LDR'S-Are they really worth the pain?

Re: Re: Re: Re: cym,...and ALL

Ebonyfire said:

I just have to agree (again). Is this twice or three times? Shit cym, next we will be picking out china! LOL!


Oh dear - I seem to be playing catch up ....

Agree again.

(Give us plenty of warning on the china thing ... some of us will have to ship internationally!)
Re: Re: Re: Conflicts/Disagreements

Artful's dream said:

EB? see above^^^^^ post of mine for apology please as I am both woman and submissive enough to apologize when I am wrong .. ty:rose:

Accepted. But remember we all post to our own experiences.

Our own individual flavors should not threaten what you know to be true in your own relationship.

Re: Re: Re: Re: cym,...and ALL

Ebonyfire said:
Shit cym, next we will be picking out china!
I'm kinda partial to gold-rimmed ivory colored china and i don't have much of a preference as to pattern (though i'm not overly fond of anything oriental-looking, and for no good reason either). Might i ask your preferences, Eb?
oh Make No Mistake..

Ebonyfire said:

Accepted. But remember we all post to our own experiences.

Our own individual flavors should not threaten what you know to be true in your own relationship.

Nothing or Noone will touch what Artful and I share..you can take that to the bank and even draw interest on it lol I DO NOT feel threatened by ANYONE on this Forum,NOR will I .. I seek only to UNDERSTAND and as other healthy ,normal humans do ,I tend to get a bit carried away sometimes just being a lil bit "emotional but soon I stop to think and realize my mistakes and apologize ,as I did with Eb..I will NOT allow anybody to upset me to the point where I cannot defend my actions with TRUTH..I am a very intelligent woman and my experiences as a sub mean every bit as much to me as anyone else's do to them ..I appreciate all the great info I have received so far and because I DO have higher respect for myself now(thank-you Master) I will not allow myself to be talked "down" to which essentially all that threats really are anyways ... lol
oh Make No Mistake..

Ebonyfire said:

Accepted. But remember we all post to our own experiences.

Our own individual flavors should not threaten what you know to be true in your own relationship.

Nothing or Noone will touch what Artful and I share..you can take that to the bank and even draw interest on it lol I DO NOT feel threatened by ANYONE on this Forum,NOR will I .. I seek only to UNDERSTAND and as other healthy ,normal humans do ,I tend to get a bit carried away sometimes just being a lil bit "emotional but soon I stop to think and realize my mistakes and apologize ,as I did with Eb..I will NOT allow anybody to upset me to the point where I cannot defend my actions with TRUTH..I am a very intelligent woman and my experiences as a sub mean every bit as much to me as anyone else's do to them ..I appreciate all the great info I have received so far and because I DO have higher respect for myself now(thank-you Master) I will not allow myself to be talked "down" to which essentially all that threats really are anyways ... lol
Re: oh Make No Mistake..

Artful's dream said:

Nothing or Noone will touch what Artful and I share..you can take that to the bank and even draw interest on it lol I DO NOT feel threatened by ANYONE on this Forum,NOR will I .. I seek only to UNDERSTAND and as other healthy ,normal humans do ,I tend to get a bit carried away sometimes just being a lil bit "emotional but soon I stop to think and realize my mistakes and apologize ,as I did with Eb..I will NOT allow anybody to upset me to the point where I cannot defend my actions with TRUTH..I am a very intelligent woman and my experiences as a sub mean every bit as much to me as anyone else's do to them ..I appreciate all the great info I have received so far and because I DO have higher respect for myself now(thank-you Master) I will not allow myself to be talked "down" to which essentially all that threats really are anyways ... lol

Ahh, but that is my point Dream. The way you post sometimes does make it appear you are threatened.

Re: Re: oh Make No Mistake..

Ebonyfire said:

Ahh, but that is my point Dream. The way you post sometimes does make it appear you are threatened.

point taken Eb but sorry you see it that way as that is NOT the case at all ,then again thats on you..I am quite happy and especially since my Master is now back online .. thanks and you have a great day Eb.. peace..:D
Re: Re: Re: oh Make No Mistake..

Artful's dream said:

point taken Eb but sorry you see it that way as that is NOT the case at all ,then again thats on you..I am quite happy and especially since my Master is now back online .. thanks and you have a great day Eb.. peace..:D

Actually is is not "on" me. I have no stake in whether you understand me or not.


I believe my point was,that I hoped that you now understood me.. I do truly understand your position and opinions and was only trying to state to you MY fact that I do Not feel threatened ,however ,of course you may see it however you wish to and I still respectfully wish you a great day..
To answer your original question...


To a point.

But let me tell ya,living with your LDR is a hell of a adjustment.

Trust me on this.
lovetoread said:
To answer your original question...


To a point.

But let me tell ya,living with your LDR is a hell of a adjustment.

Trust me on this.

LTR, I have missed seeing you around and suspected you were busy adjusting to your new life. Do you think adjusting to this is different than adjusting to living with any other significant other?
lovetoread said:
To answer your original question...


To a point.

But let me tell ya,living with your LDR is a hell of a adjustment.

Trust me on this.

I don't think you can make any judgements on a relationship that LD until you do spend at least 6 months to a year together. Otherwise, you're caught up in a fantasy world that hasn't stood the test of time together.

But, hey, if it works for some, that's cool.

And you can come to the party, love. :)
Desdemona said:

LTR, I have missed seeing you around and suspected you were busy adjusting to your new life. Do you think adjusting to this is different than adjusting to living with any other significant other?

In a way it is.

I didnt have this kind of relationship before. As much as you read about it,study it, dream about it, real life is different.

Not bad,just different.

I have the hardest time adjusting to the day to day things. Isnt that silly? I mean the major things are easier to handle,the kids are all fine,but when it comes to the little things.... I dunno. Its only been 6 months so its all still new-ish.

I'll let you know how it is in a year or so. ;)