Meanings to some of our signatures

Quit your fucking whining about nobody helping you! Show me where you asked for help. Waaaaa, waaaaa, waaaaa! Nobody likes me, nobody will help me, everybody's picking on me. Well, bucko, you started off on the wrong foot, and just continued on. You have nobody to blame but yourself for the abuse you're getting. Lying, insulting, and threatening are not socially positive things to engage in. If you behaved this way in the military, (which I really doubt you were in) your co-workers probably shot you in the fucking ass because they were sick of you! If you want to leave, fine. I don't think anybody will miss you. If you want to stay, then I suggest that you mind your manners, and stop being a jerk!

Show me where you asked for help.

Actually I think it was right before I said, "Anyone tells him and I will fucking KILL YOU!"

Just outta curiousity..... Anyone know when school starts?
I think I can trust you, Lasher. Did I go over the top with him? If you don't want to post and rack up your number, e-mail me.
this bad post has been destroyed for the good of mankind

[Edited by Roland Gilliad on 07-19-2000 at 10:42 PM]
Nah, it's cool...

Over the top? LOL. Looks like he found exactly what he was looking for. His posts read like he was some fucking 12 yr old and his parents work nights. He woulda told everyone he was in Nam, but he couldn't figure out how to spell it. I wouldn't worry about a thing.
Speaking of Robbie Williams

...has anyone here seen his newest video? The song sucks, but the video is absolutely insane! I guess the BBC will only play uncut at night, but here's the gist... He's surrounded by these models who are ignoring him, so he starts to take off his clothes. He's naked, and they're still ignoring him, so he starts TEARING OFF HIS SKIN! You can see his muscles and ligaments... This gets their attention - they're swoonging over him. Then he starts pulling chunks of muscles and guts off himself and tossing it to the girls, who eat it with gusto... It's probably the most bizarre video I've ever seen, and from Robbie Williams of all people! Like I said, the songs putrid - I don't even remember its name - but if you get a chance to see it, do! It's weird....
April, you're 3 years old? You do know that's against the rules, don't you? :)
Thanks, Laurel. I keep forgetting to check out his web site. *sigh* If he was even near me, he would be naked so fast, it would set a record! *whimper*
this bad post has been destroyed for the good of mankind

[Edited by Roland Gilliad on 07-19-2000 at 10:40 PM]
Well said, April.

But I think we all continually give him what he wants... attention. He obviously doesn't get any from anyone else, so he makes up crap in the hopes that people here will pick on him. Then he whines so people will pick on him some more. It's a vicious cycle that he enjoys immensely.

Obviously, he's a teenager who's able to play late on the computer because school's out and mommy and daddy are asleep. If he were any older he'd be able to communicate in terms other than those he's picked up from R-rated movies and rap music. He'd also be able to use proper punctuation, spelling and grammar.

I wouldn't be surprised to find out he's a serial killer when he grows up. Right now he's just a little boy who needs a nice long trip to the woodshed.

I thought you were going to be yourself now, Roland. So much for letting people know the real you so that they can take you seriously and be your friend. I'm really disappointed. There's a nice, real you in there someplace, but you just refuse to let him come out.

I'm at 1234 5th St, Look forward to seeing ya....

from now on..every hour ON THE HOUR i will poast a long stream of letters that make no sense

And that'll be different how?
Thanks, Laurel. I keep forgetting to check out his web site. *sigh* If he was even near me, he would be naked so fast, it would set a record! *whimper*

Yeah, he was definitely pretty fine till he started peeling off his skin! Once he got down to the muscle tissue, I felt less than horny...
Roland, Roland, Roland...relax, my friend! I'll admit I haven't read enough of any of this to know why you're so upset, but I think you should take a deeeep breath, hold it for a second, and then let it out. Repeat that a few times, and you'll feel much better - I promise!

Don't take all this too seriously. It's supposed to be fun, right? Arguments take two sides, so if there is an argument (which, as I've already admitted, I have no idea what it is, as I haven't been following it properly, and now that all your posts say "z" I can no longer adequately judge what happened) I am left to believe that you participated in it. The best way to stop an argument is to STOP arguing! I wish you the best, and do try the breathing thing! It's saved my sanity more than once.. :)
After seeing Robbie boys new video I just sorta felt like singing.......I got you Uuuundeeerrrr myyyy skiiiiinnnn....:)

And yet another smart ass remark from LL :) No wonder I want to be you.
Come and get me Roland. If you have a driver's license yet, that is. I don't need to tell you my address, because you are so good at hacking that you can find that out for yourself. I'll be waiting for you...

And learn to spell "post", would ya? It's down at the bottom of the page. You know, the little blue button that says "post reply". You are cetainly familiar with that button, aren't you?
Thank you, Laurel. You're so sweet and kind and is that enough ass kissing? LOL I will check it out tomorrow, as I think I have almost put this computer through enough for one night. Poor thing. It's so obsolete it's not funny.

What the hell happened here???

Lasher I did it again!!! I missed a day and look what happened.

Okay I have got to keep my eyes open more often.

Chef baby I don't have a signature, Ummm ... not really sure I want one after reading all that. But thanks anyway.

*Shaking head* Man o Man I do miss alot around here don't I.
Signatures - and what they tell about us ...

Doesn't a picture sometimes say more than 1.000 words? *little innocent smile*
I have to admit that I don't know where my tagline comes from, if it comes from somewhere.

It was actually a motto that came to my mind years ago, and I've used it of an on ever since.

I like movies, and this is from one of my favorite ones. There, nice and simple, and on topic too.

ps, I finally made really experienced!! And none of you probably know who I am :)
I wish to issue the following statement.

this bad post has been destroyed for the good of mankind

[Edited by Roland Gilliad on 07-19-2000 at 10:40 PM]
Tell me again why no one will tell the man how to add a signature line? I mean, in all fairness, I would be more than happy to tell him if it will make this a kinder gentler BB.

Roland ~ If you promise not to threaten me, you can email me and I will be happy to tell you how to add a signature line :)