Manipulation vs. Control and Submission

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Manipulation vs. Control and Submission

Artful's dream said:
however I do NOT agree with the way you treat Your subs and that is MY perrogative..

Dream, I have not posted how I treat my subs. I have posted about how I screen my subs. I keep my business to myself.

So you are basing your opinion on a mistaken notion.

You are a femsub. You are ill informed on the dynamics of Domme/malesub relationships. So as for your opinion, it is yours and you own it, but it means nothing to me.

well Eb ..

YOU MISSED MY HEARTFELT APOLOGY WHICH IS QUITE ALRIGHT IT'S YOUR right to ignore my opinions as well as it is mine to do so with yours,, to me in my opinion ,telling others on how you "screen 'your subs,lays the Foundation for how they may or may not be treated and I am just very happy that I am with who I am with be it Destiny or whatever,I consider myself a lucky woman indeed and a proud femsub...(Proud of my Master)
Re: well Eb ..

Artful's dream said:
YOU MISSED MY HEARTFELT APOLOGY WHICH IS QUITE ALRIGHT IT'S YOUR right to ignore my opinions as well as it is mine to do so with yours,, to me in my opinion ,telling others on how you "screen 'your subs,lays the Foundation for how they may or may not be treated and I am just very happy that I am with who I am with be it Destiny or whatever,I consider myself a lucky woman indeed and a proud femsub...(Proud of my Master)

Bullshit Dream

Re: Re: well Eb ..

Ebonyfire said:

Bullshit Dream, and since this is the last time I ever will respond to a post of yours let me say this. Not everything has to do with you,
your needs, or your master's needs. Get a grip girl. BDSM is far larger and all encompassing than any one relationship. Get over yourself.

A Desert Rose said:
Manipulation is very relative and subjective to the both parties. As Sandia said, sometimes it is hard to see and sometimes it is mistakenly seen. Quite a bit if it comes down to motive.

You know, thinking about it, if manipulation was out in the open, it wouldn't really work. In other words, manipulation, by it's nature, requires it's done without the victim's knowledge.

As cellis said, I think it may be easier to tell from the outside. On the other hand, I'm a firm believer in the thought that it's always hard for outsiders to really understand a committed or long-term relationship they're not a part of...
Sandia said:

You know, thinking about it, if manipulation was out in the open, it wouldn't really work. In other words, manipulation, by it's nature, requires it's done without the victim's knowledge.

As cellis said, I think it may be easier to tell from the outside. On the other hand, I'm a firm believer in the thought that it's always hard for outsiders to really understand a committed or long-term relationship they're not a part of...

Yep and the key word here id "committed" or "long-term".

evesdream said:
(thanks for the library tip NemoAlia)

Yeah, NemoAlia is the quickest link in the west! Or is that the quickest kink in the west?

Whatever, she's quick! :D

It seems that control implies something consensual - and manipulation something completely different to most people then.

But, I dunno, I've seen romantic relationships become something you could compare to Survivor the game. Featuring biological, sexual, and intellectual manipulations extraordinaire- all happening within the sporting setting of mutual awareness.

It's an admittedly rare sighting though.

Sandia said:
You know, thinking about it, if manipulation was out in the open, it wouldn't really work. In other words, manipulation, by it's nature, requires it's done without the victim's knowledge.

As cellis said, I think it may be easier to tell from the outside. On the other hand, I'm a firm believer in the thought that it's always hard for outsiders to really understand a committed or long-term relationship they're not a part of...
Re: consent

evesdream said:
It seems that control implies something consensual - and manipulation something completely different to most people then.

But, I dunno, I've seen romantic relationships become something you could compare to Survivor the game. Featuring biological, sexual, and intellectual manipulations extraordinaire- all happening within the sporting setting of mutual awareness.

It's an admittedly rare sighting though.

I use manipulation quite a bit. My partner is quite aware of it and enjoys it thoroughly. *smiles*

She knows that I manipulate her; I tell her I do it, why I do it, and how I do it. She doesn't care a wit about all of that, she cares only for the positive feelings I trigger with my skilled manipulation.

But, I never manipulate her to create unpleasant emotions in her. After four years she has experienced positive manipulation and trusts that I will only use this skill to either teach her or to arouse positive feelings in her.

In my opinion, positive manipulation is an excellent tool of the *trade*.

Good point, Evesdream.

...can be used,...and *IS* used by ALL who wish to CONTROL something or somebody. Sometimes it's GOOD,...and sometimes it's BAD. 'Nuff said.:rose: