Lit Holiday Poem Swap

My Yuletide is not complete without two words
Merry Christmas are those that wait to be heard.
Hold up, now! I think I forgot another three -
I love you, not just someone special, but everybody.
Without this thought held close to my heart
I fear that this season just couldn't start
to be felt in the halls, in the homes and the stores;
nor in the churches and temples, through any door!
Stand now with me and let your heart song rise
up through your lips, past the trees to the skies,
over forests and lakes and mountains and seas.
The notes carry a blessing contained in all of these
blessed words that we say with our spirits so true
Merry Christmas, dear friends, I love you.

Merry Christmas to you too my dear :heart:
My Yuletide is not complete without two words
Merry Christmas are those that wait to be heard.
Hold up, now! I think I forgot another three -
I love you, not just someone special, but everybody.
Without this thought held close to my heart
I fear that this season just couldn't start
to be felt in the halls, in the homes and the stores;
nor in the churches and temples, through any door!
Stand now with me and let your heart song rise
up through your lips, past the trees to the skies,
over forests and lakes and mountains and seas.
The notes carry a blessing contained in all of these
blessed words that we say with our spirits so true
Merry Christmas, dear friends, I love you.

very beautiful! and heartfelt!
My Yuletide is not complete without two words
Merry Christmas are those that wait to be heard.
Hold up, now! I think I forgot another three -
I love you, not just someone special, but everybody.
Without this thought held close to my heart
I fear that this season just couldn't start
to be felt in the halls, in the homes and the stores;
nor in the churches and temples, through any door!
Stand now with me and let your heart song rise
up through your lips, past the trees to the skies,
over forests and lakes and mountains and seas.
The notes carry a blessing contained in all of these
blessed words that we say with our spirits so true
Merry Christmas, dear friends, I love you.

Merry Christmas dear sister. :kiss:
my darling girls, my dashing boys,
i wish you hearts of festive joy;
of light and cheer and rude good health,
of bonhomie and good love, felt.

in times of darkness there is light
despite the longest winter night;
so let us wish for peace again -
that '16's free of fear and pain.

so raise your glass, your cup, or mug,
it's litmas time, so, right - group hug!
We all came here looking for sin.
Surprise! Now it feels like we're kin.
I'm posting this doggerel
As Yuletide inaugural,
I've got you all under my skin. :rose:
god rest ye, merry litmas peeps,
let nothing you dismay;
the word's alive and kicking, well,
alive on this yule day!
no matter how depraved we get
let's not forget to pray
for-orr poems and poe-osts of great joy,
comfort and joy,
for-orr po-oh-ems of cu-um-fort and joyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


glass of port, time for a book in a bath, apples soaking in cider and vanilla pods pre cooking :)
my darling girls, my dashing boys,
i wish you hearts of festive joy;
of light and cheer and rude good health,
of bonhomie and good love, felt.

in times of darkness there is light
despite the longest winter night;
so let us wish for peace again -
that '16's free of fear and pain.

so raise your glass, your cup, or mug,
it's litmas time, so, right - group hug!

A Christmas sonnet :kiss: :rose:
*taps, unwraps* slice of chocolate orange, anyone? :kiss:

Got any left? It's my favorite!

We all came here looking for sin.
Surprise! Now it feels like we're kin.
I'm posting this doggerel
As Yuletide inaugural,
I've got you all under my skin. :rose:

We are the best (well certainly the most eloquent) happily dysfunctional family on Lit. :)

god rest ye, merry litmas peeps,
let nothing you dismay;
the word's alive and kicking, well,
alive on this yule day!
no matter how depraved we get
let's not forget to pray
for-orr poems and poe-osts of great joy,
comfort and joy,
for-orr po-oh-ems of cu-um-fort and joyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


glass of port, time for a book in a bath, apples soaking in cider and vanilla pods pre cooking :)

I like your sonnet but this one really cracked me up. Lots of cumfort and joy to be found here. God bless us, every one!
