Meet Mia Love. You'll be seeing a lot more of her.

That's it exactly. The smaller government message is a winner, I think. But when the small government is only selective (don't regulate guns, banks, or business . . . but marriage and birth control are on the table), the message is lost, and they look hypocritical. Whether it will translate into minority votes is anyone's guess, but it's a place to start.

the last of my air-quotes conservative views to fall were the tendency for so called conservatives to be war hawks.

This dates back to the cold war when progressives were, lets be honest, a little less than concerned about the tenants of socialism being spread around the globe since they are big fans of Marx in all the hallowed halls where progressive thought is promulgated.

So the idea was we needed this big Military Industrial Complex to keep the Rooskies at bay, despite Eisenhower's sage warning on the subject.

What persuaded me was not just the waste of money (although it is), the world perception that we are kind of bullies...none of that bothered me much...what persuaded me was how is it conservative to want the government out of my business but into the business of some tribesman in a hut on one side or the other of a not-recognized line between Pakistan (or Pock-E-Stahn if you learned geography in Indonesia) and Afghanistan??

Charlie Wilson's war had its uses. It bankrupted the Soviets because stingers are far cheaper than Hinds. Economically it made sense. But morally? How and why is that moral?
No wonder blacks find it hard to vote R. You people just don't get it when you are insulting black people.

you are too intelligent to ask this

we all know why BLACKS vote D all the time......and when OTHER BLACKS tell them, hey, you are being used and abused, THEY ARE ATTACKED

and while you AXE this question


It works both ways
Bullshit. Anyone who knows anything about race relations in the US knows better than to refer to a black American as "articulate" or "clean" or any of that kind shit.

I suggest that black families start investing in dictionaries then. I think that most of us are intelligent enough to understand that any compliment can be turned into a 'left handed' compliment by merely changing inflection and emphasis. Meaning that any compliment towards a black person (or Latin, or Asian, or White) si subject to be taken as an insult regardless of how that compliment was actually intended, especially when dealing with the written word. So I reiterate, when in doubt......ASK.

A second point is that Ebonics (or Latin street slang) is not a path to success outside the rapper genre'. If that's all you can speak then it's unlikely you're going to get any meaningful job. One of the key indicators of the probability of success in ANY nation is the ability to communicate clearly and completely in the language, be that English, Spanish, or Russian. If the members of the black community that aren't 'articulate' are insulted by the use of the word then perhaps they should be, and in such a way as to shame them into becoming adroit in the use of the language. Not being able to put together a single sentence without using "fuck", or one of it's many derivatives, is NOT conducive to gainful employment.

The street urchins can go ahead and define all of the 'code' words that I'm not supposed to use that they want. I won't be buying their cereal and sending in the box top with 25 cents to get the super secret decoder ring.

On topic, it is impressive to me. I don't buy the arguments that she only won by x amount of votes, or it being an "off year". Winning is winning, and she's earned it.
Yeah, she won, but like most of the races, and typically of midterms (though it appears 2014 set a record low) she was elected by fewer that 25% of registered voters.
Yes, as usual, the winners are calling it a "mandate" by americans. Hardly, unless you consider it to be a mandate when a majority of people are so disgusted/disinterested that they don't bother to vote.

What's this obsession about Mia Love and the Congressional Black Caucus? If she wants in the caucus, she'll be in.
I kinda doubt it. Her stated goal is to join it then work to dismantle it. As I asked ish before (which he didn't answer), would you let someone in your house who says they want to come in and dismantle it?

In Vette's defense, he used "articulate" to describe Sarah Palin. Last I looked, she's white.
Not that it changes the real world, but can you quote this? I'll believe it when I see it.
Go to search, put in articulate as the key word, his name for user name, click the "Posts" radio button at the bottom, select the GB as the sub-forum to search then click "Search Now".
Yeah, I was bored.
Enough santcimonious bullshit.

Iggy. Bye.

Santcimonious? Okay, I'll assume that was a typo, and that you meant to accuse me of sanctimony, which I find funny. I'm not being morally superior, genius. Not in the least. I'm being real. Any white person in the US who would stand face to face with a black person and call him or her articulate is a dumbass, at best, and probably far worse. The fact you don't understand that is sad.

To be fair to Veggebigot, he did use the same word in reference to Sarah Palin back when she nearly mattered.
you are too intelligent to ask this

we all know why BLACKS vote D all the time......and when OTHER BLACKS tell them, hey, you are being used and abused, THEY ARE ATTACKED

and while you AXE this question


It works both ways

Of course it works both ways. Who said it doesn't?
I suggest that black families start investing in dictionaries then. I think that most of us are intelligent enough to understand that any compliment can be turned into a 'left handed' compliment by merely changing inflection and emphasis. Meaning that any compliment towards a black person (or Latin, or Asian, or White) si subject to be taken as an insult regardless of how that compliment was actually intended, especially when dealing with the written word. So I reiterate, when in doubt......ASK.

A second point is that Ebonics (or Latin street slang) is not a path to success outside the rapper genre'. If that's all you can speak then it's unlikely you're going to get any meaningful job. One of the key indicators of the probability of success in ANY nation is the ability to communicate clearly and completely in the language, be that English, Spanish, or Russian. If the members of the black community that aren't 'articulate' are insulted by the use of the word then perhaps they should be, and in such a way as to shame them into becoming adroit in the use of the language. Not being able to put together a single sentence without using "fuck", or one of it's many derivatives, is NOT conducive to gainful employment.

The street urchins can go ahead and define all of the 'code' words that I'm not supposed to use that they want. I won't be buying their cereal and sending in the box top with 25 cents to get the super secret decoder ring.


Go right ahead. Ignore what you're being told. Carry on.
To be fair to Veggebigot, he did use the same word in reference to Sarah Palin back when she nearly mattered.

So what? I imagine she would also be insulted if somebody told her she is articulate.
Thinking it's fine for white people to tell a black person he or she is articulate.

Obungo Obola didn't mind, when Biden Reid said it and others as well

Maybe BLACKS should be more PISSED at BLACKS and DUMZ telling em they SHOULD vote for DUMZ regardless of anything

Your comment is RACIST

You are in effect that a LESS THEN MINOR comment made by 1 or 3 THE reason MILLIONS of BLACKS vote against their OWN interest
Thinking it's fine for white people to tell a black person he or she is articulate.

if anything

BLACKS should be offended when SO MANY say that its RACIST to have VOTER ID laws cause BLACKS cant get em
Obungo Obola didn't mind, when Biden Reid said it and others as well

Maybe BLACKS should be more PISSED at BLACKS and DUMZ telling em they SHOULD vote for DUMZ regardless of anything

Your comment is RACIST

You are in effect that a LESS THEN MINOR comment made by 1 or 3 THE reason MILLIONS of BLACKS vote against their OWN interest

Ridiculous. I think blacks should be upset with Biden, Reid, and a whole lot of Democrats as well as with many Republicans. Why they continue to vote D at the rate they do is a bit of a mystery, but partially explicable by reading this thread.
So what? I imagine she would also be insulted if somebody told her she is articulate.

No, I doubt she would, but how she would feel is irrelevant. It is an indicator that Vetteman is not using it in the 'Biden' manner of using it.
Bullshit. Anyone who knows anything about race relations in the US knows better than to refer to a black American as "articulate" or "clean" or any of that kind shit.

Go right ahead. Ignore what you're being told. Carry on.

Rest assured I will 'carry on.'

But referring once more to your original reply on the subject, please note the words that I've emboldened. I hope you understand the implications of what you wrote. It's OK to refer to a black Bahamian, or a black Haitian, or a black African as articulate but it becomes a pejorative term only when used in conjunction with "black Americans?" What the black individual of any other nationality would take as the compliment it was intended to be the 'black American' takes as an insult???? You realize how ridiculous that notion is I hope?

Ridiculous. I think blacks should be upset with Biden, Reid, and a whole lot of Democrats as well as with many Republicans. Why they continue to vote D at the rate they do is a bit of a mystery, but partially explicable by reading this thread.

No one should be upset by being called articulate

What BLACKS should be UPSET about is

Cunt Clinton going to Southern Church's and effecting a DRAWL.....telling the BLACKS that voter ID laws cause THEM great harm

Obola, a Harvard 'educated" person, talking BLACK ENGLISH in BLACK audiences


That should offend them