menstrual sex

SkylineBlue said:
I just... EW. Blood to me is like scat... though menstrual blood isn't so bad because its supposed to happen. It's part of my monthly health... that bleeding let's me know that my body is functioning as it should. My body bleeding for other reasons... well I just don't like that. It's scary in a bad way. I know that wording will piss someone off but it was the best I could come up with... what I mean is, I don't want scars. I don't want to worry about wounds healing improperly or becoming infected because someone got too rough and spanked me til they broke the skin.

If you guys are safe with it, then I can't really say you shouldn't do it. I'm just saying, it gives me the willies and any man that broke the skin and didn't immediately stop... well he'd have some 'splaining to do.

no reason for anyone to get pissed off-im not anyways. tis yr own personal opinion :)

personally i love the idea of playing with blood, menstrual or otherwise-its like, the essence of life, and it just seems like a really cool way to be intimate with someone-tasting and playing with eachothers blood. very romantic in an intense way.
I'm not pissed off... i just, bleh...

It is funny though that menstural blood wouldn't phase me but all blood otherwise does... or perhaps it isn't.

I guess too, i'm secretly glad to be less extreme of a masochist.
my master has always been fine with sex during menustration. In fact, since we've been together, I think we've had sex at least once during each period.

I think it is incredible to see my blood covering him. So often, he marks me as his through bites marks and bruises. But, I get the chance to mark him as MINE when we have sex on my period. It's nice to feel everyonce in a while... I think it has to do with being such a territorial female, and my master being so cute!

I also LOVE to think that he is continuing to fuck me although I am bleeding and in pain. He just looks at me with a ferrocious look and keeps on pounding into me. Strange, isn't it... some of the most loving and erotic moments are when he pretends to not give a damn about me... oh well..
SubByDesign said:
. Strange, isn't it... some of the most loving and erotic moments are when he pretends to not give a damn about me... oh well..

strange and wonderful :)
I'm not a new age woo woo menstrual hut kinda gal.

But I get really strong mojo on the rag.

I found when I was more of a switch I was always Top then, I find myself particularly string, willful and in form these days when I'm on the rag. It's not irrational bitchy PMS stuff, it's real honest to God irresistable mojo.

I fetishize the blood during sex thing a bit, less a question of fantazising about being fucked in a wound more about leaving a stain on those who fuck me. The Dirty Woman archetype to the max.

I'm curious about red in play. But all the guys I play with are just openminded calm guys who have the "tis a poor soldier fears a bloody battlefield" outlook on it, so it's not as hot to them, the girls are similar, and I don't have as intimate a thing going with them.
eh ... want to know why it makes some of us uncomfortable?

When has a woman never been lectured about "that time of the month?" When has it not been referred to in a negative, unclean, shameful sort of a way?

There is a certain amount of embarassment that is carried with having a period -- i speak of those awkward times that some of us have outgrown and some of us haven't. Dates back to "Eve's curse!" and all that biblical jazz. As a result, we're uncomfortable with this function of our bodies and the fact that this monthly cycle is an act that must be hidden behind pads the size of diapers or plugged up with wads of styrofoam and cotton. If you had to spend 4-5 days a month struggling to conceal the fact that you're bleeding heavily from your sex, you might feel like a big "NASTY" was emblazoned on your head too. It's just a feeling and it enfeebles you to a point. You lose control of your body and it does what it wants for a time ... tough to not feel controlled by it to an extent.

Sex ... changes this cringing. Once you are comfortable playing during this time, the blood is just another lubricant of a different color. Sure, the are moments when you might flinch (say, once the lights are on and you get a good luck at how the "lubricant" was spread about), but it is a momentary burning sensation across the cheeks and neck ... blush over. Still, if you come from a psychological place that makes you incapable of seeing it as a natural act ... that flush will happen every ... single ... time. No biggie and depending on the Dominant ... this might be a delicious humiliation tool.

Blood sex is jarring. It's rutting, scent guided and decadent ... the kind that forces a secret, embarassed smile out of you the next time "the curse" comes along. It's the nasty thing we were warned never to do or forever bear the label "whore" or "dirty slut." Whether the the flow is from the cut between your legs or inflicted by another during the course of a session, the pull towards the blood is without a doubt undeniable. Well, to some.

s'lara said:

Blood sex is jarring. It's rutting, scent guided and decadent ... the kind that forces a secret, embarassed smile out of you the next time "the curse" comes along.

I've read the thread, and I have never really put too much thought into it. I've earned my red wings but usually during the end of the week when I'm not feeling as crampy and bloated and so on... I'm definetly seeing it all in a new light, I enjoyed the back and forth and I knew it is always looked upon as "dirty and private," which I know is why I may have a hang up or two about it all, I just see it has a hassle really ... the experience may be memorable but the clean up is a pain in the ass if flow is heavy... no matter how you view the stains and what they represent to a person.
One of my past SO once said that they wanted to have sex while I was on my period, and not to just have sex with me bc he was horny and such, but because it was something that only I could do (women can do) and it was my time, and he wanted to be closer to me, he wanted to share my moment... I never looked at it like that either, which warmed me up conciderably to it.

I started reading this thread while off my period, and I was all "yeah, have sex, whats the big deal..." and now a day later on my period I'm more on the side of "heh, whats the big deal... wait a week!" oi... women fickleness! :)

AAAAND the reason for the quoting. I was nodding and agreeing and thinking about everything you have said, and even seeing things in a new light ( of course, bc that is what Lit does for many ) ... UNTIL you said it was decadent.
Hot, ok. Wet, ok. Slimey, ok. Personal, ok. Primal, ok. Natural...ok. But decadent? cakes and pasteries are decadent... I've stretched my mind enough with this tread, I cannot see it as decadent ::sighs:: you may be alone on that one :( I find your posts amazing, and informative and always thought filled and honest.

To each their own ::firm nod:: ! You are way way ahead of me, and probably many others...all the love luck and lollipops to you s'lara
i can definately see it as decadent. i mean really-what better lubricant is there? its warm..its wet, its slippery. to ignore the societal taboos about it and just say fuck it-its natures best lubricant, lets fuck while im bleeding and not just ignore the blood but enjoy it, luxuriate in it, get it all over us and shivver over how good your cock feels sliding into me covered with my blood..mmm. decadent :)
Another perspective

As a Domme (and although I haven't read all the posts entirely, I didn't notice any Domme's posting, only Doms and femsubs), I make my boy fuck me no matter. I, like others who have posted, get incredibly horny during my period - raging hormones will do that - and if I tell him to do so, he will. I do avoid oral, simply because I don't like the vampire look w/ blood smeared all over the face, but pretty much anything else is fair game - whatever positions, whatever toys, whatever appendages I tell him to use.

Miss Karen
There is no way, no how, that I would consent to having sex while I am on my period. I just get completely disgusted by the idea- I don't know why, but I do. And then, I know some guys who have said they don't mind going down on a woman while she is on her rag... that idea is enough to make me want to vomit.

It is fine for those who like it, but not something that you will catch me doing. Of course, I also don't have a period anymore, thanks to the modern medical miracle of Depoprovera, so I suppose it is a non-issue with me.

It is just funny that I saw this thread today, because I had a huge debate about this subject the other night with all the guys I hang out with. I have no idea how we got on the subject, but before it was all over, there were 6 men in their late 30's to early 40's telling me what a baby I am because I wouldn't let a guy do me while I am on my rag. Damn, the trials of being the youngest in the group :rolleyes:
Re: Another perspective

SweetDommes said:
As a Domme (and although I haven't read all the posts entirely, I didn't notice any Domme's posting, only Doms and femsubs), I make my boy fuck me no matter. I, like others who have posted, get incredibly horny during my period - raging hormones will do that - and if I tell him to do so, he will. I do avoid oral, simply because I don't like the vampire look w/ blood smeared all over the face, but pretty much anything else is fair game - whatever positions, whatever toys, whatever appendages I tell him to use.

Miss Karen

Miss Karen... I have a question, and I am asking in sincere curiosity, not out of a desire to cause drama.

I was just wondering... you say that you make your boy fuck you, no matter what...
What if he were so turned off by the idea, or disgusted by it, that he physically could not get an erection? You mentioned toys... would you simply make him pleasure you that way?

Re: Re: Another perspective

niteshade said:
Miss Karen... I have a question, and I am asking in sincere curiosity, not out of a desire to cause drama.

I was just wondering... you say that you make your boy fuck you, no matter what...
What if he were so turned off by the idea, or disgusted by it, that he physically could not get an erection? You mentioned toys... would you simply make him pleasure you that way?


If he is physically incapable for any reason, then accessories are used - fingers, vibrator, dildo, whatever ...
Re: Re: Re: Another perspective

SweetDommes said:
If he is physically incapable for any reason, then accessories are used - fingers, vibrator, dildo, whatever ...

Thanks for responding.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Another perspective

niteshade said:
Thanks for responding.

No problem

But just for the record, the only time that anyone I was with didn't have sex with me during my period, it was my very first, mostly vanilla relationship with an older Jewish man, and his reasons were strictly religious. The other guys that I have been with have had no problems - if I wanted sex, they were happy to give it to me.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Another perspective

SweetDommes said:
No problem

But just for the record, the only time that anyone I was with didn't have sex with me during my period, it was my very first, mostly vanilla relationship with an older Jewish man, and his reasons were strictly religious. The other guys that I have been with have had no problems - if I wanted sex, they were happy to give it to me.

LOL, just don't forget the tampon removal as I did once. Oh well we found a new use for chopsticks but it took awhile and I was far from relaxed. :p

Catalina :rose:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Another perspective

catalina said:
LOL, just don't forget the tampon removal as I did once.

Ow! wince

I don't get turned on by blood, so if my lover has a particularly heavy flow, I will abstain. But otherwise it doesn't worry me. (Other than avoiding licking her.)

Interestingly, my lover gets horny just before and just after her period. Rather than during. (Well, she's horny most times, but she gets MORE horny then.)
Great (but unusual) topic

Messy (so I wouldn't want it everyday) but worth it. It's mostly the humiliation aspect of it, but there is also pure pleasure. Here are some reasons for me:

If it makes her uncomfortable, it's another way of asserting my ownership over her, breaking her sense of privacy and control over her own body.
(A similar example: having her leave the door open when she goes to the bathroom).

Tampon (and other) play is best with real blood. Inserting and removing a tampon is like penetration with a toy. Only it's a more acute reminder to her of her dirtiness and vulnerability.

I simply love the metallic taste of blood.

It intensifies fantasies of forceful taking and rape. She is bleeding under me, yet she is enjoying it. I hadn't thought of the "wounding" aspect of it. I sure will do now. :)

I share PumaSue's view. Having the blood licked off me is a great turnon. (I wonder what the feelings of others who like this are re piss? Scat is a bit more extreme and I haven't gone there.)

PS I am very queasy about blood otherwise. I don't really like cutting or otherwise injuring anyone. I don't even like needles.

PPS jhangel: the first days of menstruation are the SAFEST in terms of pregnancy risk -- it's around the middle of the cycle (ovulation) that conception is most likely.
Re: Great (but unusual) topic

hiddenself said:

I share PumaSue's view. Having the blood licked off me is a great turnon. (I wonder what the feelings of others who like this are re piss? Scat is a bit more extreme and I haven't gone there.)

I have no problem with golden showers.
Surprised? Yeah, right. Lol. I will even drink
some of it right out of the "fountain." :eek:
sigsauerprinces said:
i can definately see it as decadent. i mean really-what better lubricant is there? its warm..its wet, its slippery. to ignore the societal taboos about it and just say fuck it-its natures best lubricant, lets fuck while im bleeding and not just ignore the blood but enjoy it, luxuriate in it, get it all over us and shivver over how good your cock feels sliding into me covered with my blood..mmm. decadent :)

I've done it on quite a few occasions, I know how much hotter and wetter and slicker and intense and the different levels of orgasms and it comes down to if I feel sick to my stomach all day and just don't want to have sex, or if I'm having a good day. It is natural, I am definetly way more towards it then against it. Infact how you speak of it makes me shiver... but I'm still having trouble with the word decadent and what other things are usually linked to it.

Just a word use hang up :)
Re: Great (but unusual) topic

hiddenself said:

I share PumaSue's view. Having the blood licked off me is a great turnon. (I wonder what the feelings of others who like this are re piss? Scat is a bit more extreme and I haven't gone there.)

i like the idea of golden showers/playing with piss, but its something we havent done yet. eventually tho :) re: scat-i feel th esame-its gross. ive never been able to see how ppl are able to eroticize that.

blue sugar-i know what you're saying :) i guess i look at decadent as meaning anything that feels really good, but that you're not "supposed" to do :cool:
I'm one of the women who are on fire while on the rag. From a day before my perioid starts to two days after it's ending, I have to have at least two orgasmic sessions per day. I get intolerable if I'm out of chocolate and orgasms at that time. :)

Besides, I think my SO's cock is pretty when tinted red with my blood. Just like a polka-gris without the white stripe. :)
s'lara said:
eh ... want to know why it makes some of us uncomfortable?

When has a woman never been lectured about "that time of the month?" When has it not been referred to in a negative, unclean, shameful sort of a way?

There is a certain amount of embarassment that is carried with having a period -- i speak of those awkward times that some of us have outgrown and some of us haven't. Dates back to "Eve's curse!" and all that biblical jazz. As a result, we're uncomfortable with this function of our bodies and the fact that this monthly cycle is an act that must be hidden behind pads the size of diapers or plugged up with wads of styrofoam and cotton. If you had to spend 4-5 days a month struggling to conceal the fact that you're bleeding heavily from your sex, you might feel like a big "NASTY" was emblazoned on your head too. It's just a feeling and it enfeebles you to a point. You lose control of your body and it does what it wants for a time ... tough to not feel controlled by it to an extent.

Sex ... changes this cringing. Once you are comfortable playing during this time, the blood is just another lubricant of a different color. Sure, the are moments when you might flinch (say, once the lights are on and you get a good luck at how the "lubricant" was spread about), but it is a momentary burning sensation across the cheeks and neck ... blush over. Still, if you come from a psychological place that makes you incapable of seeing it as a natural act ... that flush will happen every ... single ... time. No biggie and depending on the Dominant ... this might be a delicious humiliation tool.

Blood sex is jarring. It's rutting, scent guided and decadent ... the kind that forces a secret, embarassed smile out of you the next time "the curse" comes along. It's the nasty thing we were warned never to do or forever bear the label "whore" or "dirty slut." Whether the the flow is from the cut between your legs or inflicted by another during the course of a session, the pull towards the blood is without a doubt undeniable. Well, to some.


can definitely relate to the "pull" of blood sex...the thought of a man using my bleeding, wounded body, either oblivious to my pain or all the more aroused by me warm tinglies all over. however i just don't put menstruating in that same category. it is a natural, uncontrollable, necessary biological function. it's not a wound, not an injury, it is simply mother nature. a part of mother nature that happens to be a little "icky" in my opinion. otoh, sometimes when Daddy uses me vaginally (or anally for that matter), i will bleed. He may be a bit too rough, go a bit too deep, whatever...and blood will flow. such blood does not bother him because he knows he has caused it, by hurting me and loving me. but he has nothing to do with me menstruating. i guess i am not seeing the relation between the two (menstrual blood and blood from a wound), unless it is simply what one conjures up in their own minds during the act to make it a bit more erotic.
ownedsubgal said:
can definitely relate to the "pull" of blood sex...the thought of a man using my bleeding, wounded body, either oblivious to my pain or all the more aroused by me warm tinglies all over. however i just don't put menstruating in that same category. it is a natural, uncontrollable, necessary biological function. it's not a wound, not an injury, it is simply mother nature. a part of mother nature that happens to be a little "icky" in my opinion. otoh, sometimes when Daddy uses me vaginally (or anally for that matter), i will bleed. He may be a bit too rough, go a bit too deep, whatever...and blood will flow. such blood does not bother him because he knows he has caused it, by hurting me and loving me. but he has nothing to do with me menstruating. i guess i am not seeing the relation between the two (menstrual blood and blood from a wound), unless it is simply what one conjures up in their own minds during the act to make it a bit more erotic.

Hi osg. i get that menstrual blood is a physical function of a woman, so yes, it is something that cannot be controlled or inflicted by a Dominant. The point is that blood sex, whether it is inflicted or natural, can be erotic no matter the catalyst. i think that most people have alarm bells that ring when they see blood. A natural reaction, but still something that gives some people pause when they see it. Obviously not your Master, but the sight of blood does cause a reaction ... negative or positive.

Eroticising that reaction is what we're discussing. As this is a menstrual sex (taboo activity or not) topic, the comments tend to lean towards the feelings associated with that act. However, inflicted wounds that cause bleeding can also be erotic. That is the correlation between the two and while they may not be the same in terms of how the bleeding begins, both the menstrual blood and the blood induced by the hands of another can be viewed in an erotic light. If there is a need to make a distinction between the two, i agree that they are different, but both can be arousing.
