

Oh good God, Lord love a duck! My how topics can get twisted around, now this thread is about ducks.

Never, you are too funny....Kat...
She's furry,
She's funny,
Her nose is a little runny.

Sorry. Bit of a cold. Besides, that's the best rhyme I could think of.

You do not think I'm funny I mean, please Kit-Kat. *rolls eyes* Give me a break.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :cool: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
If God loves a duck it can't be wrong for me to love a duck. I mean, that whole anti-bestiality thing's just propa'gander', if I had a 'bill' for ever time someone's taken me 'down' .. *just trails off 'cause I can't think of anymore not so witty jokes* Egg-cuse me.
Egg-cuse me, well I think of a good egg-zample for a good comeback.

You have left me eggasperated...God you make me laugh...

Hope your cold feels better my little furry duck loving friend.

KitKat :D

[Edited by Katerina on 07-12-2000 at 06:44 PM]
Katerina said:
God you make me laugh...

Hope your cold feels better my little furry duck loving friend.
[Edited by Katerina on 07-12-2000 at 06:44 PM]

Psst. I'm not God. Really, I'm not.
I do love ducks though..
*Knows if we make to many of these duck jokes someone will hit us on the head with a mallard.*

*feeling my cold* It feels hot.. I guess that's better than feeling nothing at all, I'd be dead. *blinks* Yes, Mr. I-don't-remember-your-long-Russian-name-and-couldn't-spell-it-correctly-if-I-did, God is not dead.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :cool: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
*Even loves the furry ducks.. I said DUCKS.. keep your mind out of the gutter*
Not God?

Never, it is amazing how different a sentence sounds without a comma, *LOL*

I know what you mean, tis easy to get carried away with silliness, just like our never ever ever thread, Never...That one truly blew me out of the water...You got me on that one. The last post had me floored... hehehe.

Your truly are a gem, and your sense of humor is good for the soul of many readers... You always manage to put a smile on my face. Stay the way you are...always Never...

Take good care of that cold my friend...Katerina Val-Kyrie...

Hugs KitKat
You're telling that when people yell 'Hit the floor' as I walk in that's a good thing? Oh man, you made my day. Keep on telling me stuff like that and my ego will swell to the size of my.. wait, I don't have one of those anymore (Endlessly got rid of it.).

Hmm, let me see. I'll be always Never, I'll be Never always, I'll never be always, I'll always be Never. If ever I'm always then I'll always be Never for never without always could never be Never and I am a Never for always. Hmm, brain cramp. Best to just be and let the Neverness overtake me.

Kat.. kit.. You were one of the first to welcome me to this board and the thought that I might bring a bit of laughter to your day well, let's just say there's warm fuzzes all around.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :cool: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
:Insert cool quote here:
Here I go!

Never, always stay Never, never be Always, for if you were Always, you would never be Never. Never, is better, always forever. I like Never and don't know Always, so never ever stop being Never. Never is meaningless, Always is not, never ever is Always a Never, never ever is Never an Always...God, I think I just lost my marbles...I like you Never, just as you are for ever and ever and ever...

You do bring sunshine to the board Never, and lots of it.

Hugs Kitkat, your everlasting Never friend :D

[Edited by Katerina on 07-18-2000 at 06:45 AM]
*clapping* Bravo..
It's big, it's meaningless. I'm jealous.

*Furry Never hugs*

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :cool: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Don't worry. Marbles are fun to play with but I lost mine long ago and have found a good friend is so much more fun.

Errrr... ummm... sorry Chief, want a tylenol? *LOL*
I did make total sense though, I truly knew what I was saying until I lost my marbles. Hmmmm...

Yes you are right Never. Its alot more fun having a friend then it is having marbles.

If I was not to lose my marbles, I would forever and ever be playing with them and I would never ever have time to post these silly posts about Never and Always and Always and Never. How would I ever talk about Never, if my marbles were here and not lost forever and ever and ever and ever... God, I have literally gone off the deep end!

Oh yeah, Bigdog, thanks for clarifying Brittney Spear's song for me...Ooops, should have known that!

Have a KitKat :D

[Edited by Katerina on 07-13-2000 at 04:20 AM]
Re: Grins...

Katerina said:
If I was not to lose my marbles, I would forever and ever be playing with them and I would never ever have time to post these silly posts about Never and Always and Always and Never.

Aww, never mind. I thought I had something funny going, but that train left the station, derailed, and blew up!
*blinks at Katarina*
Everyone get back. Her head's going to blow!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :cool: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
April.. he, he, he.. April's on the board.

I was damn hell bent and determined to find an exploding head in Crack's Smiley Page. The @$@$%#%^$* page kept freezing up on me. I had to kill my puter twice, because there was nothing I could do. Really pissed me off!

Anywho, I have offically exploded Never. I shall behave now, I promise...Until next time at least...

Will a smiley head do?

KitKat :)
Stop this thread or I will tie you all up with duck tape!

On second thought, if some were tied up, then this party could get down and dirty.

"down" Get it????


Oops, Katrina did it again!

I do like your imagination, love parties!

I know I said I was going to behave, but I have decided not too, that would be way too boring...so here goes!

Stop this thread? Gosh, never!

Never would be so disappointed and would endlessly complain forever and ever. I like Never so I would never ever do that and endlessly hurt her like that ever..Always forever, I will like Never and Never will always forever like me. As for Endlessly, I like her too and Always I don't know. If Always were real, and Endlessley were not, I would see like Never better then ever. I do like Endlessly too, forever and ever and always. Never and Endlessly Always, Forever. Who the hell is Forever? I have never heard of her ever! If Forever and Always And Endlessly ever join in with me and Never we are doomed..Oh Never...I did it again...

*Gulp* KatKit...ooops KitKat. Mmmmm....mumble mumble...can't talk anymore...Enigma covered my mouth with ducktape. :(
Re: Enigma

Katerina said:
Mmmmm....mumble mumble...can't talk anymore...Enigma covered my mouth with ducktape. :(

I'll take it off if you promise to be good. Real good...(he said, hopefully)
*rips off the duck tape and runs out of the thread, locking the door behind me and leaving Enigma and Katarina alone together*

Hmmm. I wonder who'll lose it first.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :cool: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This post brought to you by the Exploding Heads of America: the US still blows them away.