menstrual sex

hi lara...i realize (though i cannot fully understand or relate) that menstrual blood is erotic to many people. that wasn't my point of confusion. your previous post reminded me of a comment on this thread (can't recall by whom) about vaginal intercourse during a period being akin to fucking a wound (or something like that, my memory is not the best), and that being part of the reason in the arousal/pleasure behind it. it is an interesting p.o.v., one i have/had never heard before, and leaves me wondering how one gets to that point where in their mind, the blood from one's monthly cycle can feel like the blood of a wound inflicted by their Dominant.
ownedsubgal said:
hi lara...i realize (though i cannot fully understand or relate) that menstrual blood is erotic to many people. that wasn't my point of confusion. your previous post reminded me of a comment on this thread (can't recall by whom) about vaginal intercourse during a period being akin to fucking a wound (or something like that, my memory is not the best), and that being part of the reason in the arousal/pleasure behind it. it is an interesting p.o.v., one i have/had never heard before, and leaves me wondering how one gets to that point where in their mind, the blood from one's monthly cycle can feel like the blood of a wound inflicted by their Dominant.

i believe the underlying pull is the blood ... if it is more complex to some how the blood is attained, then that is another matter. If you are saying the two are different, of course they are. There is a difference. However, if we are focusing on the result ... say, "blood", then yes, blood has its erotic nature to some no matter how it is spilled. If it is important in terms of your confusion, lets clarify. Copulating during menstrual sex is very different than sexual intercourse with someone where You (Dominant/Top) have inflicted the wounds first hand. Obvious difference in terms of the driving force behind engaging in blood sex. Sometimes the scent of blood is enough to generate arousal. Induced blood or natural. i accept either instance.

s'lara said:
i believe the underlying pull is the blood Sometimes the scent of blood is enough to generate arousal. Induced blood or natural. i accept either instance.


....And there is often an increase of bleeding and pain if sex, vaginally or anally, is attempted at this time. From my experience, the increase can be huge, and most times even just the thought of sexual contact or arousal is enough to begin cramping and increased flow. So there can be a connection for a Dominant who gets off on the idea he has caused the bleeding.

Catalina :rose:
catalina_francisco said:
....And there is often an increase of bleeding and pain if sex, vaginally or anally, is attempted at this time. From my experience, the increase can be huge, and most times even just the thought of sexual contact or arousal is enough to begin cramping and increased flow. So there can be a connection for a Dominant who gets off on the idea he has caused the bleeding.

Catalina :rose:

wow...with myself i have always found the opposite to be true. when engaging in intercourse during "that time", it has always eased my cramps (which can be debilitating), and has actually lessened the flow of blood, sometimes stopped it completely at least during the activity. i once shared this information with Daddy as a way to tell him it wouldn't be an icky experience for us to have vaginal intercourse at that time...but um he doesn't wanna risk it lol.

s'lara said:
i believe the underlying pull is the blood ... if it is more complex to some how the blood is attained, then that is another matter. If you are saying the two are different, of course they are. There is a difference. However, if we are focusing on the result ... say, "blood", then yes, blood has its erotic nature to some no matter how it is spilled. If it is important in terms of your confusion, lets clarify. Copulating during menstrual sex is very different than sexual intercourse with someone where You (Dominant/Top) have inflicted the wounds first hand. Obvious difference in terms of the driving force behind engaging in blood sex. Sometimes the scent of blood is enough to generate arousal. Induced blood or natural. i accept either instance.


Very well said, lara. It is about the blood. :rose:
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catalina_francisco said:
LOL, just don't forget the tampon removal as I did once. Oh well we found a new use for chopsticks but it took awhile and I was far from relaxed. :p

Catalina :rose:

Fortunately, I rarely use tampons - don't know why, just never have liked using them ...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Another perspective

SweetDommes said:
Fortunately, I rarely use tampons - don't know why, just never have liked using them ...

LOL, nor do I anymore. :D

Catalina :rose:
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SweetDommes said:
Fortunately, I rarely use tampons - don't know why, just never have liked using them ...

me neither. for one im scared of toxic shock syndrome..for another, it just doesnt feel right. it feels odd. and maybe this makes me totally slutty and just-a very bad girl, but i kind of like the way a pad feels when its wet with blood, pressed up against my pussy.

i cant believe i just admitted that :eek:

*runs away*
sigsauerprinces said:
me neither. for one im scared of toxic shock syndrome..for another, it just doesnt feel right. it feels odd. and maybe this makes me totally slutty and just-a very bad girl, but i kind of like the way a pad feels when its wet with blood, pressed up against my pussy.

i cant believe i just admitted that :eek:

*runs away*

icons hugging grn and red.gif

Don't worry, sis, I feel the same way!
catalina_francisco said:
....And there is often an increase of bleeding and pain if sex, vaginally or anally, is attempted at this time. From my experience, the increase can be huge, and most times even just the thought of sexual contact or arousal is enough to begin cramping and increased flow. So there can be a connection for a Dominant who gets off on the idea he has caused the bleeding.

Catalina :rose:

All those people who recommend an orgasm to relieve cramps fail to mention that the relief is short lived and almost always followed by an increase in the cramps and bleeding.
morninggirl5 said:
All those people who recommend an orgasm to relieve cramps fail to mention that the relief is short lived and almost always followed by an increase in the cramps and bleeding.

Exactly..makes sense if you look at it from a biological viewpoint, especially if you have fibroids which it seems a huge percentage of women do.

Catalina :rose:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Another perspective

sigsauerprinces said:
me neither. for one im scared of toxic shock syndrome..for another, it just doesnt feel right. it feels odd. and maybe this makes me totally slutty and just-a very bad girl, but i kind of like the way a pad feels when its wet with blood, pressed up against my pussy.

i cant believe i just admitted that :eek:

*runs away*


we have dry wads of fucking cotton to act as corks.
we have diapers of various sizes that still leak, bunch and move.
we have plunger shaped "keepers" that are scary as hell
we have sponges ... and that reminds me of the kitchen sponge.
we have shots and patches and pills that we could use to have no flow... but then our bodies go crazy with all the chemicals.

.... it used to be just a rag.

And we're not happy with any of our options.

::shifts in her diaper:: I'm so glad its at the end right now, lol.
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BlueSugar said:

we have dry wads of fucking cotton to act as corks.
we have diapers of various sizes that still leak, bunch and move.
we have plunger shaped "keepers" that are scary as hell
we have sponges ... and that reminds me of the kitchen sponge.
we have shots and patches and pills that we could use to have no flow... but then our bodies go crazy with all the chemicals.

.... it used to be just a rag.

And we're not happy with any of our options.

::shifts in her diaper:: I'm so glad its at the end right now, lol.

LOL, don't forget the newer option, cups!!

Catalina :rose:
When I was in my early twenties, I had a (yet another) very sexually aggressive girlfriend. One night I was driving us home from something and she told me to pull the car over on a residential street... when she discovered I was "plugged" she simply pulled it out and threw it out the open car window, and proceeded with her plans.

Here's the sick factor - the next day I could just imagine an elderly person walking their little dog and wondering what fido had found to eat now. It was pretty classless, kind of like coming across used condoms in the gutter, but it did happen and I wasn't about to go retrieve it afterwards... though in thinking about it, had she had an even more perverted mind that retrieval could have been rather humbling lol. :eek:
Could all this be the final frontier?

I've always fantasized about totally smearing a guy with my blood, using my hands, as degredation. As craven and freaky a bunch as I could bring this up with, I never did. Yes it's embarrassing to want something that could be viewed with such total disgust, and I feel kind of vulnerable about my grand idea being rejected.
Netzach said:
Could all this be the final frontier?

I've always fantasized about totally smearing a guy with my blood, using my hands, as degredation. As craven and freaky a bunch as I could bring this up with, I never did. Yes it's embarrassing to want something that could be viewed with such total disgust, and I feel kind of vulnerable about my grand idea being rejected.

for some reason i always thought you were a guy. no offense (not that i really think you'd take any :) )

but yeah...its a hard subject to bring up. but hey..nothing venturned, nothing gained :)
morninggirl5 said:
All those people who recommend an orgasm to relieve cramps fail to mention that the relief is short lived and almost always followed by an increase in the cramps and bleeding.

I actually haven't had that problem. It is only a temporary relief, but the cramps don't increase afterwards, just go back to where they were before, and the increased flow - for me at least - means it's over sooner.
SweetDommes said:
I actually haven't had that problem. It is only a temporary relief, but the cramps don't increase afterwards, just go back to where they were before, and the increased flow - for me at least - means it's over sooner.

ditto..i wouldnt have recommended it if it made my cramps worse afterwards. i would think that would be obvious.

for me it makes them go away, sometimes for an hour, sometimes for a few hours. better than having to take drugs for it.
sigsauerprinces said:
for me it makes them go away, sometimes for an hour, sometimes for a few hours. better than having to take drugs for it.

I am not anti-drugs (at least, not the legal kind, taken in legal a legal manner) - I usually take a tylenol or something anyway ... makes the relief last longer...

And just a tip for those who don't know (cuz I didn't until recently ... probably because I can't take it, but *shrug* whatever) - ibuprophen works best if you can take it - it relaxes smooth muscle.
SweetDommes said:
I am not anti-drugs (at least, not the legal kind, taken in legal a legal manner) - I usually take a tylenol or something anyway ... makes the relief last longer...

And just a tip for those who don't know (cuz I didn't until recently ... probably because I can't take it, but *shrug* whatever) - ibuprophen works best if you can take it - it relaxes smooth muscle.

im not really "anti" drugs..just for some reason i dont like to take aspirin and things like that. i dont know why. i have some vicodin for when my wisdom teeth act up tho, and i cant say i mind taking that :devil:
I don't consider myself a vampire, but as long as we aren't talking heavy flow, it doesn't bother me at all. there is a little matter of dirtyness involved, but I don't mind. She is usually very hot during her period, and I love being able to give her the increased pleasure. The words, "clean my cock, slut." are usually music to her ears.
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catalina_francisco said:
LOL, don't forget the newer option, cups!!

Catalina :rose:

cups...keeper... whatever they are... I don't have any hangups about using them... try everything once, right?
but it is weird goin on an adventure to retrieve the thing.

Can't have any hangups about getting "dirty"
i've found that having sex on my period heightens my pleasure and the fact that off it i can take forever to get off and on i can cum in 5 mins:D
ya know... as much as I love you gals, I'm glad we haven't internet-ly put our cycles together like most women do when they stay friends for years...

my dorm floor... its like a plague that spreads from one corner to the other ... then spreads across campus... and of course, we get pulled to the gals on birth control... yeah, got it twice in december once bc of the birthcontrol girls in college, and then my sister and my brother's girlfriend ::sigh::

all 300+ girls w/in a few days of each other... teachers/staff included.

... works this way with colds as well though :(