Meet Mable

worst has been 122hours in one week, the joys of having your own business.
i only hope you pay yourself enough overtime, though it would seem many people working their own business work far longer for far less than they'd be prepared to for anyone else. :) get some sleep, dude! :rose:
meet mabel

café rose
a green silk dress
white linen sheets
freesia sprigs in a slender crystal vase
a single lace-hemmed stocking
half-drawn blinds
cheval mirror
tilted towards the window

on the carved walnut cabinet
a cell phone discreetly trembles

In my mind this Mabel is a cheating adulteress and the phone call from her worried partner phone on silent so there are no interruption
Meet Mable
Quite able
To reduce men to quivering wrecks. With her bad-ass attitude and killer heels she hold all the power
At her feet they grovel and snivel,imploring with hungry eyes; tongue-tied as if they were in the tower
Of babel
Mabel had passed out on the coaster, after thoughtfully draining her glass, and gracefully displayed the cleavage of her full ass. Hastily, a tootsie roll was unwrapped and stuffed into her pants. And then I noticed the table was made out of maple and cracked, and I thought somewhere there is a poem in all of this shit: Mabel/table/maple and crack, but I'll be damned if I know where it is. So fuck it, it's the prose that b... loves to loathe.
In my mind this Mabel is a cheating adulteress and the phone call from her worried partner phone on silent so there are no interruption

I see her as a femme fatale (but never a whore) with many lovers who visit her boudoir bringing with them exquisite and expensive trinkets which only go on display when they are the visitor of choice. Daddy made his millions and left her everything so she fills her time as and how she wants with occasional gratification on her terms
we have a "poetry under construction" thread you could use to post these first drafts on and then work on them as the mood hits

Thanks champagne, I might take that seriously that way you aren't so bombarded with 5 minute jobs.
In my mind this Mabel is a cheating adulteress and the phone call from her worried partner phone on silent so there are no interruption
interesting take on it. this is what i'd hoped for, i suppose: seeing where others took this in their own heads :rose:

Mabel had passed out on the coaster, after thoughtfully draining her glass, and gracefully displayed the cleavage of her full ass. Hastily, a tootsie roll was unwrapped and stuffed into her pants. And then I noticed the table was made out of maple and cracked, and I thought somewhere there is a poem in all of this shit: Mabel/table/maple and crack, but I'll be damned if I know where it is. So fuck it, it's the prose that b... loves to loathe.
sounds like jersey shore does narnia

there's depth, though, to this - and it takes me away from narnia and into birds' eye maple, the surreality of the visuals, a table full of eyes, crack-induced, the tootsie roll. you sick bastard :D wickedly imaginative, harsh and unapologetic, and that's without your social commentary on mabel - ill-met by candid-light.

I see her as a femme fatale (but never a whore) with many lovers who visit her boudoir bringing with them exquisite and expensive trinkets which only go on display when they are the visitor of choice. Daddy made his millions and left her everything so she fills her time as and how she wants with occasional gratification on her terms
will the real mable please stand up, please stand up.... love the different paths this opened up for readers. :rose:
just thought I would take
and drop in to see
what I could read and make
will come back when I am more free.
Meet Mable
A tad wacky,
laid back, funky, modern,
cute but no glamour,
she shines, bubbly and bright.
below the surface a
tumultuous tension,
blue eyes burn and betray
as she seeks solace and soothing
from a married man,
she can almost hear the tutting
of her mother,
while she waits to wed another
Meet Mable
she is a mother of four,
she loves putting the horse in the stable,
shy she seems but she is so much more.
Meet Mable
she is a mother of four,
she loves putting the horse in the stable,
shy she seems but she is so much more.

Not bad first go at it. You leave all the imagery to the reader but give them a horse, a stable and a woman to create in their own way, could maybe lose a couple of words that don't add i.e it is implied mable is female with the term mother
So to simplify for it to read smoother try dropping the she's out in the first two lines

Not bad first go at it. You leave all the imagery to the reader but give them a horse, a stable and a woman to create in their own way, could maybe lose a couple of words that don't add i.e it is implied mable is female with the term mother
So to simplify for it to read smoother try dropping the she's out in the first two lines

thank you do you mean like this?:

Meet Mable
mother of four,
loves putting the horse in the stable,
shy she seems but so much more.
A Mirror for Mabel.

Meet Mabel: on reflection
a homely acned face,
a dull and homely mind.

Shoulders slope to
saggy scraggy breasts
Pot belly, massive slab behind.

A barely conscious thought.
What bloody bastard god made me,
when others of my kind...
Meet Mabel: on reflection
a homely acned face,
a dull and homely mind.

Shoulders slope to
saggy scraggy breasts
Pot belly, massive slab behind.

A barely conscious thought.
What bloody bastard god made me,
when others of my kind...

hahaha, I think I just walked past her an hour ago
hahaha, I think I just walked past her an hour ago

It didn't occur to me that it might be read like that - I had a fourth stanza but thought it was melancholy enough already, so I took it out. Didn't want to pile on the pathos too thick. :)
It didn't occur to me that it might be read like that - I had a fourth stanza but thought it was melancholy enough already, so I took it out. Didn't want to pile on the pathos too thick. :)

Might as well go the whole hog :D
thank you do you mean like this?:

Meet Mable
mother of four,
loves putting the horse in the stable,
shy she seems but so much more.
Exactly, looks like you are writing for the rhyme in the fourth
forget that and play to the third line. (disclaimer)
is a table
and that
is better
than a mat,
who by the way is George.
Last edited:
is a table
and that
is better
than a mat,
who by the (way?) is George.

more to this one than its few words

a table: - useful, put upon, load-bearing, angular, taking up space, not curvy, frequently plain but serviceable

a mat: - a doormat, i'm assuming, so smallish, downtrodden, something to step on and wipe your feet on, but also pretty important in the scheme of things, however lowly, as its presence would be missed and a lot of stuff would get tracked into the house.

so, this neat little thing shows us two very clear (in my head, anyway) pictures of a couple - nuthin' fancy, but sort of permanent. :)
more to this one than its few words

a table: - useful, put upon, load-bearing, angular, taking up space, not curvy, frequently plain but serviceable

a mat: - a doormat, i'm assuming, so smallish, downtrodden, something to step on and wipe your feet on, but also pretty important in the scheme of things, however lowly, as its presence would be missed and a lot of stuff would get tracked into the house.

so, this neat little thing shows us two very clear (in my head, anyway) pictures of a couple - nuthin' fancy, but sort of permanent. :)

lol thank you and you're right I did miss out a word which is now in!
La Recasse

Nice work! It could have been even more effective with a different working of the last two lines. Your excellent prose has alreday revealed that she is bipolar, or at least suufers from some form of depression.

Or perhaps something along the lines of:

Bipolar fret
Now all of Mablel is met