Man Candy SRP Inspiration Thread

I'm either old or sheltered.
I do not know a number of these fellas.
^^^^^^ !!!! Dream! That soccer player is adorable.

Now, I kind of got lazy posting yesterday but I promise to make up for it today. I think since Tuesdays start with "t", we'll go with some Tom Hiddleston to get some pulses racing:


Not like I need an excuse to look at him, regardless--he's gorgeous!


Hope your Tuesday is going fabulously!
I'm the worst! I'm sorry to anyone who was waiting with eagerness for new man candy. I know you're out there, and if you're not, YOU SHOULD BE!


Some Robert Downey Jr. to start.
I would devour Jeremy Renner and make him like it.
Or at least he'd devour me and make me like it, who am I kidding?

I'm gonna steal that for my idea box. There's a character in that guy, somewhere.

Not a problem Veroe I can think of a couple of character ideas for him from our threads *EG* Love that pic
Yay! Thank you for the additions--those all definitely qualify as man candy! :rose: Keep 'em coming!