Medical Conference

His voice was loud and direct. Having ridden Will from on top had been more pleasurable than Melody had
anticipated. The subtle sidling motion had been an unexpected payoff and she had enticed him with her
encouraging talk of her breasts. Now, she would reap the reward! His shaft had locked onto her and was
fully extended! She gave a polite motion with her wrists to simulate struggling as Will had every intention
of getting her. He is really into having his fun.

" You...not going...UUUhhhhhHHhh..AAAagghhhh!"

" I will cum in your tits."

" No! NO!"

" Your pussy is so warm.."

" OOoooooo..."

" I want to touch your ass."

"'re so big!"
Will didn't wait for her answer as his thumb slipped gently under her leg and located Melody's private
hole and caressed it for only a moment. It was enough to tense her body as her eyes widened! Will
was captivated by her instant response! Taking full advantage his hand returned to press her wrist to
the rug and send a firm thrust forward!

"'re in me.....MMMmmmmph...oooo"

" Your tits taste delightful."

" They want it Will...give it to them....all nine inches!"

" They were just hanging there, looked so good. Got me going."

" I love it... this moment just go makes me cum."
She spoke honestly almost freely giving away a secret that he may well use for future reference,
but Melody didn't care. Her lover had performed incredibly well and he deserved to be rewarded.
The sheer feeling of being held down and ravished had given way to wonderful orgasm- leaving
her breathless as Will finished.

There were no words spoken as Will released her arms and stood slowly. She accepted his hand
and got up beside him. The living room appeared disheveled with clothes strewn about. Melody
found her bra and walked toward the bedroom.

" Twice, in fifteen minutes! "

" Are you bragging?"
She knew it was time for shower! She went straight in, started the water, retrieved fresh clothes
then took time getting thoroughly washed. It was necessary as well as refreshing. The last forty-
minutes had been a workout! My guy really enjoys himself!
He knew by her habits she would be in there a while. After getting a cold drink and dressed Will
found Melody's book. Beginning at the mark his eyes scanned in both directions looking for the
recent couplings. He zeroed in on a ravishing the lead character made on a hiking trail. Will could
easily understand how Melody had made a point of describing her tits. Indeed, it was quite descriptive.

" Now, I can be ready for it."

Will set the book back. He went into full kitchen detail and restored order. As he heard Melody coming, there
was a flurry to have all the washed dishes back in the cupboards. Will was justified in feeling successful.
He turned to see her approach.

" Wow, that was very exciting."

Will took her hand and pulled her close.
The shower had been a necessity for Melody, especially the way Will was ramped up. She
taken extra time to wash everything. It felt so good to be that fresh! Dressing was
simple and with everything in order she rejoined Will in the kitchen. He appeared to
be very affectionate. Melody enjoyed his attention. Will made her feel very secure.

" That really was a great session."

" You rubbed felt so good."

" Your tits were so into it."
Saturday weather proved to be even warmer than predicted. By ten in the morning it was nearing eighty.
They had taken the boat out early and found excellent fishing along the shoreline. That ceased prior
to nine which was quite unusual for mid-May on the lake. Also, the boat traffic really escalated, even
for a Saturday. It was just hopeless to fish.

" Time for boat ride?"

" Yep, we can explore."

" It is too bad that the weather got this warm."

" Almost funny. Just a week ago there was ice."

" Want to go some place private? Get a tan. Get me?"

" You could show me your tits?"

" And I could let you fuck them."

" Perfect plan."
Will had let her sleep later than usual on a day he planned for fishing. She could only imagine it
might be do to the expected boat traffic on the lake. They had coffee and a few fresh muffins as
Will packed a three frozen water bottles in his boat bag.

The air was fresh with a hint of warmth as they crossed the lawn, searching out conditions as they went.
The boat was lowered and the canvas secured with minutes. They were on plane within ten minutes of
leaving the cottage! Melody had dressed in shorts instead of jeans and was so glad. This would be their
first day of eighty for sure. The boat slowed near their favored rocky bluff as Will allowed the engine
to cutoff and boat to drift forward the last 40 yards.

" First fish is a dollar."


" The lake is almost deserted. Strange."

" Lucky us. I'll take it."

The results were instantaneous as the bass seemed to be active at last. The boat drifted nicely about
thirty yards off shore, giving them new water to cover every so often. The action was the best they had
in a long while. Almost an hour went by as the boat drifted 200 yards of productive shoreline. Checking
his watch as he set his rod down, Will scanned the lake. Melody did the same, as they shared the same

" Well, here they are."

" I caught seven, Will."

" I remember the very first Bass you caught. You were so excited."

" My first fish ever. I had no fishing license. Kept thinking the Game Warden would show up."

" It was that summer evening about week after we got back."

" Exactly. We were not to far from here."

" And...."

" That's right. We did have, boat sex."

" More than that. You licked me, then slipped it in after that you, put me over this engine cover
to take me from behind. Boat sex, I think you called it."

" It was great, Melody."

" Really great! "
There was no doubt what was happening as Will started the engine and moved the boat at a
modest pace heading North. The boat traffic was fairly modest but there were virtually no one
fishing as the temperature hovered in the eighties. The remaining boats were all sightseers,
cruising in the wide middle of the lake. Melody knew well what was about to happen!

The shoreline was wooded on the East side. Several miles went by until Will slowed the
engine and turned toward shore. There was a sandy beach perhaps seventy yards wide
and twenty yards deep. Will skillfully drove the bow into the soft sand.

" Care for a hike."

" Yep. I could be a lost hiker. You lead me back to the right path after you take your pleasure!"

" Anything goes in the woods?"

" Anything!"

Melody removed her sneakers, socks and jeans before stepping over the side of the boat. The water
was perhaps a foot deep and quite cool. It was less than ten feet to shore. Will followed and they
carefully secured the boat. There was not any indication of a trail.

" I am so glad you found me. I thought this path circled back to the parking lot."

" It's not far. Watch your step. Here, take my hand."

" I lost sight of the lake but could hear the boats."

" The largest trees are up the hill. This is mostly scrub. There, this fallen tree is a place to rest."

" Good. Getting warm."
They were barely 30 feet into the woods yet out of sight of the lake. He had pointed to a
large tree lying flat that would serve the purpose. Will was taken by surprise by her ability
to construct a perfect storyline and portray it perfectly. His eyes were focused directly on those
violet colored panties and her long sleek legs. The feeling of impending lust began filling his
mind. Her actions were suggesting the same.

" Take a break."

" UUgh....What...are you doing?"

Will was surprised how clearly she spoke with panties pulled down. He did not respond as
his fingers slipped under her tee to unhook her bra. He could not see her tits but his imagination
took over. Quickly he had her turned to face the log with her hands in place.
" Can't believe you'd do this!"

" You have a perfectly smooth ass, nice indeed. Hold still."

" Don't do it. NO! DAMMIT."

" You're already wet."

" OOOoooo....You're ....AAAAGHHhhhhhhhhhh..."

Melody arched her back at the perfect angle as Will's finger tips captured and soothed her breast.
He slowly inserted and drove himself forward. He was very firm and went deep on the entry. The
very surroundings had her on edge as his rapid thrusts gave her a swell orgasm perhaps sooner
then usual. Will took his time and finished her off!
" Good, do that. Yes, let'um hang down.

" You really want me, here? In the woods?"

" Take that cock!"

" UUUghhhh...AAAGGHHH.....You're FUCKING ME!"

In a moment of complete lust Melody forgot about her voice being loud even this deep in the woods.
It did manage to bolster Will into over-drive, bringing to mind her thought of being ravished! Any
thoughts of being seen had long since disappeared. It was at that moment that Will let himself go!
Melody turned and restored her underwear as Will stepped aside to give her space. The bra would wait
for later back in the boat. The pathway to the shoreline as obvious and Will lead the way. The lake
was very calm as they climbed aboard and Will indicated she should drive. As the engine started, he pulled
up the anchor.

" Fishing, is not about to be active. We could do a boat ride."

" Sounds delightful."

" We could use the sunshine."

" Got that right.
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Melody had dried her legs but had yet to put on her jeans and socks as she backed the boat into
deeper water then clicked the motor into forward and accelerated to cruising speed. She had become quite
proficient at running the boat. Will had yet another generous look at her legs. He reviewed her body
in his mind. It was something he did frequently. Her tits were very inspiring even out of sight Her ass could
really get him hard! She was the best woman he could ever hope to find.

" I love out here, Will"

" There is nothing that compares to cruising over open water!"

" Agree completely. I love it out here."

" You make it so special for me."
Once back at the cottage the air condition was a welcome relief. The trip on the lake had been a success
and Melody was ready for rest. They had woke up early considering it was their day off. She took her book
and went to the couch, while Will found interest in his fishing stuff. It wasn't long before her book was down and
she was deep into a nap. This all took form as she reflected on Will's nice manner of being sexually aggressive
with his long shaft.
Will felt energetic and went to shift around some items in the garage. The mid-day warmth felt good for
a change but eventually became overbearing enough to have him call a halt. He noticed the thermometer
had registered eighty-eight. Quietly he took a shower and changed into fresh clothes. Melody was napping
still as he turned on the baseball game without sound.
It was a most pleasant nap ending with a session that Will had with her in the park last September. Melody
really enjoyed their park. It was like a private playground. The fun was an endless adventure in the woods,
As she regained her senses she found Will quietly preparing a late afternoon snack tray.

" Looks wonderful. "

" All for you my dear."

" I am trying to get motivated to prepare for the week ahead, Irene and I are working the Pre-Op for
for two that leaving for a conference in LA."

" Conference! Sounds like fun...remember..."

" I could never forget!"
" Remember, there is nothing you can plan for, things just come up - sometimes very quicky."

" Don't be surprised if I come home in a bad mood."

" No problem at all. I will just....come in your tits."

" Sounds wonderful."
Will was being creatively helpful in his playful way, but her anxiety remained. The next morning Melody
arrived early and was joined by Irene moments later. Fortunately there were no overnight admissions. The
concept seems simple. Accident or medical emergencies are admitted, assessed, and assigned. The trick is to
treat patients in order of need. That calls for quickly determining the extent of the emergency. If all goes well
this week her value goes way up, as does Irene's.

" Remember, be smooth but direct. We are Pre-op and we call the shots."

" We take charge---got it."
Will was making rounds prior to 8am but had some momentary thoughts of how Melody was
faring in her new role. His first stop was a twelve year old with dual leg casts from bike accident.
The kid had been in the hospital since Thursday and today was slated to be discharged. Will had
described a few home features for the parents to expedite the situation. He also volunteered to
stop by the house to do periodic re-checks, to keep the parents from making arduous trips. The kid
was looking remarkably spry. Only his toes were in sight as the casts started just below his knees!

Next were a pair of rollover victims from a Saturday night crash. It had to be quite the accident but their
injuries appeared to be superficial and the CT Scans showed no apparent trauma. He cleared them for
The afternoon went smoothly, even with a few escapades, She and Irene were up to the task. By five
Melody was feeling successful and somewhat tired. The night shift people arrived and they were able to
call it a day. That was the good part of this segment--the patients are handoff to others!

It was on the way home that Melody decided she needed fresh air more than anything. Perhaps a boat ride
and a little fishing. Will's car was in the garage. Once inside she was happy to see Will had brought home
"take out."

" Nice. This is perfect."
Will was delighted to see Melody acting very energized by her hectic day at the hospital.
It was a big relief and gave him a thoughts of changing plans. The lake was calm and a
brief fishing trip would be interesting.
" Well, we can eat first and then hit the lake."

" Sounds great!"

" I'm thinking the day went well."
Will was right on target with her thoughts and Melody went quickly back to change into
shorts. She explained her day over supper, which included a cold glass of wine. Just
being in shorts and a fresh top felt so good. Will seemed genuinely interested in her
tale of trauma center, even without any major crisis.

The left the dishes for later and ventured across the lawn. The heat of the day was ever
present but felt good. Melody expected the refreshing boat ride would easily cool them off
and further restore her psyche. While casting off she noticed Will had also changed into
which was unusual as he always wore jeans for the boat. Hopefully he intends on fucking!

The boat glided backward out of the hoist with a gentle shove. Will started the engine and turned
to head off along the East shoreline at a modest speed. Melody was standing up looking over the
windshield taking in the fresh lake air and the never-ending view of open water. It was a
different perspective than riding in a car. Her eyes were alert to inconsequential details along
the far off shore. She loved the idea of the lake!

" This is great. I love it out here."

" Anything you would like to see?"

" Just cruising is fine. "

It was then that Will's hand began rubbing her shorts! It was smooth and tender. And so reassuring.
Melody had always enjoyed Will's tender touch. It was soft and affectionate. Sometimes it was
intended to arouse her. Other times it was Will's reminder of his love. The boat was well away from shore
indicating he was not interested in fishing. The only other boats were far off. Melody felt it might be
a good indication of impending boat-sex! Will slowed the boat to trolling speed. She turned to face him.
Will continued rubbing her blue shorts, only he now was rubbing her womanhood!

" Yes, it's so calm and quiet out here! "

" I like being out here. No one is around."

" We can have...some real exciting...."

" How would that be, Melody?"

" Strip me, Will."
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Will turn off the engine allowing the boat to coast to a stop at least 100 yards from the wooded shoreline.
He took her hand to lead her to the engine cowling. She unbuttoned her blouse. Will was watching closely
then stepped close to pull down her underwear and shorts in one smooth move. By stepping each leg forward
he had them off and tossed on the seat. She immediately felt the cool breeze.

" I saw that."

" Saw what?"

" You were looking at my hootchie."

Will moved in close and lifted Melody up onto the leather cowling. He instructed her slide back slightly
then lie flat. Melody watched him slip forward to her midthigh as his tongue began tracing her inner
thigh ever so slowly. Instinctively her hand reached Will's hair and she caressed it. A low whimper could
be heard. His head changed position and she knew he was there!

His tongue circled her clit--twice. His pressure was perfect as he advanced making an indentation before
finding her nub!

" OOoo..right THERE!"