Lovey-Dovey Names

That's true, I might feel better about being called something other than I'm used to after we have met. I might want him to call me something I find distasteful now. Who knows :)
I don't care what my most intimates call me as long as it's not pejorative. Mrs. Cutie is something only one person in the world gets to call me, but I'll own up to it nontheless.

Not every femsub I have has HAD to be called slut whore cunt, etc. I have one girl who loves that and one I would not dream of calling that because it doesn't really fit. She's butch and she's compliant and she does as she's told and she has a lot of dignity and I don't mind letting people keep that when it's a huge deal.

When I was more in the submissive racket, nasty names having to do with my female sexuality were totally dealbreakers. Being in service doesn't automatically make me a slut, as I see it.
I guess I have it easy in that the word "Daddy" is both my word for my master/owner/PYL, and it's also a word that can be affectionate. Daddy almost always calls me Poodle. It derived from a sick goofy fantasy (not involving any actual dogs, but rather a dog-like grooming situation) but now it's just become my name (more or less). Daddy also likes to call me "MINE". ;)
A Desert Rose said:

And on topic, I had to call Him Major General whenever he had his uniform on and His crop in hand. Other times it was "Your High Holiness."

Okay... that's all a joke.

I'm the very model of a modern major genreal...

hehe... yeah... brings back memories of grade nine.

Aaaaaaand, never having had a girlfriend before, I can say I am clueless. I guess I could make u psome names that I would like to call her... >.>
We're longtime vanilla, so lots of lovey dovey names but for d/s purposes... I call him Sir and he calls me slavegirl. I prefer fucktoy but that was too rough for him to be comfortable with, and he preferred Master but I finally told him that every time I said it I heard a lisping Marty Feldman in some movie -- Young Frankenstein? -- saying 'Yeth Mah-thter,' and it just gave me the giggles.
lovey dovey names just wouldn't suit my Master, and i can't imagine myself referring to him as "honey", "sweetie", "snookums" etc. lol. it would make him seem like less of the strong, masculine, Dominant Man that he is. it would also be highly disrespectful of me as his property to belittle him in such a way. i refer to my Master 98% of the time as "Daddy", but this is no nick name or loving pet name, but rather stating our reality. He is Father. sometimes i call him "Dad"...basically, same as Daddy. more rarely, i refer to him as Master or "Sir". usually when i am in deep trouble.
Xelebes said:
I'm the very model of a modern major genreal...

hehe... yeah... brings back memories of grade nine.

Aaaaaaand, never having had a girlfriend before, I can say I am clueless. I guess I could make u psome names that I would like to call her... >.>

It's all about personality and the nature of the relationship. When you do have the right girl, the right pet names will come to you... the ones that fit her nature and her personality and yours. ;-)
Wicked Grin

Obviously have to rectify some illusions here.

When i use the word honey, i refer to the liquid offerings from female genitalia. Cunt cream and twat tang just don't pass well in public. Without getting into weird associations from the Hundred Acre Woods, nothing tastes quite like "honey" when you're "hungry."

i use babe when i pick polite in the vanilla world.
A Desert Rose said:
It's all about personality and the nature of the relationship. When you do have the right girl, the right pet names will come to you... the ones that fit her nature and her personality and yours. ;-)

I do realise that... wait, I certainly hope for that. :D
Our boy pretty much calls us "Miss" or "Mistress" or just our names. But if he wanted to call us something else, it would probably be ok. 'Honey' is reserved for me to call her and her to call me, so he wouldn't be allowed to use that, but most others would be ok.

As others have said, it's all about the dynamics of the relationship - ask him if he minds & let it go at that.

And pyrolisk *raises eyebrow* after that confession ... don't call me sugar plum ... it's just not right :p
SweetDommes said:
Our boy pretty much calls us "Miss" or "Mistress" or just our names. But if he wanted to call us something else, it would probably be ok. 'Honey' is reserved for me to call her and her to call me, so he wouldn't be allowed to use that, but most others would be ok.

As others have said, it's all about the dynamics of the relationship - ask him if he minds & let it go at that.

And pyrolisk *raises eyebrow* after that confession ... don't call me sugar plum ... it's just not right :p

... Sugarplum! ...
I call my Sir:


We don't call each other Sir and slut to each other. Only when we speak of one another.
Xelebes said:
... Sugarplum! ...

*raises eyebrow*
That doesn't give you the right to do it either ... :p

I honestly don't know what our boy would call us if he had to pick a "pet name" for us ... we call him sweetie ... and pyrolisk has become "cutie" ;)
Am I the ONLY sub who doesn't feel quite right using the words "Master" and "Sir"?

I'm not sure if I had TOO democratic of an upbringing or what, but even when I'm being totally submissive I refer to my Dom by his name, which luckily he loves to hear in the throes of passion. Anyway, I'm trying to break myself of this hesitance, but with a Dom who really doesn't care one way or another, it's kinda difficult.

I guess I always *have* had issues with authority... maybe that's it. Just need to find someone to help me break this bad habit...
SweetDommes said:
*raises eyebrow*
That doesn't give you the right to do it either ... :p

I honestly don't know what our boy would call us if he had to pick a "pet name" for us ... we call him sweetie ... and pyrolisk has become "cutie" ;)

I'd prefer he not call you honeybunches.

For safety reasons, mostly.
Xelebes said:
I'd prefer he not call you honeybunches.

For safety reasons, mostly.

That just brings to mind the "hony bunches of oats" cereal comercials ... blah ...

My ex used to call me kitten ... I don't know that Holly has ever had a pet name other than "honny" which is what I call her.
SweetDommes said:
That just brings to mind the "hony bunches of oats" cereal comercials ... blah ...

My ex used to call me kitten ... I don't know that Holly has ever had a pet name other than "honny" which is what I call her.

How about skinny? My dad always refered to my mom as skinny.

You're not the only one who feels not quite right calling him Master/Sir. It's probably just me, and I understand why he wants me to call him such, but I feel that if it is a relationship such as ours, I shouldn't have to call him that. Our relationship is supposed to be one of devotion and commitment. I mean, we might get married someday, so calling him "Master" makes it feel like he's detached.

I know I've said all that before, I guess I'm just rambling again, lol.
SweetDommes said:
LOL, that definately does not fit me ... or her.

[RANDOM GERMAN SCIENTIST] I guess we'll have to dig deeper, now will we?[/RANDOM GERMAN SCIENTIST]
Rambling is fine ... this is a good place to ramble until you actually get what you want to say out ...

We've never run into a boy who had a problem calling us Mistress, but if it did, we would come up with something else.
Come to think of it, I would never call my SO my Mistress. I dunno what is up with that word. I mean, Master is perfectly fine but Mistress [shiver]

Oh say it again, sayit again!


I don't know... I totally see the reasoning behind it, I just can't bring myself to say it. I'm afraid I'll seem corny or insincere or worst... funny.
Master/Mistress/Sir/Ma'am etc ad nausea

Depends on the nature of your relationship.

Nothing says you can't have a BDSM relationship with a PYL without the titles if both of you agree they mean nothing.

If, however, said PYL feels the title important, i'd suggest you sit down and talk.

If you feel funny using a title, or feel scared using it will come out inappropriately, can't believe i'm giving speech 101 classes, try saying the title by yourself with as much sincerity as you can muster. No one said the PYL had to do all the training. You bear responsibility in training as well.