Life Is Beautiful

You don't 'get' my last piece?

I got it my little china doll. I was distracted by other things.

As I read it, all "art" is artificial, but the end product still has meaning depending on who's "consuming" it...

If that's not close then, no, I didn't "get" it
She held up her hand,
and declared:
“That’s five!”
“Hey!” she squealed,
Holding up her other hand,
“That’s five too!”
“Good!” I said.
“And if you put them together,
what do you get?”
“A butterfly!” she beamed.
And I envied this four-year old her poetry,
because all I saw was 10.

This is exceptional! In content in brevity and it's honesty. Bravo
She held up her hand,
and declared:
“That’s five!”
“Hey!” she squealed,
Holding up her other hand,
“That’s five too!”
“Good!” I said.
“And if you put them together,
what do you get?”
“A butterfly!” she beamed.
And I envied this four-year old her poetry,
because all I saw was 10.

And that is a piece of art that I can appreciate.
It also reminds me of these quote from my little one...

"My bravery snuck out of me. That's how it happened. That's why I got scared."

Five months prior...

"It's ok, I've got some bravery now. If I get scared I'll just close my eyes and think of something happy. That's what I'll do."

And two weeks ago...
"Mommy, I'm working on my fear of cleaning. It's taking time but I'm working on it."

All of these things were said out of the blue. She just comes up to me and announces these things. Well the first was was said in a conspiratal way. In close to my ear, very quietly looking around as if to make sure her bravery wasn't nearby to overhear.
I was honest about the process of creating the 'art'.. PS is semi-legit, but no manipulation is put on a pedestal.

Uh, every form of art is manipulation. Wood to, well so many things. Paint to a picture. Words into a story or poem. It's manipulation that is representing itself as candid or untouched that gets bashed. Even a candid photograph is a manipulation of time...
Uh, every form of art is manipulation. Wood to, well so many things. Paint to a picture. Words into a story or poem. It's manipulation that is representing itself as candid or untouched that gets bashed. Even a candid photograph is a manipulation of time...

You almost sound like bogusagain saying that
please let's not argue about comma placement pullleaase!!

It's original at least...I am rather proud of a rough draft of something bigger...perhaps.

Very perfunctory reply if I may so say...
i happen to be exceedingly busy with life right now - so perfunctory is as perfunctory does. there are poets here who've spent an awful lot of time and effort polishing and editing and repolishing pieces i've yet to find time to comment on. why would i spend excessive amount of time on yours, or anyone's, that's just thrown out there unless it really appealed to me? yours was, to my taste, ok - the first half way better than the second. and while you're about it, appearing to demand feedback when i don't see you particularly forthcoming yourself in that dept. is inappropriate.

You don't 'get' my last piece?
as in this response: - the best way to get feedback from others is to give something of your own time - not just throw a piece out there (which any of us can and sometimes do) and expect others to go out of their way to critique/discuss it.

She held up her hand,
and declared:
“That’s five!”
“Hey!” she squealed,
Holding up her other hand,
“That’s five too!”
“Good!” I said.
“And if you put them together,
what do you get?”
“A butterfly!” she beamed.
And I envied this four-year old her poetry,
because all I saw was 10.
now this is a way better write. the colour sucks, but the write's got the stamp of authenticity, is playful, wistful, has shadows... nicely done.
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gee thanks. 'has shadows'? how effing pretentious is that????

witful is a word? and ..'the write'? what language is this?

deleted comment...not worth it! oh what the hell...your comments stink of precious!

i wont slam the door on the way out...:D

ok I lied...sue me!

Why so defensive? There is nothing in what was said to you that is insulting. Nothing is being shoved down your throat or ears. It's a discussion, people are just giving their opinions about what you're saying and presenting. Butters thinks it has "shadows". What is it to you what she thinks, inside her head?

I was reading this thread and thinking it was an interesting conversation. Your latest reaction is incomprehensible. Miscommunication wins the day, yet again.
i wont slam the door on the way out...:D

ok I lied...sue me![/QUOTE]

~you can't slam a revolving door.
Jus sayin
the pushmepullyou
was a drama llama
stood in the middle of the blacktop
waiting for applause