Line by Line Challenge - November 3 line poemss

Lockdown Long distant Lust!

Watching your tribute to me,
softly spoken erotic words urging you on,
until with a groan, there it is. My prize!
And then, the season changes;
a warm breeze in a world of cold.
A time for bones to heal.
Early Morning in Late Autumn

Curled up beneath a heated blanket,
Shivering with long sleeves on,
Fingers feeling they’ll be forever frozen.
The loneliness of the long distant poet,
plodding onwards, unrewarded, unsung,
No destiny or finishing line in sight.
daddy's new knife
Japanese stainless-steel with
cut edge razor sharp
in the blink of an eye

in the front yard, behind the old tree, I kissed you right on your left temple,
goosebumps crawling down, leaving hairs stand up and earlobes hidden,
fluttering alae as lips leaked the sacrosanct 'No' and you flowed away

She asked me why,
out of everyone in the world,
and I smiled, "Because you said yes."

it's raining leaves
the sun shines & fire's prepped—
jack's visiting tonight
Heroines in Air Force Blue, working through the night
to keep your country safe from those that would, in stealth,
still attempt to steal your liberty and peace while you sleep.
Dedication is - begging a partner to
please, please, PLEASE shut up.
So you can write Haiku!.
Partner is - walking away muttering,
just audibly for AGES,
while you try to concentrate and not listen
Breaking Things Up

It was,
when you got right down to it,
an exercise both of numbers and of thought.

november - kale's still green
we're grateful for this bounty
but it's so boring
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A Cliché

I wish you were here to hold me as I drift to sleep.
Each day without, I wish the same,
And each day I cry with the empty bed’s answer.
I'm a Veteran, but you think with influence small,
my name was never written upon a hero's wall,
proud, I served my country, answering the call.
They say I'm in the Winter of my life, and yes it's true,
the many years of snow build drifts behind my back,
sparkling where the sun catches the edges before my twilight.

heroes get kissed

baddies are dismissed

super-heroes stay home


Pyramidelle (just made up poem type): increasing syllable count with each line, all rhyming except for the last, which holds the 'secret' under the distracting shape above, can be a contrast, twist, punchline etc...Let's see of it works in the next months too


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Your questing fingers research my meridian lines
of East and West, from nipple to nipple
and all points in-between, until they meet.
The Scientific Method

As we solve mysteries
of yesterday’s magic,
new mysteries unfold.

Ever cold was the night left wanting.
Held still in the light of the heavens eye.
To Live Love and never let perish.
when her nose twitches
like Samantha on Bewitched
magical evening
Why does the sound of your voice
still taste like heartbreak
no weight but I can’t stand