Let's try another Teach-in

Constructing a poem solely from others words, does not strike me as poetry, strikes me as block assembly.
the value lies in the examination of, and the focusing on, words - how they form a meaningful phrase, how that can be used/manipulated by juxtapositioning it with other excerpts. if one can create a significantly new piece, all well and good; the quality of the phrasing will always be down to the writer you've centoed BUT there's a skill being honed in the successful manipulation of those and so, whilst creativity is involved, it's more like a mental exercise. when the creativity and manipulation work well together, the results can be very pleasing. *and yes, i think i can hear you coughing up a fur ball at that particular expression* :devil:
the value lies in the examination of, and the focusing on, words - how they form a meaningful phrase, how that can be used/manipulated by juxtapositioning it with other excerpts. if one can create a significantly new piece, all well and good; the quality of the phrasing will always be down to the writer you've centoed BUT there's a skill being honed in the successful manipulation of those and so, whilst creativity is involved, it's more like a mental exercise. when the creativity and manipulation work well together, the results can be very pleasing. *and yes, i think i can hear you coughing up a fur ball at that particular expression* :devil:
two lines is juxtaposition
10 a f-caked story, in someone else's words

L3 is drunk from a well of ghosts
on its own is genius, in context of the poem, made more strong,
in context of the cento, diminished, there is no internal linkage.

My parody of Senna's, demolishes, he said enough in two, me saying the same thing 5 times, does not add, it buries.

Champ does the same:
the sky is closer to the earth here 1
drums brush a rhythm like memory's night 2
rain shined the patently black avenues 3 clever
painting spatters on word-washed city streets 4 genius
through alleys, traffic until 5 shaded
into the deepening gray. 6

and beats it into cliche. Very doubful Ange would have ended there, on that.
two lines is juxtaposition
10 a f-caked story, in someone else's words
yeah, but i meant taking the one line and playing around by placing it before/after different ones till the right combination is found. mmmmm, cake.

L3 is drunk from a well of ghosts
on its own is genius, in context of the poem, made more strong,
in context of the cento, diminished, there is no internal linkage.
ah, yes, i get this. nicely explained, thankyou.

My parody of Senna's, demolishes, he said enough in two, me saying the same thing 5 times, does not add, it buries.

Champ does the same:
the sky is closer to the earth here 1
drums brush a rhythm like memory's night 2
rain shined the patently black avenues 3 clever
painting spatters on word-washed city streets 4 genius
through alleys, traffic until 5 shaded
into the deepening gray. 6

and beats it into cliche. Very doubful Ange would have ended there, on that.
see? i love it when you illustrate your points like this - you make it easy to 'get'.
Here's one I did years ago, I'm afraid I don't have the names of the original authors because at the time I didn't know about the courtesy of naming them.
Strength in soul escapes me now
this quickly licked away regret,
all my feelings I expressed to you
in casually offered pictures.
Mere seconds left to go
in the morning
all meet where roads end at final rest.
Internal linkage? I don't get it. As in, fitting the overall theme?
assembly of a story - top level is what you did, take my line
drunk from a well of ghosts
does it add anything extra to your story?
what does it do in mine? - there are dead people in the water.
BTW I lost control in that poem, so I consider it a failure.
drunk from a well of ghosts
does it add anything extra to your story?
what does it do in mine? - there are dead people in the water.

(senses deadened) / (mind made impassive) by an unending procession of thoughts that haunt.
All I get is you think it's a joke because it doesn't "strike you as poetry".

We had a thread discussing what poetry is. It was confusing, lots of opinions, but I learned that poetry is about choosing words for sound, meaning, etc. Also, considering higher-level stuff, such as juxtaposition, or the composition, the poem as a whole.

You speak of block assembly, you're telling me I'm not choosing words, and that since I am borrowing entire lines, the words are weaker. There isn't a second and a third reason for having chosen them. Sure, you are right. It's a piece of crap poem, as a result, because it is straightforward.

Now where else have I read something like that, lately?
All I get is you think it's a joke because it doesn't "strike you as poetry".

We had a thread discussing what poetry is. It was confusing, lots of opinions, but I learned that poetry is about choosing words for sound, meaning, etc. Also, considering higher-level stuff, such as juxtaposition, or the composition, the poem as a whole.

You speak of block assembly, you're telling me I'm not choosing words, and that since I am borrowing entire lines, the words are weaker. There isn't a second and a third reason for having chosen them. Sure, you are right. It's a piece of crap poem, as a result, because it is straightforward.

Now where else have I read something like that, lately?
If you think it is poetry, it is. You have a much better chance of a unified whole writing your own. Plus if someone says "that's a really cool line" you won't have to go "um, um..."
Other than that it is always case by case.