Lovers' Quilt Poetry Challenge

BooMerengue said:

Lovers, oblivious, seem to need
their darkness
thinking shyness theirs alone
as they*
hide in half-shadow
sharing a passion doubled
by sinful heat spiked
with anenome kisses;
a siren's song
belying the low life,
the poison seeping from
the cracks of vows broken,
while above them the

crescent of the lilac moon
leaves stars to fall untended
sizzling, searing,
before they reach
this cold unnurturing earth.

* my voice


a fruitcake and a wino
didn't mind the food and wine, no
they had a good time, no? yes yes
and all that jazz jazz
you know, no? yes yes

turns tulips into roses
our conversation
absorbs foreign words
and notions

let's hope
to find a thick dictio
next to the eyebrow
when the eye opens

don't you feel
that beer
turns two lips into roses?

wind and wined
on my mind
you're a beauty
worry weary
don't you see
won't you marry
a fruitcake and wino
like me?

Senna Jawa​
Tristesse said:
Love conquers all things
dark and cold the bruised
crescent of the lilac moon
leaves stars to fall untended
brittle in the lovers eyes
reflecting thoughts of skin
on skin, hair tumbled she leans
in smiling a kiss
a promise.

i want to be i want to see
you dance so nice in front of me
the curtains fall my eyes are gone
you dance so nice in front of me

i want to be i want to hear
you sing so nice in front of me
the curtains fall my ears are gone
please whisper whisper to my ear

i want to be please be with me
you smell so good please smell for me
the curtains fall heavy and cold
now go your way and take good care

Senna Jawa​
w. threads from all over the thread...

To name drop a cliché would be easy
so here I go:
Here's to you,
double edged sword.

A mesh club to the temple
for an addict.
A temple
for an unsuspecting

But nobody is truly ever that aware.

We chant love me, like me
god damn it, somebody,
are you out there?

Until the first time
cuts you open like an envelope,
only to be wished
unread and undone.

Then sealed with staples,
piercing skin.
Violetta: See ... didn't I warn you.

darkmaas: About what?

V: Your lame poem. You've gone and annoyed the Guru Ji and he's dumped all over your thread.

d: You think that's it? I rather liked the one he did for me. Kinda summed up my poems from the lounge lizard period.

V: I doubt he was trying to flatter you.

d: I'm still trying to figure out the other two. Maybe it's a puzzle like the DaVinci Code or something. Where are the Hardy boys when you need them?

V: So what you going to do?

d: Just what I said at the beginning. Let the better poets sort it out.

V: You mean more lurking? That is so boring. If it weren't so cold out, I would move to Maine and live with that nice Angeline person. She sent me a nice banana man.

d: You heard her. She doesn't talk to violets.

V: I'll practice my Joisey accent.

darkmaas said:
Violetta: See ... didn't I warn you.

darkmaas: About what?

V: Your lame poem. You've gone and annoyed the Guru Ji and he's dumped all over your thread.

d: You think that's it? I rather liked the one he did for me. Kinda summed up my poems from the lounge lizard period.

V: I doubt he was trying to flatter you.

d: I'm still trying to figure out the other two. Maybe it's a puzzle like the DaVinci Code or something. Where are the Hardy boys when you need them?

V: So what you going to do?

d: Just what I said at the beginning. Let the better poets sort it out.

V: You mean more lurking? That is so boring. If it weren't so cold out, I would move to Maine and live with that nice Angeline person. She sent me a nice banana man.

d: You heard her. She doesn't talk to violets.

V: I'll practice my Joisey accent.


Dearest Violetta,

I don't usually talk to plants, but I feel an odd kinship with you. You are welcome to join me in Maine anytime. I think you'd enjoy the view from the bathroom window. It's lovely and as eagleyez can attest I take a LOT of hot showers. He often likens our bathroom to a rainforest because of this, so I think you'd be comfy there. Don't worry about the squirrels behind the back wall. One gets used to them.

Feel free to bring darkmaas with you. He keeps threatening to appear on our doorstep anyway. Tell him I'll make him soup.

Would you be a dear though and ask him if he might consider changing his av? I've always found the one he's using at the moment rather disturbing. Its neck must hurt from being twisted like that all the time, not that I'm suggesting that darkmaas is twisted. You understand.

He has some other very nice avs. The Aubrey Beardsley one is good although it makes him look like the Beatles in that scene from Yellow Submarine where they pass through the Sea of Time and age too fast. You know the one. The coyote av is good, too, but really I miss Fred. There's something familiar and comforting about that one to me.

Merry Christmas (or Happy Holidays--I'm not sure which one we're supposed to say anymore). I'd say Happy Chanukah, but I don't think you're a Jewish African-Canadian Violet. Unless you're Ethiopian-Canadian. Then maybe. Whatever.


:nana: :nana: :nana:
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Angeline said:
lowlife, highlife
all life submerged
in his eyes oblivious
to the falling the depths
are spiked with anenome
kisses and the blue
sheets a tangled sea
of forgetfulness
drowning the
exquisite little death
of aquatic immersion
and the gull gasps
that flutter
in the wake

the world in a dew drop
he heard once
her eyes
now reveal
all things that he'd once held
protected by belief
that melted like
a sad snowman
reduced to a blackened mass
from lifes constant rush
going going

her eyes allow him to be
in a place of love
her eyes allow
Tathagata said:
the world in a dew drop
he heard once
her eyes
now reveal
all things that he'd once held
protected by belief
that melted like
a sad snowman
reduced to a blackened mass
from lifes constant rush
going going

her eyes allow him to be
in a place of love
her eyes allow

A sad snowman
is reduced to pebbles
on frozen ground.

Who remembers
the shape of snow
rolled by mitten hands
and scooped to towering
belief that melts
in seasons until
even the last taste
of peppermint recedes
in one sweet swallow?

Who remembers
but the first shivering
crocus petals?

Seasons pass.

Black-eyed Suzie
watches the sky,
reaches for the sun.

Up here in the loco land of Maine
There stands a snowman
Lashed to an Eastern white pine
To which he is chained
And we laugh as we ride by and pass
Lonesome old icon
As if he and his saddle sores
Redden his dimestore ass

Bonded by a rusty old chain
Looking across the field
The horses wear blankets
Across the prairie from whence they came-

He chomps in solitude
We feed him Violets and Rain
This curiosity may have injured the cat
But the horses stoop
And swallow thisles
Violets all the same

Green ones cut and stored
He has a hankerin for bondage
A day late and a dollar short
Padlocked in the corral
Just southeast from the all night store-
Where he wets his whistle.

Welcome one
Welcome all
Theres fun to be had
Tighten the gate to the
Winter Spring Summer and Fall.
snowman hearts
like mine
long for the warmth
that ultimately
will reduce me
to two lumps of coal
in springs soggy palm

little cowboys and pirates
will pluck me with muddy hands
and invent fantastic tales
of how this treasure came to be
i go on
i go on
Tathagata said:
snowman hearts
like mine
long for the warmth
that ultimately
will reduce me
to two lumps of coal
in springs soggy palm

little cowboys and pirates
will pluck me with muddy hands
and invent fantastic tales
of how this treasure came to be
i go on
i go on

You seem to have dropped your banana, Cheetah.

Did you see my bf's poem? I gotta get a camera just to send you the photo of Santa in bondage down the street from us. :D
Angeline said:
You seem to have dropped your banana, Cheetah.

Did you see my bf's poem? I gotta get a camera just to send you the photo of Santa in bondage down the street from us. :D

what was it groucho said?
" I like my cigar too but i take it out of my mouth once in a while"

santa in bondage...

theres a title challenge

i hear theres a lot of that stuff going on in maine
Tathagata said:
what was it groucho said?
" I like my cigar too but i take it out of my mouth once in a while"

santa in bondage...

theres a title challenge

i hear theres a lot of that stuff going on in maine

The main maine thing at the moment is snow and a lot of it. A damn blizzard. And I'm headed into it in about 40 minutes. Gevalt.
Angeline said:
The main maine thing at the moment is snow and a lot of it. A damn blizzard. And I'm headed into it in about 40 minutes. Gevalt.

I'll quietly hum a verse of " Onward Christian Soldiers" for you
and snicker to myself at the irony of it all

Tathagata said:
I'll quietly hum a verse of " Onward Christian Soldiers" for you
and snicker to myself at the irony of it all


You can stop now, you bastard. We're home.

I'm sorry, darkmaas, for compromising the high tone of your thread. :D
My Dear V,

Thank you for convincing d'maas to bring Fred back. Handsome and stern as ever, yet thoughtful he appears. I assume he removes the hat in your presence (it is the bathroom, after all). Personally, I think he should build you a greenhouse window. You'd like that wouldn't you? He's very handy, I've heard. Rebuilt his furnace with a rubber band once if memory serves.

I'm sorry I have nothing to give you but banana men. Are you sure you wouldn't like some nice African-Canadian Violet food, too?

This plant talking thing could become a habit for me. Would you like a sonnet or a villanelle or something? I have a friend, The Fool, who loves to write those things. Sestinas, too. Maybe we need a thread of poems for you. Hmmmm.

Your Pal,

:nana: :nana: :nana:
In pink for the banana man lover... :nana:

Cover me and hide my smile
away from the cold, grey world,
with this patchwork of desire,
insulate my love.
Reduce my world to what's inside
this cocoon of coloured care.
My breath, yours; mingled
beyond separation as our limbs
tangle and soon, we've tied
this knot from threads
out of the quilt of time.

My friend's cousin was visiting and saw the beautiful african violets blooming in her window. She babysat the littlest boy and cared for the flowers for the month she was there. When asked what she would like as a token of her aunt's appreciation for her help she said, "I'd like one of those freakin' violets."

Her auntie was aghast at the way she spoke. There was no need to be rude! "What do you mean, freakin'?"

"Yeah. Them pretty, pink and purple ones on the window, the violets. Remember, I asked what the plant was called and you told me -- a freakin' violet?"
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Senna Jawa said:

a fruitcake and a wino
didn't mind the food and wine, no
they had a good time, no? yes yes
and all that jazz jazz
you know, no? yes yes

turns tulips into roses
our conversation
absorbs foreign words
and notions

let's hope
to find a thick dictio
next to the eyebrow
when the eye opens

don't you feel
that beer
turns two lips into roses?

wind and wined
on my mind
you're a beauty
worry weary
don't you see
won't you marry
a fruitcake and wino
like me?

Senna Jawa​

I like this better than mine. Wanna swap Boo?
Cover me and hide my smile
away from the cold, grey world,
with this patchwork of desire,
insulate my love.
Reduce my world to what's inside
this cocoon of coloured care.
My breath, yours; mingled
beyond separation as our limbs
tangle and soon, we've tied
this knot from threads
out of the quilt of time.

undercover hides this color
prayer for grays and rain
beautiful and just reason to
suck up all that
next-to-me heat
wrap around me in
my favorite fuckknot again
and feel the change as we
begin to fuse together
once again in one another
my pristine lover,
never to sever
this rope of you tied to my soul.
Violetta: What do you mean they won't let me across the border?

darkmaas: New rules. Homeland Security says you need a passport and our government doesn't issue passports to plants.

V: What kind of security risk am I. Best I can do is grow on somebody.

d: Don't you remember "The Day of the Triffids"?

V: Ange wrote me a letter and invited me. She sent me more banana boys.

d: I saw. Is that why your petals are all ruffled?

V: They never quit! Tell her politely that four are enough. I ache at every node.

d: That was nice of Champers to send you a boy and a poem.

V: I like her too ... except for that cat. I hate cats. That pip-squeek panther of yours woke me up the other night poking around under my leaves like I was his private litter box.

d: That reminds me. We have a pair of awards to give out.

V: Awards? Like for best poem? You don't want to be doing that!

d: No no! The poems are their own reward.

V: Whew. That's a relief.

d: Normally it's just one award given annually, but this year there's a tie so we decided in fairness to give each winner a medal that you wear for special occasions (like a visit to the Queen) and a small pin to wear to, say, Tim Horton's so all your friends and neighbours know. Sort of like the Order of Canada only not quite as heavy.

V: What does it say? I don't have my contacts in.

d: The Ogden Nash "Candy is dandy" Award for the best Pussy-Under-the-Influence is to be shared jointly by...

V: The envelope please .... BooMerengue and champagne1982


darkmaas said:
Violetta: What do you mean they won't let me across the border?

darkmaas: New rules. Homeland Security says you need a passport and our government doesn't issue passports to plants.

V: What kind of security risk am I. Best I can do is grow on somebody.

d: Don't you remember "The Day of the Triffids"?

V: Ange wrote me a letter and invited me. She sent me more banana boys.

d: I saw. Is that why your petals are all ruffled?

V: They never quit! Tell her politely that four are enough. I ache at every node.

d: That was nice of Champers to send you a boy and a poem.

V: I like her too ... except for that cat. I hate cats. That pip-squeek panther of yours woke me up the other night poking around under my leaves like I was his private litter box.

d: That reminds me. We have a pair of awards to give out.

V: Awards? Like for best poem? You don't want to be doing that!

d: No no! The poems are their own reward.

V: Whew. That's a relief.

d: Normally it's just one award given annually, but this year there's a tie so we decided in fairness to give each winner a medal that you wear for special occasions (like a visit to the Queen) and a small pin to wear to, say, Tim Horton's so all your friends and neighbours know. Sort of like the Order of Canada only not quite as heavy.

V: What does it say? I don't have my contacts in.

d: The Ogden Nash "Candy is dandy" Award for the best Pussy-Under-the-Influence is to be shared jointly by...

V: The envelope please .... BooMerengue and champagne1982



Thanks, D. Its been a long time since my pussys been under the influence, but oh! the stories it could tell. They would make a whole new quilt! You know... the kind of quilt that fits everyone and never wears out.


Maybe you should throw another poem on the table. Lift the tone a bit? lol How about a form? To sew around the edges of the quilt?
BooMerengue said:
Thanks, D. Its been a long time since my pussys been under the influence, but oh! the stories it could tell. They would make a whole new quilt! You know... the kind of quilt that fits everyone and never wears out.


Maybe you should throw another poem on the table. Lift the tone a bit? lol How about a form? To sew around the edges of the quilt?

You're gonna get d'maas to write a form poem? Tee hee. Good luck--the man's been promising me a sonnet for two years. Get Carrington to write one, too, while you're at it. :p

Angeline said:
You're gonna get d'maas to write a form poem? Tee hee. Good luck--the man's been promising me a sonnet for two years. Get Carrington to write one, too, while you're at it. :p


Really? I know he commented on a rhymed couplet I did once. (But it wasn't BooMerengue) He said those were a fav of his.

I won't embarrass Pat. He'll learn one day and then he'll surprise us all! I know he hates being left out.