Lit a bad influence??

Remec said:
Is there any other kind? <g>

Well, 'sides the freaky-4am-after-a-night-of-tequila monkey love, that is...<wink>

is that anything like the 4-am-after-a-night-of-cold jaegermeister-you want sex, but you pass out instead?

maybe not...
Angeline said:
six weeks? it would happen the first morning i woke up and saw that monkey tatoo grinning at me.


oh yeah
blame the'd be on the other side anyway
Angeline said:
is that anything like the 4-am-after-a-night-of-cold jaegermeister-you want sex, but you pass out instead?

maybe not...

and wake up feeling like you slept with a mouth full of " Scope'
and even your eggs taste like mint...
Tathagata said:
oh yeah
blame the'd be on the other side anyway

what? we're not even married yet and you're insisting on a side? i want an annulment.

see ya later meshugge. work calls.
