MissTaken is "Taken"

This IS very happy-making news.

We're very pleased for you, MissT.
Oh my gosh! I'm so happy for you!! That's just wonderful...I know it's taken time, but the journey is so worth it, isn't it? (I'm hoping you say yes, because I haven't really a clue there, lol)

That's just such great news -- thank you for sharing it. :D

Perse :rose:
I'm very happy to hear about your news MissTaken and wish you the wonderful experience that you are worth.

You don't know me, but I'm estaticly happy for you.

May your new adventure be filled with light - and remind us all of the possibities available to us when we seek them with honesty and spirit.
Thank you, thank you all!

My heart is so full of good thoughts right now, I am ready to burst.

:) Thank you

As for Him, we went to visit my mom tonight. So, he experienced the third degree as dear old mom was asking all the same questions merelan is. *smirks*

So far, he passes. And passing by my dear ole mom is a big trick!

Yes, persephone, we learn as we grow.
I recently came to some realizations concerning what I really wanted and needed. Then, out of nowhere He enters my life.


Now I am blushing as he is watching me type!

Doing the Happy Dance for my friend Miss T!!!!

I am oh so very happy for you, my friend.

You deserve the very best.
Akkkkkkkkkkkkk i am asking the same questions as a Mom???? I feel faint and maybe ill.

Okay shall change my line of questions.....

is he awesome i bed? Does he please you? Make you moan and whimper. beg and plead.

panting now...... at the thought of Miss Taken begging.
Merelan said:
Akkkkkkkkkkkkk i am asking the same questions as a Mom???? I feel faint and maybe ill.

Okay shall change my line of questions.....

is he awesome i bed? Does he please you? Make you moan and whimper. beg and plead.

panting now...... at the thought of Miss Taken begging.


Mom didn't think of those questions! :eek:
But the answers are yes all across the board

and a whole lot more!

Excellent news MissT!!! i am SOOO happy for you both!! He's a very lucky man, indeed!! :)
This is good news

i wish and i hope, if something good happens i'm always surprised. This is great! Much love to you both.

Re: Re: Re: MissTaken is "Taken"

MissTaken said:

Awww thanks, EB!

He is pretty special.

And I can't stop smiling :)

NOW, that is the best post I have seen from you in my time here at Lit. :devil: :heart: :rose: :kiss: :kiss: :D
I'm very happy to be the special one to have the chance to take "taken". I think she is the one special lady that I have been looking for, for such a long time, and am looking forward in having our relationship grow into a very permanent thing. I have very deep feelings for her and am very happy
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painman4pain said:
I'm veery happy to be the special one to have the chance to take "taken", i think she is the one special lady that i have been looking for, for such a long time, and am looking forward in having our relationship grow into a very pernament thing, I have very deep feelings for her and am very happy
...and a warm one also Painman, From Dream and I.

As you well know,...MissT is a *special* lady to all of us that know her, and not just at THIS Forum,...but at Lit in general. Hope to see many more of your posts in the future. :)
Congratulations, Miss Taken and painman4pain. Thank you for sharing your good news. May life be happy for you both. :heart:

Welcome to the forum, painman4pain. You've got a wonderful lady in Miss Taken.
painman4pain said:
I'm very happy to be the special one to have the chance to take "taken". I think she is the one special lady that I have been looking for, for such a long time, and am looking forward in having our relationship grow into a very permanent thing. I have very deep feelings for her and am very happy

That, My Friend, is an even BETTER post to see here on Lit. She IS a very special gal, and she deserves all the happiness you can give her. :)
Welcome painman.
I'm sure you have found a very precious gem in MissT.
Congrats to you, MissTaken. And welcome to the Forum, painman4pain.

I wish you two all the best in your journey together.

Finally! Happiness smites another one. Bout damn time, too!

And I'm so happy you had the good taste to find someone local. LDRs...well, let's just say that we have enough frustration to keep the forum afloat without adding another couple. You deserve all kinds of delirium. Enjoy.
Painman is fairly local, about a four hour drive. It is very doable.

We have spent the week together, deliciously so and I am not sure yet when he is leaving! :eek:

If He isn't careful, He may find Himself bound and gagged on the bed to prevent His departure!


I am not switch.

Anyone care to help me out here?


Thank you everyone. Truly, we both have been searching for a very long time and right now, it seems we are both being swept off our feet.