Luna's Haven~closed save for invitees.

Thanks for the rose mini me *smirk*

I love you too *heart melts and smile spreads*. I posted something to your fb page for you.

will look after I settle down and attempt to write one decent post...

nods and grins...
"Candy baaaars" and "These snozeberries taste like snozeberries" lmao

Ok, it is official I am sleepy:D
OOOOOOKKKKKKK....It is official...Luna is sick and needs help! Please don't put that song in my head with the picture of you dancing in the truck right before I go to bed!!! lmao

*giggling my mothafuckin ass off*
U r sick!! I will get you meds tomorrow.

"It's peanut butter jelly time!" *in my Brian voice*

Ok...obviously i am too demented to do any writing, right now...

so Ima go read and hope the damned pill kicks my ass.

And I DO need to take my butt to bed. Love you baby. Sweet dreams. Will text you when I get back from my appointment :heart::kiss: