Meet In Texas :)

I first would like to apologize if I offended anyone. Secondly I would like to clear a few things up that a few people have assumed of me. Yes I am new to this forum but I am not new to literotica. I must admit that I am shocked at the negativity that some people have shown here. I guess they have forgotten that they were once new at one time. I would like to introduce myself and hopefully we can start over. My name is goddess. I have been running groups and chat rooms on MSN for 3 years now. I was introduced to the lifestyle about 3 years ago. I also host chat room parties. For October I decided to host a meet in Texas for those that are in the Lifestyle :) As far as the guidelines YES I did read them before I posted my post and I did not see anything anywhere that said I could not post it. But please by all means if I did violate a guideline then please show me and I will be the first to stand up and apologize for that. I wish you all good luck in your search and hope that you find what we all are looking for, True Love & Happiness. ~goddess
goddessISODom said:
I first would like to apologize if I offended anyone. Secondly I would like to clear a few things up that a few people have assumed of me. Yes I am new to this forum but I am not new to literotica. I must admit that I am shocked at the negativity that some people have shown here. I guess they have forgotten that they were once new at one time. I would like to introduce myself and hopefully we can start over. My name is goddess. I have been running groups and chat rooms on MSN for 3 years now. I was introduced to the lifestyle about 3 years ago. I also host chat room parties. For October I decided to host a meet in Texas for those that are in the Lifestyle :) As far as the guidelines YES I did read them before I posted my post and I did not see anything anywhere that said I could not post it. But please by all means if I did violate a guideline then please show me and I will be the first to stand up and apologize for that. I wish you all good luck in your search and hope that you find what we all are looking for, True Love & Happiness. ~goddess

The Literotica guidelines forbids the posting of emails. In fact, the Moderator had to remove them.
Ebonyfire said:
The Literotica guidelines forbids the posting of emails. In fact, the Moderator had to remove them.

And the e mail was edited.

Now, perhaps Goddess and Mr Johnson will understand that we have had posters in the past, misuse personal information to the degree to which at least, one of our respected posters was affected in real life.

So, call it paranoia, call it negativity, I call it caution. If a stranger approached you on the street asking for hte same information, even for the same intent, would anyone respond? I think not.

I would recommend that Goddess join in the community a bit, let us get to know her and perhaps, by the time this munch comes off, there will be some interested in attending.

Best wishes,

goddessISODom said:
I first would like to apologize if I offended anyone. Secondly I would like to clear a few things up that a few people have assumed of me. Yes I am new to this forum but I am not new to literotica. I must admit that I am shocked at the negativity that some people have shown here. I guess they have forgotten that they were once new at one time. I would like to introduce myself and hopefully we can start over. My name is goddess. I have been running groups and chat rooms on MSN for 3 years now. I was introduced to the lifestyle about 3 years ago. I also host chat room parties. For October I decided to host a meet in Texas for those that are in the Lifestyle :) As far as the guidelines YES I did read them before I posted my post and I did not see anything anywhere that said I could not post it. But please by all means if I did violate a guideline then please show me and I will be the first to stand up and apologize for that. I wish you all good luck in your search and hope that you find what we all are looking for, True Love & Happiness. ~goddess

Well. You might want to have another look at this Sticky, particularly the part about posting your email addresses, and spam. However, I'd like to put this another way:

You walk into a crowded italian restaurant that you've never been in, in New York City, and tap on a glass, climb onto a chair, and say:

"ok everyone, I'm an italian food lover and I know you all are too!! SOOOO, let's all get together in Dallas and all have a big italian food festival. Give me all your personal info so I can set up your hotel reservations."

I doubt very seriously they'd give you as polite a treatment as we've given you.

So, on that note, I welcome you as a new person to this community. I am not interested in your event, however, because I have no basis on which to trust you. I don't know you. You might have wanted to drop in some months back and tried to get to know us before letting us know about your event; I daresay you might have had a chance at some attendees. Pity, that.


As usual, we were thinking in the same vein. :)

I will join you in welcoming the new posters and hopefully the awkward beginning won't get in the way of their becoming part of the community.

<stands up and apologizes> In my original post I did put my email address but it was edited later and the emails were taken out. Thus making it a legal post. As far as personal information. I did not ask for personal information. I asked for Full Name (which is your Full Chat Handle Name) Email Address (which can be retrieved from your profiles) Detailed Description about your interest and level of experience in the lifestyles (which gives no personal information) and Photo (which most people have attached to their profiles) Again I apologize for posting in my original post email addresses. ~goddess
goddessISODom said:
<stands up and apologizes> In my original post I did put my email address but it was edited later and the emails were taken out. Thus making it a legal post. As far as personal information. I did not ask for personal information. I asked for Full Name (which is your Full Chat Handle Name) Email Address (which can be retrieved from your profiles) Detailed Description about your interest and level of experience in the lifestyles (which gives no personal information) and Photo (which most people have attached to their profiles) Again I apologize for posting in my original post email addresses. ~goddess

Most forms I fill out that ask for ful name I take to mean birth name not handle otherwise that is what it says. As for email addresses...there is an option to email courtesy of Lit but not email addresses attached to the profile of posters in general...detailed description of lifestyle experience is very personal information in my books and something many here guard for good reason....and pics?...well admittedly a few people do put them there, but I would say they are more in the minority than majority on the BDSM Talk board at least.


My goodness what am I thinking, all of you are right-strangers. Well met!

The abyss found in the eyes is the reflection of how deep the waters will be; venture in knowing that a pool for shallow people will not exist here. If real life is to much for you, stay ashore so you are safe. MJ
goddessISODom said:
<stands up and apologizes> In my original post I did put my email address but it was edited later and the emails were taken out. Thus making it a legal post. As far as personal information. I did not ask for personal information. I asked for Full Name (which is your Full Chat Handle Name) Email Address (which can be retrieved from your profiles) Detailed Description about your interest and level of experience in the lifestyles (which gives no personal information) and Photo (which most people have attached to their profiles) Again I apologize for posting in my original post email addresses. ~goddess

I have to agree with Catalina - when some one asks me for my "full name" I don't think "Lit name". I think my r/l name. After all, my "Full Chat Handle Name" is right next to my post. Er, I think. I don't do much chatting so I might have that mixed up.

And no, your email address is not visible here at Lit under your profile. You can send some one an email without ever seeing what their email is. However, when they receive it then, naturally, they will have yours.

I do find it very interesting that you state you can find out people's email addresses through their profiles, but if some one attempts to email you through your profile you have it turned off. Just....interesting.

But, whatever. Hopefully, you'll hang around and get to know some of the folks who post here. They really are a good lot.

Oh, and Matthew J? You really need to get an understanding together, there. Have you never heard of those who can harm others by obtaining personal information over the internet? If not, then you must live in an extremely remote part of that huge state of Texas. Perhaps if you tried to understand where people are coming from instead of acting like some demi-god you might just "get it", eh?
Re: Indeed!

Matthew_Johnson said:
My goodness what am I thinking, all of you are right-strangers. Well met!

The abyss found in the eyes is the reflection of how deep the waters will be; venture in knowing that a pool for shallow people will not exist here. If real life is to much for you, stay ashore so you are safe. MJ

*editted for tact*

I find your posts an odd way to encourage a group of people to attend a function adn believe that you are only sabotaging Goddess' efforts.

But that is just my personal opinion.
Just out of sheer curiousity. Have you tried this insanity on any other bulletin board, or are we your test case?

PinkOrchid said:
Here's the link.

Goddess claims to have been here a while, but this was her first post and it was made yesterday.

She may have taken a different nick.

I don't have a problem with Goddess' posts beyond that which I edited. Reading back through her other posts, she seems engaging and very itneresting.

Now, her friend, I find condescending and very rude. To that end, it is too bad his behavior is reflecting on her. She seems rather nice and her intentions seem genuine.

Perhaps if they both just stood back and read their posts again they would see how really strange and unsettling the whole thing is.... and the paranoia is not just on this thread but on the GB too....

I have no problems with their posts but really MJ... what makes you think that we have no lives beyond Lit? That is probably the most offensive thing you could have said.

I am very active in my local group.... and am really curious about why you picked a location 150 miles east of Dallas.... really! That is so not very practical...

And of course it is very interesting that while you list your company you forgot to list the city... I have phone books from Texas.... and there is always yahoo....

It is no wonder that people are leary of you....
Wel folks, call me a skeptic, not a title usually applied to me but true in this case, but I am not ready to trust either our Mr. Johnson or Goddess. I keep hearing the phrases 'Lie down with dogs you'l get up with fleas', and 'birds of a feather flock together'. I'm afraid I try not to judge but when a personality is so off and abusive, I tend to be wary of those willing to keep company with them and do their bidding. In a PM from MJ he told me Goddess acts on his behalf under his instruction. To be fair he did say perhaps he should have checked her entry first, but then that sentiment is not reflected in his postings is it now?!

I find it very un-BDSM like and reflective of those who often want to be part of the group without actually doing any of the hard work entailed in being part of, as opposed to coming in and beginning to tell those they really don't understand and/or like just how they should be living their lives. I often consider myself a novice, but I don't feel these people have anything to offer me at this point on how I can develop and grow positively in a lifestyle sense. I don't see them reflecting much, if any, of the safety and ethics most posters here adhere to in being part of this and the larger offline community. So though I always leave myself open to be shown I could be wrong about someone, in this case something is niggling at me which will take some overcoming to convince me of sincerity or valid authenticity.

There is something seriously wrong with this scenario...I know it in the pit of my stomach. It feels like a sales pitch for a timeshare, and we win a free prize if we go.
I find it interesting that in the GB thread for the same meet, firstly there is not a very friendly, welcoming response there, but the malice directed at questioning posters we have experienced in BDSM talk is absent...strange that as we in BDSM are supposed to be the target audience..which leads me to my next observation...perhaps we are to be the someone pointed out on the GB, the area chosen is considered very conservative. Perhaps a little entertainment for the locals?

catalina_francisco said:
I find it interesting that in the GB thread for the same meet, firstly there is not a very friendly, welcoming response there, but the malice directed at questioning posters we have experienced in BDSM talk is absent...strange that as we in BDSM are supposed to be the target audience..which leads me to my next observation...perhaps we are to be the someone pointed out on the GB, the area chosen is considered very conservative. Perhaps a little entertainment for the locals?

Maybe the Texas police are tired of framing black and Mexican people for drug-dealing, and want to set us up for a 'crimes against nature' charge?
I am not gong to rant about how stupid anyone would have to be to give personal data away to someone they do not even know. Any person with more than 2 brain cells knows how stupid and dangerous this kind of behaviour is. I am more interested in telling you all how to protect your privacy.

So here are some interesting links on being anonymous and protecting your privacy on the internet.

Interesting test to see how much you are already giving away.

The Other Side

After discussing a few things privately with some within this forum, it is time for me to present myself again. I will be the first to admit the tone of my first post is quite powerful. It is in me to rise to the top where defending those whom I felt to be attacked for no apparent reason or who hold a special place with me as a friend; as I told another, had it been her as the attacked the response by me would have been the same-a man is defined by much less of a valorous action. In parallel, just as each of you has come to this board to defend it, my actions in her defense is just as equal in vehemence.
With that said let me now put down the defenses and offer a truce. I humbly apologize for any ill feelings any of you may have been caused by this thread. It has done me good to see how the fronts can raise in defense of one another where their respective principles are concerned. Now maybe some harmony can be found on the general front we are all here to learn about-the lifestyles.
With that said let me attempt starting anew here, in hope to reestablish and start fresh. In the state of Texas we have conceptually come up with the idea of having a meet/munch. Before we get to deeply involved here with details, I will cease and desist now awaiting for the acceptance or denial of my truce to each of you. Well met.

I bid you well,

catalina_francisco said:
I am not gong to rant about how stupid anyone would have to be to give personal data away to someone they do not even know. Any person with more than 2 brain cells knows how stupid and dangerous this kind of behaviour is. I am more interested in telling you all how to protect your privacy.

So here are some interesting links on being anonymous and protecting your privacy on the internet.

Interesting test to see how much you are already giving away.


It IS scary how much information on each of us is in the public domain.

Thanks Francisco.