Line by Line Challenge - December 4 line poems

As days grow short
(Quatern with traveling traveling line)

As days grow short and sunlight fades
Nature’s hues shift from bright to grey
in midst of plague, darkness pervades
the birds fly south but we must stay.

Together we will make it through
though days grow short and sunlight fades
our faith stands strong, our hearts are true
and so shall break midwinter’s shade.

In blackest hour when doubt invades
despair creeps in and all seems dire
as nights grow long and sunlight fades
strike flint to light the solstice fire.

All gather round our newfound light
quaff winter ale, sing old ballades
till dawn banishes longest night
as sun grows strong and darkness fades.
yesterday was a gift
of sunlight and sound
colour, movement, scent
discovery through observation

no cold wind, no sky's oppression; instead
a shoaling susurration of birds
a hundred thousand voices layered
verdant grass alight with sunbrites

a day of doing, living, breathing
away from exploding numbers
the new normal of infection's might
bitter root of so much sorrow

a day to count our blessings
recoup pre-covid days.
today, the sun is choked
in lowlight no bird sings
Who on earth needs a parachute?

Boy meets girl as the story's told
If that one's old recast the mold
But whichever way things take hold
events unfold. Events unfold.

The fervent grasp of frictive lips,
A fellowship of fingertips,
the yaw and pitch of rolling hips -
apocalypse! Apocalypse!

Uncovering - the root is Greek.
A fit of pique? And why critique?
For chemistry that's so unique?
Your knees are weak. Your knees are weak.

Interrogate a meet so cute?
Would you dispute a point so moot?
When falling fast as Cupid shoots,
this flying suits. This flying suits.

Thanks to Tzara et al, for making this look like so much fun.
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horrific dentroem

top of
that direful
awry grown tree

she had put
her garter belt
big balls at the end
of its four pink-laced straps

the elderly folks
were short-sighted as hell
that's what I truly wished for

but to my despair
the very next morning
cotton knickers and stockings
seniors' style, hung from every twig
In My Cups

The only thing sadder
than a bottle of whiskey
drained of its last dram is
a poet deserted by his muse.
Which matters matter?

Who and why and what and where
the questions hang in empty air.
Lack of meanings cause my dread
do meanings matter when I'm dead?

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Pussy Power

When you were the star, you
would grab them by the pussy
and know they liked it because
their panties were always wet.

Now with your sun in eclipse
and all those pussies peeing
on you, can you realize they
were pissing on you all along?

Re-reading poems by Tathagata, eagleyez, Deep Asleep,
Liar, annaswirls and so many more, is like entering
another lost era, whose society I luckily glimpsed
from the edges, before it disappeared forever.
The Original 30 in 30 days
Fuck you, COVID

Placed a tube that will never be removed
De-clot the limb and cross fingers
Deep cuts four times to let tissue breathe
You, looking like my father, likely never will again.
endless tragic cycle

>...fingers and toes sum up to twenty
only who can count the plenty
victims who meant so much
to us it would mean a lot to touch...>
top of
that direful
awry grown tree

she had put
her garter belt
big balls at the end
of its four pink-laced straps

the elderly folks
were short-sighted as hell
that's what I truly wished for

but to my despair
the very next morning
cotton knickers and stockings
seniors' style, hung from every twig

That settles it, writers are also artists! 😃
Double Dactyl

Higgledy piggledy,
Emily Dickinson
Wrote quite short poetry,
Such as it was.

Brilliant and masterful
Stanzas that hardly were
Like A Fly Buzzed.

Thanks for this trinity of poetry. Unfortunately, it (or the exceptionally warm weather - but I doubt that, and still would blame the power of the quill) summoned a rather annoying, big fly while reading. Life really is an expert when it comes to timing...
me 'n' the dawg took a walk around the ponds
the pastures, woodland in our search
finally found it, right along the drive's fenceline--
the perfect goldilocks tree

:cattail: :) :heart:

well, in all honesty, i mayyyy have to trim off a few lower branches, but i can so make this one work. oh. yeahhhhhhhhh. :cool:
Solstice Quatrain

The longest night is nigh upon us
as is the turning of the year.
Let it go in sunlit frost, and shelter
close with winter drawn so near.
Tree Hugger :)

She's multi orgasmic
trimming delicate bites of evergreen
snip, snip, snipping to perfection
that smile upon her face.
bits down my boots
bits in me bra
this tree is THE BESTEST
so happy. Ta Da!!!!

Do you eat in full colour?
The bright orange of carrots nestling
with fresh garden peas, awaiting
jewelled encrusted cranberry sauce?
The love tapestry on the walls of your mind
weaves multitudes of threads to intermingle
through life, growing and gradually filling in
the background until the full picture emerges.
Goodbye 2020

Yule breakfast, bacon girl, pancake boi,
crispy makings down below,
tender pastries grow on stove
for all those empty seats around the table.
Italian Quatrain

O Solo Mio
It's almost ending
I've nothing pending
(This ain't no trio)

And this is no poem
But just a mishmosh
A sad mishegoss
I shoulda stood home

But Merry Christmas
And Happy New Year
My song is done here
With near rhyme half-assed
I floated toward your outstretched hand
absorbed its heat
melted along your heart line
and disappeared
hey, 2020,
sulking all day
grey, gloomy, rain on the way—
let the door hit your arse on the way out