and freezing!,

the whole routine gone blank in my mind....
come on funny woman!, get with it !!!!

i know it can only go one of two ways, ill get the position or they will cast someone else, im still NERVOUS!!
eggshells , hell, im walking on thumbtacks!
