Maria's Boobie poems thread

Tathagata said:
i was thinking of doing that...but I want to write a poem first

and daughters boyfriends kids are calling me grampa, well the girl is, the 3 year on calls me " pimmy" and wants ' Spum bum cookies"
(sponge bob cookies)
I am the cookie man

and while we are on the subject
Nice cookies Bluesky


you make sponge bob cookies? you're in worse shape than i thought.

Tathagata said:
don't be insane
I open the pack and hand them out
oh, that's how you do it. Maybe I should try that and see if my kids will forgive me for last week's tofu lasagna.
WickedEve said:
oh, that's how you do it. Maybe I should try that and see if my kids will forgive me for last week's tofu lasagna.

We eat tofu all the time. It's good if you make it right, (no slur on your lasagna, lol. I don't, but ee does--the bastard is a better cook than me.)
Tathagata said:
don't be insane
I open the pack and hand them out

Well you make your own ice cream--that's not so different. And it's a bit late to tell be not to be insane. Like 20 years.

Is it possible?

Angeline said:
We eat tofu all the time. It's good if you make it right, (no slur on your lasagna, lol. I don't, but ee does--the bastard is a better cook than me.)

Tofu boobies?....
WickedEve said:
oh, that's how you do it. Maybe I should try that and see if my kids will forgive me for last week's tofu lasagna.

there is No forgivness for tofu lasagna
Angeline said:
Well you make your own ice cream--that's not so different. And it's a bit late to tell be not to be insane. Like 20 years.


well yeah
they like the ice cream

If i made cookies I'd eat em all anyway
Eve said:

Yeah, but I knew the guys would find a way to be part of this thread, even if they had to expose their man boobies.

I was inspired to go the extra ... er .... nevermind .... damn the speedos .... and where did the tofu lasagna come from?

Metamorphosis is a risky thing.

When Kafka woke one morning
and found he was a bug,
we all felt really sorry
as he lay there on the rug.
We pitied Mrs. Kafka
with the shame she had to cope.
Her little boy would never be
the lawyer that she hoped.

Their story has a happy end
in spite of all the fuss
little Franz went on to fame
if only posthumous
as the adjective most favoured
by scholars behind their desk
who need a longer word than “weird”
and embrace “Kafkaesque”.

Alas, I am less lucky
than Kafka in his shell
wiggling his six fold legs
in a carapacial hell.
my metamorphosis is complete
but I have no exoskeleton
for I awoke this sunny day
remade as Paris Hilton

Now you may laugh my poet friends
at darkmaas’ perky boobs
but when you see Nicole and me
full pink upon the tube
remember I wasn’t looking
for bodaciousness or fame
all I wanted was a “simple life”
and an “-esque” after my name
When I was in the band we had a country song we played for the ladies.
It was sung with much false charm and dripping sarcasm and always worked:

Oh Baby,
you have such big tits
They're really fine tits
And I'd love to see them in all their magnifiinect glory

Take off your shirt bitch
let me see those sweet tits
they're just sublime tits
then i'll cover them with cool whip
stick my face between them and make fart noises with my mouth

that's how I say I love you
I love you....truly
I love you....Baby
don't worry I'll still respect you in the morning
after you make me breakfast and leave

Show me your tits
show me your titd
all I'm asking is this
take off that rayon blouse and
show me your tits
Re: Eve said:

darkmaas said:
I was inspired to go the extra ... er .... nevermind .... damn the speedos .... and where did the tofu lasagna come from?

Metamorphosis is a risky thing.

When Kafka woke one morning
and found he was a bug,
we all felt really sorry
as he lay there on the rug.
We pitied Mrs. Kafka
with the shame she had to cope.
Her little boy would never be
the lawyer that she hoped.

Their story has a happy end
in spite of all the fuss
little Franz went on to fame
if only posthumous
as the adjective most favoured
by scholars behind their desk
who need a longer word than “weird”
and embrace “Kafkaesque”.

Alas, I am less lucky
than Kafka in his shell
wiggling his six fold legs
in a carapacial hell.
my metamorphosis is complete
but I have no exoskeleton
for I awoke this sunny day
remade as Paris Hilton

Now you may laugh my poet friends
at darkmaas’ perky boobs
but when you see Nicole and me
full pink upon the tube
remember I wasn’t looking
for bodaciousness or fame
all I wanted was a “simple life”
and an “-esque” after my name

You are so strange. Why do I love you?
Tathagata said:
When I was in the band we had a country song we played for the ladies.
It was sung with much false charm and dripping sarcasm and always worked:

Oh Baby,
you have such big tits
They're really fine tits
And I'd love to see them in all their magnifiinect glory

Take off your shirt bitch
let me see those sweet tits
they're just sublime tits
then i'll cover them with cool whip
stick my face between them and make fart noises with my mouth

that's how I say I love you
I love you....truly
I love you....Baby
don't worry I'll still respect you in the morning
after you make me breakfast and leave

Show me your tits
show me your titd
all I'm asking is this
take off that rayon blouse and
show me your tits

play that for me and i'd slap you. you'd love it, no doubt.

Angeline said:
play that for me and i'd slap you. you'd love it, no doubt.


don't like country music huh??
too bad I do one of those george jones vocals

and yes i would
; )
Tathagata said:
don't like country music huh??
too bad I do one of those george jones vocals

and yes i would
; )

actually I do--mostly alternative country stuff though.

so there.

Like I could ignore a boob thread


Now I’m dreaming of Maria’s boobies
Mango scented, brick-red rubies
Eve sends kids out of the house
Reveals a playground in her blouse
Sweet Angeline offers a nest
for nightingales upon her chest
Her husband’s cum makes love perverse,
yet Anna’s breasts I want to nurse
But even I no praises sing
for man-boobs in a speedo sling