Losing one's virginity

Wen did you give up your virginity

  • 12 or younger

    Votes: 7 4.0%
  • 13-14

    Votes: 15 8.7%
  • 15

    Votes: 17 9.8%
  • 16

    Votes: 19 11.0%
  • 17-18

    Votes: 39 22.5%
  • 19-20

    Votes: 25 14.5%
  • 21-25

    Votes: 15 8.7%
  • 25-30

    Votes: 4 2.3%
  • 30 or older

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • still a virgin

    Votes: 30 17.3%

  • Total voters
I was17 yrs old when i finally gave it up.
But i had my first orgasm by boy when i was 14 yrs old. he fingered me in the back seat of a school bus on the way home from a away basketball game(Night game).... I had no idea why i felt so " tingly" afterwards. i was even blushing. I asked my best friend if she could tell if h ad done anything.....lol
*Sigh* to be 14 and stupid again.
Afer reading all of these posts, I am now not as discouraged about being a virgin at 18. I agree, when the right girl comes along, I think I'll know the time is right. Here's to all the virgins, lol!
I was 17 (one month before my 18th Bday). I was "ready" but it was NOT the experience I had hoped for.
don't be too ashamed

Isaac Newton died a virgin (at an old age, too!). Poor guy.
The only advice I have is: girls, wait until it's someone that you trust (and possibly someone that is experianced already, so they know what they're doing and can make you feel great). And use protection! I've heard too many bad stories....
I lost it 2 weeks (i'm 20) ago to a guy i like but one i may not see again. I've spent 5 years saying no to guys, holding out for the 'right' guy. In the end i got sick of saying no. It felt i was just depriving myself, and i didn't have the energy or want to hold out anymore.
Well we did the dead twice-it didn't last long either time-but now i'm no longer a virgin. Yes it would have been great to have had a special first time but it wasn't to be. No real regrets, just disappointment that things didn't work out with him.
I'm not sure i'll jump into bed with someone again anytime soon, i still have my standards and don't really want casual sex or one night stands.
Besides the first time with any one special will be special in itself :)
Wish I had a story, but I don't. I was 19, with my girlfriend, and it was better than I ever dreamed.

aged 14. bad experience. disney's beauty and the beast playing on the tv in the background.
well everyone knows im still a "virgin" though i dis like the overall meaning of that word... in regards to its aplication, and generalized stereotypical annotation.... (hope that the correct word again.)

Anyways all i can say that from all the psychological damage caused by women and people in general i bet ill be in my 30's before i even try to get in to a relationship with anyone
if ever for that matter.

Oh and people whom are going to think/ say that i should
"just get over it" most likely lack the ability to understand the
developmental aspects of abuse on ones personality and functionality.
Stuff like being hugged by a woman makes me want to vommit...etc...

For those whom are "virgins" for other than psyc. reasons all i can say is that wait untill you meet the right person and for the right atmosphere youll know when its time....
And try to avoid going to parties, bars, clubs, etc because youll only meet people there whom are not worth the time and effort..
And getting drunk or high wont help those issues eighter.

Thats just from what i have seen/heard other people do and from what i have exprienced on people whom enjoy doing those things...

Just to get my hand full of pennies in the game.... not to preach or anything. :)
Its a strange thing I suppose... You always want to lose it, but once you do, all I hear from people is that they want it back. My girlfriend and I have "gotten fresh"* a few times, but never went all 9 yards. She has before, and although she's quite a bit more sexually oriented than I, I wouldn't consider her experienced. Being the 16 yearo old virigin that I am, I realize that there's no rush, nor do I owe it to anyone to fix my "dilema". I get the feeling that she wants to, if only to size me up.

The physical relationship is the shallowest of all. I don't hold my sexual experience or lack there of in any state of high regard. True, for some of us the physical aspect may be the sealer of a relasionship (spelling... -- brain fart) but I don't understand why. I'm not in love with her clit, I'm in love with HER. If she wants anything, I'll consent merely because it will make her feel good. (God I hope so atleast). Anyway, what I'm saying is that for all of you who regret losing your virginity (if any of you) I don't see why you should sweat it. Its the person that counts.

*"gotten fresh" in this sense is goin as far as down on her.
I lost my virginity with my boyfriend at 17. I thought I was ready, but I guess I wasn't because it wasn't at all what I had expected. It wasn't loving or hot and sexy, but very manual. I shouldn't have let this guy pressured me. He turned out to be very selfish, in that, that he only saw to his own needs and desires, and didn't care about mine. :confused:
I was 18 at a Fraternity Party. It didn't go so well for me.....I didn't do it again until I was maybe 24, although there was a lot of play during those years in between. It was so much better for me when I waited until I found someone I cared deeply for....and he cared for me too. It means so much more that way, I think.

He is no longer in my life, but I remember those times together as if they were just yesterday :).....He tought me many things. I'd love just one more night with him......Maybe one day :).....
I was raped by my brother and cousin when I was 11-12 (13 times over the course of 6 months), but I voted 14 as that was the first time I had consentual sex.