Last line challenge

Eluard said:
Yes, this question about "room temperature" is also a problem here and affects wine drinking as well. In summer scotch is all vapour and not much taste.

I assume Balvenie is a Highland single malt?


If Glenmorangie chums up and tells you a story in a friendly way, and Talisker grabs your lapels and bitchslaps you to make its point, then The Balvenie does a slow strip tease while whispering appealingly shocking things in your ear in a sultry voice. Particularly the 20. It'll have your clothes off in no time and be taking complete advantage of you.

Liar, your AV is cracking me up. Love it.
Eluard said:
Yes, but there's the rub. If you can find very pure spring water then a few drops is not going to hurt. But tap water is never that pure. And ice cubes contain a) too much water and b) are usually made from tap water, and c) chill the scotch down so that you lose some of the natural taste.

But I see that you're a man of taste and discernment — since you favour the Islay malts in the first place — so I don't see any need to fall out over a few ice cubes.

Oh i don't use tap water
Poland Springs ( from maine..yeah I know it could be from some clamdiggers backyard hose) for water
If its ice ,it's not usually a cube,it's crushed . a few pieces the size of popped corn made from filtered water

i agree about cooling it down but chances are by the time i get half way through it the ice will have melted and it will be close to room temp
Highland Park gives me a headache if I drink it straight and/or warm
It's one of the few scotchs I do drink with lots of ice and cold.
I have no idea why that is

A difference in opinion is no reason for a falling out
( the irony of saying that here is almost too funny)

The quote was from " The Princess Bride" I just modified it a bit
How to tell you then that sound
is the noise of the stars in love?

I always have been led to understand that a melting ice cube's frozen layer is pure H2O. When water freezes the magic of the molecule is that it forces all impurities out of solution. Soooo, as the Great and Powerful Vizier Bijou has decreed, remove the ice before it has a chance to melt completely and you've provided a delightful environment for your whiskey to titillate your nipples in.

Although, I can abide scotch I prefer rye. It's a Canadian thing. :D
Tathagata said:
The quote was from " The Princess Bride" I just modified it a bit

And a great film that is — one of the best bits of fencing ever committed to celluloid. (The best being Scaramouche.)