Laying things to rest

haven't we known you were a bi switch all along, even if you occasionally were in denial?:kiss:

and who could complain about a woman bi switch anyhow? doesn't that offer something for everyone?
"It involves Etoile and Sexygirl, doesn't it?"

Unless that's Lisa's screen name, sexy-girl has some explaining to do.
I'll have to agree with others on this...
Why should it be anyone elses business but yours.

I wish you all the best in your search :) :rose:
MissTaken said:

Now, that is my explanation, my only explanation and my only post to this matter.

You've ruined a perfectly good drama, ya know! ;)

We go and we grow, if we don't we stagnate. As we grow we are constantly discovering new and different things about ourselves. This is the way that it should be. Just as the relationships that we have change so do we.

I would like to compliment you Miss T on the way that you have handled this. You have done nothing more than several other people that I know have done to help fulfill all their needs.

I say stay, mod on, and just be you.
I have a bitch to add....Why wasn't I informed of this Bi-switchiness sooner......;)

I say okay to what Miss T wrote and okay to everyone who wants to move on and put this to bed. I mean to rest.;)
It seems that at least once a year there has to be *drama* affecting somebody by somebody else. Can't we all get along???:) :) :)
sirhugs said:
haven't we known you were a bi switch all along, even if you occasionally were in denial?:kiss:

and who could complain about a woman bi switch anyhow? doesn't that offer something for everyone?

Me! I'm complaining! She doesn't live close enough!
Miss, you are so right you need not defend your self to anyone. Those of us who really know you already know the truth. You are a warm and wonderfull woman, one that am I proud to call my friend!!!!!:kiss:
Ebony's Rant - 2 Profiles, is that all?

Shit, I have way more profiles than that.

Is it a bad thing?

Hell no.

Does it make you a bad person?

Hell no.

Does it make you dishonest?

Hell no.

Folks this is a friggin' porn site, get a grip and take a long walk down reality street.

Do I have more than one profile here at Lit?

Hell no. Lit ain't that important to Me.

Rant over.
Well, I guess it's official, MissT. You're not a bad girl after all! :devil:
I'm not sure how many threads there are about this, I've only read a little, but I'm sorry that you had to be bothered with this drama at all.

I've always really respected the way you treat everyone here, and I think you're just a super lady.

FungiUg said:
Well, I guess it's official, MissT. You're not a bad girl after all! :devil:

ohh...I think she IS a bad girl
that's what 's so great about her
As her Cyber-brother...

sirhugs said:
ohh...I think she IS a bad girl
that's what 's so great about her

who thinks incestuous thoughts :eek: from time to time, I concur!

She is a WONDERFUL'ly bad gurrl who is a great human being - as so many people here know well. ;)

I "lurk" on BDSM, a LOT - thanks to the lovely Moderator. :cool: