Molested: What should I do?

tbs, i'm really glad you finally did go. :>

jo: my sympathies for your having gone through this. i can only conjecture why your mother approached you about this but on the plus side, at least she was there to support you--so often when i hear of these things, the amount of times the family refuses to believe it is extraordinary.

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no big deal, jo: it's not, after all, like we've ever had an extended exchange before. :> but you're quite welcome.

tbs230 said:
Ok, so I didn't throw up, but I couldn't sleep at all last night, almost didn't show up. But I did, and honestly, it was nothing like I thought it would be, but everything I imagined...does that make sense? Emotionally, I was totally unprepared. I told this lady EVERYTHING, in 45 minutes, I managed to tell her my whole life story (although I didn't look at her once while talking). I've never had someone listen to me completely before, it was definitely weird. But at the same time, I've gotten so much prep for that session, I kind of knew what to expect. It's just different when you actually get there I guess. I set an appointment to see her again, and I might actually go...we'll see.

P.S. My mom has been completely supportive, it's kind of shocking, very new experience for me...hmmm, maybe I'll talk about that at the next session... :rolleyes:

I'm glad that you are going to continue. It takes guts to do this, but you are on your way to healing. That is a good thing. Good luck. :rose:
onlyerics said:
I'm glad that you are going to continue. It takes guts to do this, but you are on your way to healing. That is a good thing. Good luck. :rose:

Thank you, I'm really really trying...but I find myself thinking about everything we talk about and analyzing things on my's very tiring

Jo: Thank you for the words of support, my mom and I don't discuss what happened to me, but she's shown that she is willing to support me as I go through therapy...I only hope that one day, she and I will be able to discuss what goes on IN my sessions, she's just not ready for that yet...

13thFallenAngel: I'm seeing my school counselor, she's not as bad as I thought she would be...procrastination is not good! (My new motto...) I hope you are able to make that appointment!

silverwhisper: Thank you for the ongoing means so much, you are one of the people who prepared me for that visit...THANK YOU!!!

bobsgirl: You were right, it was just butterflies...and I am glad I went...I just hope I can keep this positivity all the way to my next appointment... :cool:
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tbs230 said:
13thFallenAngel: I'm seeing my school counselor, she's not as bad as I thought she would...procrastination is not good! (My new motto...) I hope you are able to make that appointment!

Hey, I did make the appointment! And the second one just now. Basically, I'm just salvaging what can of my schoolwork. Have started setting up contingency plans. Just hope I wont get my visa canceled.....which would be really really bad. *smacksmackself*
hey.... been there.... I spent 12 years of my life not doing anything about it, simply kept it hidden away.... recently I've finally started telling peeps.... most it doesn't help or hurt me, but that's just me, i tried a therapist, that didn't help, ((again that's just me, it could very well help you)) the only thing that helped was talking with my girl.... but either way, i'm pretty much here to tell ya that you got my support as well man, and if you end up being like me and a therapist doesn't help in the end... try someone closer, who you know cares alot about you... but somehow, it might be even mroe helpfull to find someone who's not family, who'll be ther for you, and cares.... this is just my suggestion in case nothing else works.
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privyjo said:
You are welcome. My Mom never was involved with my therapy sessions - but she was always available by phone (we lived in different states) - it was just knowing she believed me that really helped the most...wishing you the best, tbs230 ... you have a good support group built up here on Lit...hope you have one in R/L too...friends outside of my family helped me a lot....therapy was only part of my support provided a safe place to deal with the emotional fallout that came with my memories....take care, jo :rose:

Thank you...boy am I trying!
Ok, quick question:
How do I cope with advice from different people...I have family and friends who tell me to move on, to let go of the pain...and then I have others that tell me to take my time...I love my family and friends, but I don't know whose advice to take. Obviously if I could move on, I would...but I don't want to dwell on it either...I don't know, I guess I'm just wondering how do I deal with both of these views and still know what I want...

Also, is it normal to overanaylze (is that one word or two?) everything now...I keep thinking about all the things I've done in my life, trying to figure out if they all have a deeper meaning... :rolleyes: Like I need more stress...
I can only give you more advice, ((yay huh?)) go at what ever pace fits you best i say. but over-analyzing things, ((i think it's two words, or hyphened like this)), as far as I can tell, tis normal, I mean I did, and still do...