Long distance D/s relationships


Sometimes reality sucks. It bites. It writhes.

When in that position, I struggled with my impatience.

However, I believe that if it was meant to be, if love was real and could be real time, I would have managed my impatience until the relationship could come to fruition.

I am not a good advisor, as in both relationships, my trust was violated and the relationships ended.

I would only suggest, communicate, busy yourself with plans and take heart. If you love one another, it will happen.

Lovetoread will back me up on this! :rose:
MissTaken said:
Lovetoread will back me up on this! :rose:

Yes what she said. ;)

The only thing I have to put in here is to be realistic.

No one can live up to what you may have built up in your mind. Meaning that just because when you talk when you are apart,its mostly sex. Unless you are lucky enough to talk all day,you usually dont get into the day to day living problems that pop up in your life.

The fact is that you have to treat a ldr like any other relationship.

Dont be blind to faults that will come out,even from a distance,nor dont expect that the person you want to be with is superman/woman.
MissTaken said:
Lovetoread will back me up on this! :rose:

Yes what she said. ;)

The only thing I have to put in here is to be realistic.

No one can live up to what you may have built up in your mind. Meaning that just because when you talk when you are apart,its mostly sex. Unless you are lucky enough to talk all day,you usually dont get into the day to day living problems that pop up in your life.

The fact is that you have to treat a ldr like any other relationship.

Dont be blind to faults that will come out,even from a distance,nor dont expect that the person you want to be with is superman/woman.
lovetoread said:

The fact is that you have to treat a ldr like any other relationship.

Dont be blind to faults that will come out,even from a distance,nor dont expect that the person you want to be with is superman/woman.

I agree. You must enter each relationship from a position of strength, not weakness. Relationships do not fix you nor do they solve your problems. If anything, they act as a magnifying glass to enlarge weaknesses. The faults we finally observe in our partners are those we ignore in ourselves.

Ebony <Is that a splinter in your eye or is that a mote in mine?>
very helpful

These are great words of wisdom. The nice thing is that we are real to each other. I love the time we spend together, especially that it isn't all sex, and never talk of sex (well, not quite true) over the phone. I share my problems, He shares His. The time away is what makes me impatient. I just want to be with Him all the time, and when I go a couple weeks without seeing Him, I get frustrated. We both have responsibilities, so I try and deal with mine and understand His. Again, thank you for you advice and wisdom.