Love Poems... of a sort

Thanks Darker :)

I appreciate what you have to say here.
I also get the point (s).

Will take all comments into consideration/advisement.
we will see where it takes me now.
my brain is wired differently than most (documented too) so it takes a while sometimes for all the recieved information to process through. But usually it can be seen fairly quickly.
Time will tell how it all effects/affects my writings :)

Again thanks, and I hope you ALL had a great Easter Holiday (even if you aren't a practising anything.....)
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Solitude Crashing

Heat Sinks
into skin
a self imposed prison
Sweat trickling
never cooling
fire waves
like the sunlight
that beats upon
back arched
above you
a demi-god
light emanates
from eyes
cool as forest loam
quench, but
not to slake
the need
that has brought
me to my knees
above the lithe form
that calls himself
More you cried
I gave you more
somehow more
till sundered
I fell
from a pinnacled desire
breath ragged
gasping from flight
Peace forgone
you rose and
flew strong
into the pitted
heights of my soul
where somewhere
down deep
the answer
in the suffering silence
of solitude crashing
it was enough
bringing banked coals
back to puissant flames
yearning towards
the sight
of beam spanned shoulders
biting into breast
teeth flash in
the grin grimace
of the culmination
of seeds
Collapse inward
sprawled length
that does little
to slow the argent
still molten
in my veins
waving tentacled hands
across a heart galloping
wild mustangs
across the plains
of secret delight

Kiss of lips to skin sleek with desire
A silken skein of heat trembles in fingertips
Trailed like whispers in the night
Dawn bursts in eyes heavy and dark
Pulsing over muscles drawn taut in barest restraint
To dive deep, slip high over
Pebbled peaks inhaled then devoured
Arching limbs entwined and veined
Breath halts then releases
A plea made sigh
Probing, sweet and wet tangles
Glide over warmth
Made hard enough to shatter self control

And still the gift
is unopened…

Ribbons of hair, steeped over flesh
Grown damp with need
Trace pathways invisible except for cries
That lead on
To the sought out place
That shatters thought
Remolding it as molten glass
Brought home
Petals unfold parted to receive
The bee sting
Of fires leaping bright
Velvet encasement pulsing tight
Hearts; a tattoo of rhythms sounding
In ears deafened to all
But the returning oceans tide
Quivering in arcs of light
That catches the throat
Stretched in abandon made wild
Fighting to climb into the other
Slashing passion, suddenly released
A maelstrom
Silences the boldest
Bringing enchantment
That speaks softly
To the star of night


Suddenly, I become, a survival whore
I have prostituted my ideals
Accepting cash for saleable goods
No receipt necessary
no need for the tax mans gun
No walking the street
no pimp to throw me down
All I have to do is answer the phone
make sure I am there when he calls
He owns me now you see
Bought and paid for
a not insubstantial fee
He bought the luxury of having me
The wolves were slain
on my crumbling stoop
an act that harmed
and an act that helped
Only now
there's this lone one calling
He's had my scent for a while
As he has sampled my taste
making me pant and moan
as he noncommitally noses around
Always he slips away
his on call whore I am
wait is all I can do
for the bite
for the pain
for the bitterness
if I fail
to provide

written fresh this morning - (three times through to this)
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Golden Grenade I

Dancing golden light
Fugue state of desires
Spinning down – fragments
Ripping tender flesh of
Consciousness – forceful
Awakenings that remind
Of days gone by and
Days coming nigh
Gingerly handled pieces
Forming a collective globe
Never seen but known
So known
Catastrophic perambulations
Of fear and hate still
Festering in the wounds
Of mistakes untold
Dip low slip high
Light beams on crowns
Of leaden gold
Learn or die
Live don’t strive
Velvet sheets of the
Ashes of our past
Dig deep – looting lost
Caves of hearts
Pulsing hard in the
Streaming waters of
Mindless cooperation
Loosing thought and
Physical retreat as we
Bathe in Sol’s delight
Delicate balance of
Woman and man
Ever adorning – continued
Immortality – infant
Child of earth
You had wings

Golden Grenade II

Soar in space
A ticking place – pulsing
Beats of time
Flash then burn
Always to yearn
For a place to land
Is it safe
– moment now –
Next not
Sweet deflection of
Destructive forces
Loves answer is to
Bow down and give
No barriers
Meet only in evanescent thought
Of where we might have been
Lift up eyes
Scan the skies
Duck then run
On joyless drugs
Recalling not to stand still
So firmly rooted
Fell winds won’t
Blow you down
Seek deep – core matters
Then pray the pin stays put
Sing away the sting
Of crimes done in darkness
Forgive the mongers
Be on your way
Can’t we begin again
Tears stream cold
Cheeks frozen in grime
Journey from hell
One bomb sold on
Shuffling sands of regret
The white horse
Rears its gruesome head
Shriek of wind
Scream of sound
Stripping the time
Line in twain
Choices made
Decisions deferred
Broken souls reign
On this world
We’ve gained naught
But terrors and fame

Golden Grenade III

Money exchanged
Lives bought and paid
Can’t we go
My friendless one
Come with me
I’ll show the way
We can love
Though no one
Believes we should
Selling my share
Of the pie
Is easier than you think
Share the might
Of my intentional well being
Stop seeing walls
There is no net
Worth believing in
That holds us down
In ribbons of
Flaming sorrow
Explosions of growth
Veils lifted - thrown
Far away
Stars gleam bright
As I dream tonight
Of us and them together
Build your bridge
I am waiting
On the other side​