Lit poetry: Porn vs. the erotic

Tathagata said:
you are assuming that there is a " power struggle' in sex when, in fact, when sex is a spiritual union all things are equal.

the climax is a transcendental experience for both
where both parties go beyond the self
hopefully together
physically you can make the argument that it is the male who initiates the orgasm...but both parties have to be willing to abandon " this" reality, inhibitions etc and " join" in the act to achieve bliss.

to use a cliché' it is yin and yang combining to create the whole
the "whole" being the state of orgasm ie: the small death
where there is no male and female only the joined experience of togetherness , bliss, completeness etc etc.

as for s/m that is a whole different ball of wax where one person is completed by serving another
much like the priesthood or joining a monastery one surrenders ones self to another and in this submission once again abandons the self in order to be complete.

the samurai were bound to think nothing of giving up their life for the good of the master.
and there is the death theme again.
what greater gift can someone give than their life?
whether it be literal or symbolic, to give up ones self, ones desire for another is the ultimate intimacy.

so if the male lets himself be taken in by the female
joined and vulnerable
this is, no matter what, an act of acquiescence
and the female who takes this man in and opens to him
this also is an act of exposure
of vulnerability.

when its done right
no one has power

even in the s/m relationship
the submissive and the dom have equal power
the submissive must please the master
and the master must know what the submissive needs to be fulfilled

its been reduced to whips and chains and spankings
but in reality it is a delicate balance to keep all things equal
to maintain harmony
the yin and yang

I could go on about how humans are animals and animals are hierarchal, but I will leave that for now and get straight to your current sig line. Does not fear involve a power struggle, as Anais Nin points out, and quite beautifully that of a mother and child.

I don't necessarily believe a male initiates an orgasm. The female allows it - and this is a huge and general context. Yin and Yang are not yet joined, we can go back to the garden, and discuss Adam and Lilith joined, but warring. There are plenty of parables, analogies and myths, but in them there is always struggle, so where is the resolve of equality? Sex always contains a power dynamic (to qualify that I did not mean struggle) and every example you give points to this?

Tathagata said:
oh my sestina
we can make it together

tony orlando remember?

i can talk erotic i cant write it

i should be a phone sex guy
except my burps and the baseball game on in the background might dampen my clients ardor

you just like me because i've seen you in a skeleton costume
woo hoo

Lol! I just reread your post and got the Tony Orlando song reference--I didn't the first time.

Um. Thanks for making me remember a Tony Orlando song. :rolleyes:

Angeline said:
Lol! I just reread your post and got the Tony Orlando song reference--I didn't the first time.

Um. Thanks for making me remember a Tony Orlando song. :rolleyes:


Well i thought you brought it up? LOL. "Tie a yellow ribbon" is on your mind, right? LOL
is it pornographic?

It's a weak, boring, insecure (negative, with all those negations), wordy, talk-talk-talk poem, neither erotic nor pornographic except in some administrative or legal terms. To me it is just repulsive. You guys are mostly harmless, degenerated perverts (which I say with warm sympathy :)) but I need a lot of romantic or at least intensively erotic foreplay in a text before I am able to accept the notion of physiological liquids of strangers (without a vomiting reflex :)). The same with porno pictures and movies. I cannot stand those liquids of strangers, uck! (The same goes for strangers spitting in my soup :)).


Senna Jawa​
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It's a weak, boring, insecure (negative, with all those negations), wordy, talk-talk-talk poem, neither erotic nor pornographic except in some administrative or legal terms. To me it is just repulsive. You guys are mostly harmless, degenerated perverts (which I say with warm sympathy :)) but I need a lot of romantic or at least intensively erotic forplay in a text before I am able to accept the notion of physiological liquids of strangers (without a vomiting reflex :)). The same with porno pictures and movies. I cannot stand those liquids of strangers, uck! (The same goes for strangers spitting in my soup :)).


Senna Jawa​

Glad to be of service, my sweet Prince. :heart:
Glad to be of service, my sweet Prince. :heart:
Actually, I was tired at the time. It is a good poem. Sure, it has a bunch to fix but it'd be easy, e.g. addressing things like:

not scenic
just [...]

I have to run now (and u'r not really interested in my comments anyway, not anymore :)).
Actually, I was tired at the time. It is a good poem. Sure, it has a bunch to fix but it'd be easy, e.g. addressing things like:

not scenic
just [...]

I have to run now (and u'r not really interested in my comments anyway, not anymore :)).

Of course I am interested in your comments! They have meant a lot to me now and in the past.

Besides I am seriously not proud of my smut and cannot take it seriously.


It is just for fun. Confection.

Did you say ur not?

Are you turning text on us? ttfn
It's a weak, boring, insecure (negative, with all those negations), wordy, talk-talk-talk poem, neither erotic nor pornographic except in some administrative or legal terms. To me it is just repulsive. You guys are mostly harmless, degenerated perverts (which I say with warm sympathy :)) but I need a lot of romantic or at least intensively erotic forplay in a text before I am able to accept the notion of physiological liquids of strangers (without a vomiting reflex :)). The same with porno pictures and movies. I cannot stand those liquids of strangers, uck! (The same goes for strangers spitting in my soup :)).


Senna Jawa​

I promise my physiological liquids are neither strange nor have ever caused a gag reflex!;)

I will make a mental note that I need to warm you up with some gentle foreplay before spitting in your soup. Kidding! I would never do that. And know I always appreciate your commentary on my words, even when you find them to be repulsive. Seriously. Most kinds of attention are better than being ignored or unnoticed!

Peace, Senna

~Seattle Rain