Lit Holiday Poem Swap

A Gourmand and Gourmet's Buffet

everything can change
in the blink of an eye
for some of us though
change comes slowly
creeps in the cracks
of our foundations
fills crevasses
we were blithely
unaware of
until a fullness
is felt
and we poke at our bellies
lick our teeth
look around
for the origins of
the hearty meal
we've unconsciously
upon discovery
we savor the remnants
and go back
for more
Anyone who knows you
Needs to appreciate the
Naughty humor that also
Is observant and careful,
Every word precise, formal--
Set in a line just so. You're

Powerful, your gentle heart
Open. Dear girl you befriend
Every creature, such a good
Mum to your fur babies.

some wonderful pieces in here. i need to find time over the xmas break to re-read them and answer a few. :kiss::kiss:
The Second-Class Student at the Teach-In
Explains His Problem to the Instructor

At times the poems you write will rhyme,
But other ones do not.
You write some poems that have great charm
And ones—yikes!—smokin' hot.

Combining these, your repertoire
Is difficultly wrought.
Best I can do? Mix leprechauns
With flaming apricots.

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Anyone who knows you
Needs to appreciate the
Naughty humor that also
Is observant and careful,
Every word precise, formal--
Set in a line just so. You're

Powerful, your gentle heart
Open. Dear girl you befriend
Every creature, such a good
Mum to your fur babies.


You Acrosticked me!! :heart:
One a these days
you'll pay attenshun,
check the dictshunary
and quit with the multiple
!!!!!!!s. OTOH you are
a kind-hearted soul
with a fun sense of humor
and a heart for peace. When
it comes to your culture,
you are a wise and patient

So WTF???!!!
Write however you want!!!!
I'm glad you're here. :)

One a these days
you'll pay attenshun,
check the dictshunary
and quit with the multiple
!!!!!!!s. OTOH you are
a kind-hearted soul
with a fun sense of humor
and a heart for peace. When
it comes to your culture,
you are a wise and patient

So WTF???!!!
Write however you want!!!!
I'm glad you're here. :)

.. :) and just two months ago on fb when I told her there was a Halloween challenge, she said, 'I doubt anyone misses me'
One a these days
you'll pay attenshun,
check the dictshunary
and quit with the multiple
!!!!!!!s. OTOH you are
a kind-hearted soul
with a fun sense of humor
and a heart for peace. When
it comes to your culture,
you are a wise and patient

So WTF???!!!
Write however you want!!!!
I'm glad you're here. :)


Ha, if that's not Ash I'll present my ass for :caning:
A'course it was A9, I was a few post behind, I'll likely be iced in by xmas, storm scheduled tonight or tomorrow in the advent it happens like that, season's best to you all :heart:

Really? And I think you're south of where I am. We're getting (more) rain and highs in the 70s. Way warmer than usual for this time of year. Not that I'm complaining!

Stay safe and don't forget yer raincoat! :heart:
I says all us wimins should band together and spank Tods. He's a perv so I'm guessing it would be ok. :D

Lol! He seems more the giving than receiving type and according to an old post in the bar he's got a tight tush, so I think we'll need to break out the paddle to save our delicate hands. :cattail:
A'course it was A9, I was a few post behind, I'll likely be iced in by xmas, storm scheduled tonight or tomorrow in the advent it happens like that, season's best to you all :heart:

omg, fingersxxxx'd :heart: hope i can speak with you xmas day... just waiting for this to reconnect to hit send :cattail::heart:
Lol! He seems more the giving than receiving type and according to an old post in the bar he's got a tight tush, so I think we'll need to break out the paddle to save our delicate hands. :cattail:

I wouldn't mind getting in on this bit of fun, though I think the challenge might be getting him to be still long enough to make the attempt. :)
I wouldn't mind getting in on this bit of fun, though I think the challenge might be getting him to be still long enough to make the attempt. :)

I think a discussion of that would fall under the Everyday Erotica or Just Porn threads. But a poem comes to mind that I'll put on my Tripe thread, in a few minutes.