Lots Of Puckered Butts On The Left Right Now

What are Democrats doing for the marginal communities they govern in places like Chicago, San Francisco, Oakland, and Baltimore?

Giving the replacement "plantation workers" free housing, food, medical, etc.

Kinda hard to be the old slaves... er... "plantation workers" these days. Them ol' massa's don't seem to care no mo now thet they's "free."

And yet they STILL vote democrat...
Giving the replacement "plantation workers" free housing, food, medical, etc.

Kinda hard to be the old slaves... er... "plantation workers" these days. Them ol' massa's don't seem to care no mo now thet they's "free."

And yet they STILL vote democrat...
Yep, the fading old guard of the Democrat base is left to fade away and die now that their political usefulness is diminished.
What are Democrats doing for the marginal communities they govern in places like Chicago, San Francisco, Oakland, and Baltimore?

Your question has absolutely nothing to do with Matt Gaetz or who is or isn't happy he'll be staying in Congress, but...

1. Preserving their right to vote
2. Preserving their right to marry
3. Restoring their right to make their own decisions about their own bodies
4. Fighting for more progressive taxation that will allow for improved infrastructure and better schools
5. Police reform

Just because you hate those things doesn't mean they don't exist.
OMG...the Party? How about the party that said Joe was as sharp as a tack!
We're all very proud of him for putting his country ahead of his ego and stepping aside - something it is literally incomprehensible with Trump.
And there is still no evidence that he's not all there. What we do have evidence of is that he had a bad debate because he was sick, plus he has never been the most stirring of speakers, and that the "liberal" media was willing to let Trump get away with lying in response to every last question. It's not fair to Biden, but he did the right thing.
What are Democrats doing for the marginal communities they govern in places like Chicago, San Francisco, Oakland, and Baltimore?
Good and fair question. Clearly, not enough.

But let's take a look at what the Republicans are doing in places they govern. Ummm...repealing laws protecting against racial discrimination. Banning books. Cutting health care, cutting education, gutting environmental laws leading to more pollution, more sick people, less green space. Passing laws relegating women to little more than Government controlled breeding stock. Raising taxes on the poor. Cutting taxes on the wealthy. And this will help the communities they govern, um, HOW exactly? Point is, it won't. "Vote Trump, he will make everything nice and new." No. He's even worse. I'll stick with the Democrats, thank you.
"Vote Trump, he will make everything nice and new." No. He's even worse.
Of course, there is the theory of the hidden deplorables, which holds that they know he'll only make matters worse. But they've given up on their lives ever getting better, and now what they want is to make everyone else as miserable as they are. And credit where it's due, that's one of two things where Trump has been an unbridled success. (The other is his penchant for self-promotion.)
Zumi's animosity
You think my clowning you over your longterm barely-disguised fetishes for anal cavity action and poopin' is animosity?


Whatever it was you did for a living before you retired to spend all day on the internet, we can honestly say it's a good thing it wasn't a licensed psychologist! :ROFLMAO:
We're all very proud of him for putting his country ahead of his ego and stepping aside - something it is literally incomprehensible with Trump.
And there is still no evidence that he's not all there. What we do have evidence of is that he had a bad debate because he was sick, plus he has never been the most stirring of speakers, and that the "liberal" media was willing to let Trump get away with lying in response to every last question. It's not fair to Biden, but he did the right thing.
putting his country ahead of his ego

You do realize that was not him putting his country ahead, that was Obama directing traffic. Remember Obama endorsed Hillary over his own Veep.
putting his country ahead of his ego

You do realize that was not him putting his country ahead, that was Obama directing traffic. Remember Obama endorsed Hillary over his own Veep.
Biden stepped aside.

Obama wasn't running.
You do realize that was not him putting his country ahead, that was Obama directing traffic.
What I do realize is that deplorables are very good at falling for their own propaganda. Sad.
Homeboy said puckered butts.


nobody says that.

So...that wasn't him being flippantly artistic in his speech, that was a personal choice. ;)

He'd be so much happier here if he'd let his closeted fetish out fully, but then he'd have to face up to being closer to Glamorilla's side of the fence than he'd prefer. :ROFLMAO:
This obsession with anal conditions is a trend in Deplorable circle jerks.

Over at Wat's new consolation thread, he and Harpy are totally obsessed with "ass cancer". I advised them to set their shame aside and go to a STD clinic to get checked out. Their hypochondria may turn out to be a treatable sexually transmitted disease.
Giving the replacement "plantation workers" free housing, food, medical, etc.

Kinda hard to be the old slaves... er... "plantation workers" these days. Them ol' massa's don't seem to care no mo now thet they's "free."

And yet they STILL vote democrat...
You're a racist tubby gimpy fuck. No wonder god is punishing you.
Good morning luk. I see you're still thinking you're God's vengeance on the world.

Sucks to be you.
Good morning, Anne. I see you're still a mentally challenged gimp.

I'd rather be me than a fake lawyer gimp who fakes cancer any day of the week.
Good morning, Anne. I see you're still a mentally challenged gimp.

I'd rather be me than a fake lawyer gimp who fakes cancer any day of the week.

I is Teh PuppetMaster!!!

Bow down before me, you heathenish trolls.
I is Teh PuppetMaster!!!

Bow down before me, you heathenish trolls.
I've never met a purported member of the bar association who so eagerly embraced his lack of honor, his poor character and his questionable moral turpitude.

Doesn't speak much for the ethical standards of his chosen profession, IMHO.
I've never met a purported member of the bar association who so eagerly embraced his lack of honor, his poor character and his questionable moral turpitude.

Doesn't speak much for the ethical standards of his chosen profession, IMHO.

Once again, a troll goes full on defamation per se.

I honestly do not understand what you think you'll get out of it.
I've never met a purported member of the bar association who so eagerly embraced his lack of honor, his poor character and his questionable moral turpitude.

Doesn't speak much for the ethical standards of his chosen profession, IMHO.
He's not a lawyer.