Laughless Limericks? Hilariuos Haikus?

there once was a cat named clause
he took a day once to pause
he noticed the elves
werent really themselves
so he covered his head up with guaze

Re: oh yeah?

denis hale said:
Perks is being cross
she knows boys are the best fun
watch her get her one

:eek: ;) :devil:

there is a lit poet named hale
who billows like a sail
so much hot air
I could almost swear
I'm in the middle of a gale.

snow blankets the street like dreams
so that nothing is quite as it seems
but like smiling faces,
whose masks wear in places
the truth melts around them in streams
Angeline said:
snow blankets the street like dreams
so that nothing is quite as it seems
but like smiling faces,
whose masks wear in places
the truth melts around them in streams
ohhh, you my friend, have a gift...

one of them being "following directions"


perky is blasphemous
masturbating with jesus
father, son, dildo
now Saturday rose from the week
and parted her curtains so bleak
sunlight came down in sprees
through the crystal web trees
made thoughts of a solstice oblique
I'm thinking that's not gonna cut the mustard as your solstice poem, but nice try, cakeboy.:D
Re: Poetic Humor

Rybka said:
Might I humbly suggest that you read some of my short verse?

Regards, Rybka

I will heartily recommend Rybka's short verse.

Here are some I recall finding particular joy in (but there are more!):

Santa's Elves
What's the Difference?
Ultimate Aphrodisiac
Snap, Crackle, Pop
Signs of Spring
How Many Poets?
Frog Fate

And, my personal favorite:
Quantum Mechanics

Ummm......can you tell I'm a fan?


and, yes... my computer is fixed now....

My favorite poem of Rybka's has one of those forbidden strings of numbers in its url.

Lauren? Help!

eagleyez said:

have you written yours yet? I'm stuck.

did you know poultice rhymes with solstice. It's just stupid. :D

what was this thread about anyway?
perks said:
have you written yours yet? I'm stuck.

did you know poultice rhymes with solstice. It's just stupid. :D

what was this thread about anyway?

its pretty thin pickins :D

im still working on my ode to daylight savings time

eagleyez said:
its pretty thin pickins :D

im still working on my ode to daylight savings time


tick tock, da time don't stop.
perks said:
tick tock, da time don't stop.

Tree hugger *snort* Thanks for the PC, chickie. :)

It’s cold on the streets at this time
In the morning I’m covered in rime
The park bench is cold
I’m getting too old
Yet in summer I’m still in my prime

She has a dimple
Where it is really important
He likes to kiss it.
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Re: Reading Rybka

Cordelia said:
My favorite poem of Rybka's has one of those forbidden strings of numbers in its url.

Lauren? Help!

The best way to get to that poem is to go to my home page, read your way down to it, and click from there. ;)

Regards, Rybka
Re: Re: ACK!

Originally posted by Lauren Hynde
Originally posted by Cordelia
My favorite poem of Rybka's has one of those forbidden strings of numbers in its url.

Lauren? Help!


The other way is to follow this link:
Quantum Mechanics
I would prefer that reader's use My method! :D :p :D

Regards, Rybka
perks said:
I'm thinking that's not gonna cut the mustard as your solstice poem, but nice try, cakeboy.:D
Don't worry, I've got another one. It's got the words "icing sugar" in it. 'twas bound to happen sooner or later. ;)