Lands Mind

Not sure if i need to preface this , but, just in case, yesterday, i offered to help land with cleaning up the ex wifes place, my reactions were mixed, to say the least...
after i walked out the door the first time , i returned inside to take more pictures, but, in the end , i had to go , my skin was crawling ,all night last night, my dreams were filled with crawling cockroaches,ive had an almost pathological fear of the things since i was young....but, thats the preface to another long story...

Opening the door to scattered cans,
remnants of human occupation,
Deserted in the evening,
Intended to wound by its very emptiness,

Inside, leaves a trace of which the occupant was,
Mentally incapable of taking care of anything,
not a dog, a cat ,or a fish, much less a child,

Broken and scattered pieces of life
Look around, the visceral reaction is disgust,
I want nothing more than to run from this tiny box,
leave it behind and forget that humans live like this

But instead I stay, knowing its what you need,
Somehow, its important to you to that I witness this,
give validation to your reasons for parting, perhaps.
Originally I had thought could clean the place out,
But, my stomach is turning,
out the door yet again, I walk.

Standing outside, the entire mood is misery,
all around ,this is just one story. Contained
in these tiny cramped places some try to call home.

Understanding now, why you did the same
and took one final look before leaving.
I shake my head in commiseration,
in spite of wanting to forget,

I have seen this house before,
The circumstances different, yet unchanged
A person chooses how to live their life,
and poverty, is more than an economic condition

A place like this arises from spiritual poverty
A complete lack of faith
not some nebulous being written about in a book
but faith in yourself. Confidence in your value.

It’s not my place to analyze who she was.
Close the door, surrendering the apartment
to the cockroaches already crawling over the counter.
Sleeping with me

In my lovers arms, dreaming
fitfully drifting on endless waves
soaking in the warmth of her love
basking in the strength of "us"

my fears quieted, eased
life's springs, finally unwound
my mind floating, weightless
anti-gravity like a super drug

my awakening, a free fall
crashing hard, coming down
one a.m., my lover sleeps
I wrap an arm around her

trying to return to my euphoria
thoughts of my children, twist
turning possibilities over and over
unable to rebuke, torment

images of your bitter smile
your spiteful wicked bites
sting like fresh, torn flesh
I lay awake, Knowing

even seperated, emancipated
living my own life, finding happiness
expanding my spiritual being
that you are still here

Individuals with separate ideals
different beliefs and characteristics
growing up, uncommon backgrounds
varied colors weaved together
forming a tapestry of concentricity

the loom of life choosing, carefully
intertwining our threads, who we are
our pasts becoming a vivid background
for who we will become, flavored
not tainted, a medley of colorful fruit

typical hue’s, plain by themselves
but mixed with others, vividly create,
never before seen rainbows, promises
of a brighter tomorrow, under a new sky
thankful for the rain that gave nourishment

Nothin but love for all my friends here at Lit..............

Your my yang baby ;)
Making Ends Meet

scrimping, scrounging, saving
stretching our very means
to the brink of non-existance
depriving self of pleasures

Doing without, withholding
resisting the urge, to spend
puting the future first
the present just
means to and end!
A fire burns within
fueled by aggression
causing memories, a jaded past

fossilized pain, set in stone
I throw it, release, free
like a boomerang, returns
opening wound, bleeding again

These are my fetters
binding me to history
that makes up the book of me
Perhaps a little help Rybka on spacing

Why was I mad?

I have fallen behind
--------------------------- Way behind
trying to catch up to
spent emotions,
count the cost

Spent readily at the
of an ill used word
or assumed meaning
no patient virtue

No way to catch
remember why
I was mad or hurt
I know it wasn’t
my fault of course

but still I -----w—on---d—e—r-
what really occurred
I know it was
Something, stupid
But……what ?

Sorrows way of saying hello
as we learn to cope with absence
trying to understand the WHY
wrestling with our humanity
as it rains on the just and unjust

No umbrella for us from life
“Life Happens”, prevailing Storms
huff and puff and blow our house down
Our strength, security taken from us
exposed to our weakness, we trust faith

Random acts of kindness, reminders
that there are still Angels, shining
in this fallen world, lighting the path
brightening our hopes during our
darkest hour, our very moment of need

New appreciation for life, blooms
out of the ashes, as the smoke lifts
and bright rays of light land on little
seeds, planted in secret, spurning growth
perhaps, it is not the seed that grows
but us through loss, that regain
more then we had in the first place

It is not the things in life that we can touch with our physical senses
that give us value, but the things that we treasure within our inner being, in
our hearts. These things make up who we are.

I wrote this poem for you in your time of loss, it is my deepest hope that out of the ashes you will find bright flowers, of inspiration that make life truly valuable.

Depression sinks like the last
leaf of oak, drifting unnoticed
to the forrest floor, to rest

Bitter winds bite the soul
leaving indelible, traces of
happiness disipate, leave
sodden mess

tears have coursed my soul
as late rays of fall sunshine pour
through the last leaves on the trees
each golden beam picking up
spent toilet paper strung there
to catch the tears of the sky

two worlds have overlapped,
past and present .
presents obvious disdain
for the past makes me feel diminished ,
and yet past has looked to me somehow different,
saddened to having survived it,
yet nostalgic for so many things it has shared.

present being concerned
with here and now,
cannot understand how the past
has shaped who is here
and I look at both, weighing the merits
and for once, keep my thoughts to myself.
Re: sodden mess

nothing like a trip in to town the night after halloween, was glad you posted this, the paper still hangs there ;)

Kisses _N

beths-virtue said:
tears have coursed my soul
as late rays of fall sunshine pour
through the last leaves on the trees
each golden beam picking up
spent toilet paper strung there
to catch the tears of the sky
The hands of time favor the wise
ones who make decisions based
not on emotion but relative facts

It will never matter how hard one tries
for only the the wealthy will ever taste
while the rest of us face sky on backs

We fret about what we cant change
taking moments of our life, one second
at a time, loosing them to tomorrow thought

trying to influence thing well out of range
dealing with thing that souldnt be reckoned
and all of our imagined outcomes, but naught
My Two Cents

The hands of time favor the wise
ones who make decisions based
not on emotion but relative facts

It will never matter how hard one tries
for only the the wealthy will ever taste
while the rest of us face sky on backs

We fret about what we cant change
taking moments of our life, one second
at a time, loosing them to tomorrow thought

trying to influence thing well out of range
dealing with thing that souldnt be reckoned
and all of our imagined outcomes, but naught

Heya _Land buddy, long time no see, hope all is well. I like this poem and have just a few editorial suggestions.

The hands of time favor the wise
ones who make decisions based
not on emotion but relative facts

It will never matter how hard one tries
for only the the wealthy will ever taste
while the rest of us face sky on backs

We fret about what we can't change
taking moments of our life, one second
at a time, losing them to tomorrow

trying to influence things well out of range
dealing with what shouldnt be reckoned
and all of our imagined outcomes

are but naught
I have been writing quite a bit lately, but not doing much posting here at lit. I am dealing with a huge legal battle in regards to the custody of my children.

I will be primarily posting my poetry in this thread versus online from now on so as not to have poetry that has been"published"

Thanks for the edit, A ;) I love it, my rhyme scheme was so subtle you didnt notice it :p Im getting better.

I will be posting several poems here over the next few nights, feel free to comment.

When you wrote my biography

When you wrote my biography
Pages left out, unfinished
page one left blank
devoid of a beginning

Perhaps it would be
better if you hadn't been
chosen to write my story

My story could have been
riveting, maybe I was the cure
for cancer, no one will know

because you decided my story
was unpublishable, unworthy
of life in black and white
with color pictures

Perhaps my story would have
changed the equality of the
human race. Advancing
society's humanity

bringing peace to the nations
but You decided to assassinate
me, rather then let me impede
on your aspirations and dreams

because the writer is always
more important then the story
Coming Back
simple things, read poetry
see distinct voices
paint across silk threads
then my own pallete
of black and white

Reality seems less brutal
when mixed with other's
perception of the world
as once again I seek and
find solace in the garden
of painted words
Parenting Skills

A lost art.
like David
yellowed over time
with the fingerprints of neglect.
Well known and valuable,
yet archaic to the moments
trench coat mafia

To know whether to stroke soft
or apply resolute pressure.
Clean the brush, taking another,
a different approach.
When to look for external stimulus-

muddled in abstract expresionism

egoistically defending
undisciplined putrid art
critique and advice shunned,
for fear change might compromise
approach or style and impose
acknowledgement of flaws
in one's own caricature

Indeed a lost art, sought by the rich
in spirit and character. They pass
it down, one generation to the next,
a precious family heirloom.

flesh and bone
multiplying, replenishing
survival race incomplete
frail man

My Girl is one hot commodity.
more valuable then a
refrigerator in Hell.

She maintains her cool
calm demeanor, sweats
over the hottest coals
just to make steam.

Her consistent calm
has its effect on me
catching my fury

Defusing my TNT
with just a smile
a wink and a kiss

my Baby, bends horizons
giving me a new view
a refreshed attitude

We remove our masks
for we are in a hidden place
where it is safe
to be our sacred selves

fear and doubt no stigma
no room for sideward glances
looking straight,
as our inner being, is razed,
put to the flames

Aristotle views display
as we look inward,
intimate soft touches
on self created wounds.

we stare at reflective eyelids,
remove clouds in
search of the child
tucked in fetal position
protected from storms

Seeking we find. Internal
realms of peace and comfort
opening our eyes and hearts
against the back drop of a starlit sky

We awaken
Land's soul bared


You are sad and hurting. Good thing you have your lady by your side. But look at the positive side - the best time to be creatively prolific.

From here on things will only look up and be better.
emote express
present printed view point
extoll erudite entente

behind back
“she’s a bitch”
To face “Bless your heart!”

Holding tight
warm embrace, but you
don’t see knife

laughing at my poverty
with smile and hello


hello kiss
soldiers take savior
Judas hangs

break law
get free help

little lullabies
baby coos
smiling with bright eyes
Daddy bonds